Tuesday's Times-Tribune of Scranton carries a detailed Nichole Dobo story about how Amilcar Arroyo, publisher of the Hazleton-based El Mensajero newspaper, needed a police escort to get out of Sunday's Hazleton anti-immigrant rally after a white woman from Bethlehem smelled his Latino blood and all but called for a lynching on the spot. Never mind that he's an American citizen.
What a sad spectacle. If you didn't know what this event was, it could easily be mistaken for a KKK rally. Standard Klan propaganda tactic is to start out complaining about social ills, then turn it into a rant against people of different races.
Way to make NEPA proud, Hazelton.
She anything to Bruno?
Just when things cant sink any lower....i admit i agree with Barletta,but not what went on at that rally.
Don't believe everything you read. It didn't happen the way it was described to the writer.
Uh, there's video of the woman screaming like an ignorant, intolerant, pin-headed bigot. How can you say that "didn't happen?"
And you think Rodney King just fell down and couldn't get up right?
oh yea, lets gooooooooo to the video nothing but the best of being white in America,id trade her for 5 good hard working illegals anytime,and i support Big Daddy Lou B.
Just goes to show as Ron White would say "You can't fix stupid"
Corbett is right. Barletta is the new David Duke. He legitimizes the worst tendencies of the trailer park redneck crowd. Just a matter of time before he whips up a crowd with his racist code speak and they go off and stomp a brown person to death. Let's hope they don't pick an Italian by accident.
NEPA Media -- What, nothing about today's TL article about Walzer suit and sexual questioning of Connor? You're slacking.
corbett is right. and he's leading news coverage on his daily blog and his daily talk show. it's a new world for new media. younger people appreciate his entry into the interactive genre.
Stay tuned.
There's neo-Nazis, skinheads and good 'ol fashioned Klan types who are calling on their members nationwide to march with the Barletta Army on Scranton, June 15. Thanks Lou and Frank!
Corbett interviewed a White Power guy from Sweet Valley who said he's thinking about going.
Barletta is the only politician with the nerve to stand up for the law.
Law? He declared open season on brown people -- whether document, undocumented, or Puerto Rican. He admitts he doesn't know how many, if any, illegals are in Hazleton. His minions nearly stopped a citizen at his "rally" while his police officers violated his first amendment rights. Hazleton's anti-immagation "Law" violates state law and his own city's charter. What law is Barletta standing up for?
We ought to send "THOSE PEOPLE" back where they came from.
Which apparently is Bethlehem.
Hazleton is becoming "Hate City, USA." Let the lynchings begin!
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