Thursday, April 10, 2008
Frank Andrews Shimkus sets the date

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1 – 200 of 263 Newer› Newest»Is this a photo of a father/daughter dance?
For the life of me I cannot believe that this is the best she can do.
Thank you...that picture and announcement delights and repulses at the same.
Seriously, she couldn't find a better looking sugardaddy in all of NEPA?
c'mon....they're soul(less)mates
you're all just jealous the old bald man got the hot young chick and you can't.
Maybe old, bald men are hot after all. Get ready, Joe Sylvester, you're next!
Whoever took this picture made them both look REALLY good!
They're cute!! Leave 'em alone you naysayers who haven't been laid in decades. We're rooting for you Gab and Frank.
The couple is registered at The Scooter Store and Toys R Us
They're registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond Belief.
Anonymous said...
For the life of me I cannot believe that this is the best she can do.
I'm better, and she can do me
Ieeee!! My corneas! Wait, this isnt a still from Return of the Jedi?
Joe Soprano is going to wear out this photo.
Actually I am a hot and (relatively) young chick, and I still wouldn't do him.
Nolan Johannes, on the other hand... mmmmmmmmm.
Anybody see Aimee Dilger's photo on Page 1 of the Leader today? the caption says it's of one of those benches the county advertised on, on River Street. But there's not a bench in sight, only a car speeding past. Did she shoot that from her car while driving between assignments and try to pass it off as the needed photo? Was it a point-and-click from the passenger's seat of Don Carey's car? And why on earth would nobody have spotted this on the desk? It's Page 1 for heaven's sake!
Read my lips:
The TL does not edit.
Anyone who reads Connor's columns knows this is the truth.
I wonder if Stueber, Herbster, Zobel, Sook, and Dittmeier will be invited to the wedding? Since they all were adament that Gabs and Frank weren't having a relationship, I wonder if they'll finally go to witness the grand wedding themselves?
somebody please email this photo to those guys, especially zobel....he was so in denial that this was going on.
zobel hired gabs, didn't he? aren't mark prutisto and sook buddies? that's how she got the job, right?
The Bench thing was ugly. I sent this to the Chief and his assistant:
For a limited time only, train editors in the specifics of bench recognition, for only $500 per editor.
Also covered: duckie, cowie, birdy and similar hard-to-recognize objects.
Requirements: All editors must verify in writing that they are house trained.
Groups discounts available. Se habla Espanol.
Stop with the Times Leader posts here---it's not place for it! This is the place to bash Gabs & Fat Frank.
boy, who knew gabs was a chubby chaser, all you losers shouldn't have wasted time at the gym!
What is anybody's opinion on the Sidoni/Schaffer union? It seems pretty similar to this one...old guy, young gal...must be a NEPA TV biz thing.
I talked to Stueber. He says he feels like a fool for being taken in by Frank for so many years, starting at WNEP. He said that Frank is the most believable guy in the world, until the little lies start adding up.
That's been my experience with Shimkus too.
Yeah that's great...but lets hear from Stueber himself about the Frankie situation... AND Zobel, AND Dittmeier, AND Herbster, AND Daube (don't forget he brought Frankie in when Frank "AHEM" LEFT WNEP?)
C'mon guys!!! Still believe there is no truth to the Frank/Gabby RUMORS!!!
This picture looks like an outtake from "Young Frankenstein." He must have an enormous schwanzstucker.
Yeah...he'd love you to think that.
I know what happened to the bench. Frank sat on it and it broke from the weight. Then, in his true good-samaritan fashion, he took it to his house to repair it.. But Aimee couldn't find the house because no one knows where Frank lives. So, she decided to just bag the assignment and face Clark's wrath. On the way back to the office, she had to make a quick swerve to avoid one of those hideous mules that somebody as a prank wheeled into the middle of River Street. Incidentally, the mule was painted on a no-bid contract basis. Anyways, as she was swerving, her car hit a pot hole created by the cumulative toll of Greg Skrepenak and Frank Shimkus wheeling over that spot daily in a ford F-150, paid for with a county debit card, en route to discuss the idea of making Shimkus the county P.R. guy. Upon hitting the pot hole, Dilger's car jolted violently, jostling her camera off the interior roof, snapping a photo in the process. Bingo. Aimee had her shot!
I don't think Scott Schaffer is that much older than Julie. He's just not aging well.
Scott's a babe!
I think of Frank every morning while eating my Quaker Oats.....
He looks better on the box than in person.
Something tells me the photograph on A1 was not the intended bench photo.
Aimee Dilger sucks!
Oh Yea and shes overrated too!
She is not overrated, she get's no credit at all.
There's a 15 year difference between Julie and Scott.
I wish I can be just as happy as those two are.
Are they happy?
"There's a 15 year difference between Julie and Scott."
9:06 AM, April 12, 2008
Speaking of chicks who could do a whole lot better
I saw her ass yesterday. It was booti-licious!
7:50 whatever, shes treated like shes the next Diane Arbus....ugh!
Is Schaffer the cheating, philandering guy he's rumored to be?
I remember hearing about Scott's unusual behavior following the breakup with Danielle Schliesher. Was remniscent of the male lead in any one of those Lifetime dramas.
is this the reverend shimkus...the one with 5 kids???????
Five we know of. And more to come?
Wasn't Connor's column great today? Essentially saying "Pardon our lack of political endorsements while we reorganize our editorial board around a new editorial page editor who doesn't feel informed enough to render an editorial opinion. And while our political reporters don't understand (and aren't capable of understanding) the intricacies of that which they cover, they'll still come to an informed opinion, perhaps by divine enlightenment or osmosis. At which time, we'll resume running political endorsements. By then, we also will have adequately couched our editorial page editor's incompetency by having surrounded him with a reconstituted board capable of rendering an endorsement that won't make a bit of difference anyway -- but we'll do it just because newspapers have always done it. The end."
Golly, how will I know how to vote without some wannabe newspaper baron telling me what's best for me?
Any truth to the rumors of Scott and Kathy Bozinski? And what do you mean by "bizarre behavior"?
It is amazing how anything with the potential to be fantastic - like the blogosphere - also attracts the low-life vermin.
I'm glad this has turned into a place for anonymous losers to make unsubstantiated accusations and allegations.
While you can be safe in knowing people won't figure out who you are - or care about your nondescript lives at all - you also know deep down in your heart that you are sewage.
So now it is time for pithy comebacks and self-deprecating jokes. But after that's all over and you've signed off the fact that you are pathetic will still be in the back of your mind - and you know it.
Why such a fasination with Frank Simkus? Who gives a ^@#$!
Fortunately, 12:51 (or should I just say "Frank"), there's nothing bad we can say about you that hasn't been substantiated.
As always, thanks for letting us hear from you. Good luck election day.
Funny: He's still an office holder, and you are still...
no one.
Yes you are, Frank. The office holder. For now.
"Someone?" I'll get back to you on that.
Better to be a has-been than a never-was.
Deal with it.
Let's step back for a second. How many "Frank Shimkus" threads have there been here recently? How many posts?
How many are positive and how many negative?
Do you think Frank is the victim of some sort of a political smear campaign, or could it be that a lot of people who know him find him to be a manipulative, devious liar?
I've been waiting for someone to come forward and say "Frank is my mentor--my role model--someone I trust--a man of integrity--my friend."
So far, no one.
Okay, I'm pleading ignorance to the whole Frank Shimkus thing because I don't live in his district and normally couldn't care less what happens in the Scranton area, but weren't both addresses that he listed within the district? I guess I don't understand what the bfd is.
Looks like Gab's put on weight. Must be hitting all those free politico buffets with Shimkus.
Frank is my mentor--my role model--someone I trust--a man of integrity--my friend.
OK, here it is in shorthand.
Frank is a pastor. After his divorce he didn't want his congregation and his constituents to know he was shacked up with a former employee half his age. So he talked his son-in-law into sayhing Frank was living in a home he owned.
Frank's political opponents caught wind of it and challenged his nominating petitions. Frank started an elaborate coverup, even encouraging people to perjure themselves when called upon to testify. The judge ruled ruled that he couldn't change his filing:
“Looking at the credible evidence as a whole, this Court finds that Candidate's representation, that his residence from at least December 17, 2007 until February 27, 2008 was the Boulevard Address, was not an honest mistake, or an unintentional one, but one made with care and thought. In sum, it was a purposeful misrepresentation made in bad faith with the intent to deceive the electorate. Therefore, Candidate may not amend his filings.”
No one cares where he lives. Few care who he sleeps with. But EVERYONE should care if an elected representative can't bring himself to tell the truth.
A politician telling the truth... Now THAT would be news!!!
Yeah, but why not break with tradition? Start a trend! Set a fashion! TRUTH--WHAT A CONCEPT!
Barack Obama told the truth and everyone flipped out.
Obama and the truth??.. he can't handle the truth.
Gosh, you sound bitter. Do you own a gun? Go to church?
Frank has endorsed Hillary, so there must be SOMETHING wrong with her. Or maybe it's just that Bill's his role model.
people are talking..he & his lover have been seen frequenting local bars.
people are talking..he & his lover have been seen frequenting local bars.
9:08 AM, April 15, 2008
Wait! I'm confused! Are you talking about Frank, Scott, or Obama??
Please tell me Frank's not drinking again.
Drinking is the only way Frank can handle the truth he's created for himself.
NEPA Media must be on vacation again, he's slacking off.
What about Josh and Ryan? Have they been seen together?
Josh and Ryan?
Yeah, yeah.
Anybody got an ear to the ground regarding the rumor that TS bigwigs just got off the plane from St. Thomas where they're looking to buy a paper? Talk about a tax-deductible business trip when Times/Shamrock:The Next Generation steps up in January!
what does that have to do with this thread?!
Well, there are any number of at least tenuous connections to this thread in the TS post, but since you've all pretty much wanked yourselves out with all the stupid and repetetive comments my guess is it was meant as a fitting conclusion to the overdone response. Also maybe it was meant to get NEPA Media blog guy's attention? Disagree, then continue wanking and keep those he's old, she's not, he's a big liar posts coming. Just one fascinating comment after another. (My prediction? The response to this post will begin "Thanks Frank".)
No, not thanks Frank; thanks Josh. Thank you, Josh. Thank you very much. You can move my fronts any day. Signed Ryan
Thanks, Ryan.
Hey, I think assbackwards is part of our charm!
Speaking of assbackwards, did you know Hillary grew up playing pinochle here? Well, by grew up I mean she came to visit a few times until she was about four. That's why she deserves our vote. Everyone now, "Ooh, we have some halfassed connection to someone famous, she must be great and deserve our vote." Or you might also say, "Baahhhh-baaahhhh."
What's that? You're not voting for Hillary? You're voting for Barack? Why? Oh, because you have no problem votin' for a colored guy. Got it.
Sadly, our next President for sure will be either Hillary, Barack, or McCain. We might just as well stay assbackwards and wait for everyone else to catch up. The day is coming when we'll be glad we did cling to our guns I'm afraid.
And again, someone from the area proves my point by using the term "colored."
What are you, 85 years old?
Please, Dear God, look up "facetious" in the dictionary. (I even spelled it for you, just to make it easy!)
I know this is "The Valley that Doesn't Understand Irony," but being soooo literal is sort of bassackwards: heyna or no?
I appreciate you recognizing that I am God, but there's no need to call me dear :)
It's encouraging to see that our newspapers are put together with the same imagination as our message board posts. And all for just 25/35/50 cents
"For the Love of You?"
Hardly. Asshat.
Repeat of 5:46 a.m.
So Vince Lombardi rolled over in bed and his wife said, "God, your feet are cold." And he said, "Dear, here at home you can call me Vincent."
Any chance you can come up with a joke that WASN'T old in 1961???
Well, what year were you born?
Oh, so much bitterness here. It's so typical of Pennsylvanians.
Next, you'll be latching onto religion.
Maybe NEPA Media is enjoying an audience with the Pope.
"Well, what year were you born?"
11:46 AM, April 16, 2008
Shit, son, I've got dishtowels older than you--but that doesn't keep me from updating my material every decade or so. You ought to try it. I know there are no style points in local media for originality, but I'm still hoping to hear your "A" stuff.
As Dubya would say, "Bring it on!"
You folks in NE PA need a life! Hayna or no?
Go did up some coal if you are so bored!
This is no way to represent Wall Street West. Behave yourselves.
And a former First Lady is from here, too. We're big.
Didnt The Scranton Times put the word "colored" in a photo caption a few years ago or something like that? I seem to remember a blatantly racist remark slipping into their ink.
"Colored" in the Times?
Ha! I doubt it. Another untrue, unsubstantiated charge against the TT.
When losing, lie.
I was reading the Times-Tribune online this morning when Frank Andrews Shimkus popped up--literally.
The pop-up ad was such a surprise that I choked on my Cheerios.
Good luck Frank. In keeping with the spirit of the area I'll be writing your name in on four or five different ballots.
This board is now officially obsessed with Frank Andrews
Yeah, and a few of them were even on-topic.
If Mr. NEPA Media weren't so busy with his new paper, he might update more.
Do you people have ADD, short attention spans or both? This is about FAS & Gabby!!!
Nope we have DGASS: Don't Give a Shit Syndrome. This thread became boring 50 posts ago.
Yeah, but YOU'RE . . . STILL . . . READING. And you're still posting.
Thanks for stopping by.
Keep stroking the shimkus ego..they read this every day!
Since we're all stoking the fires of Frank Andrews, here's more kindling. Take a look at the April 16th blog from WNEP's Andy Palumbo.
No one likes paying taxes, but we do need money to keep our military running, our roads paved, our elderly cared for, police, emergency services, courts, a job for the girlfriend of a representative, a job for the unqualified buddy of an elected official, etc.
(Emphasis added)
I'm Frank Shimkus, and I approved this message.
7:44 - We're still reading and we're still posting... but not about Frank.
That thing that just flew over your head? That was The Point.
NEWS FLASH*****Well its 3:00 in the afternoon and the C.V. still doesnt have any photos online of the chopped up body in Lee Park...Oh wait the Times Leader does,and its a whole slide show...great photos too!
Well its 3:45am and the C.V. has one photo on (not very good either) and the same storyline from the evening no update or anything....Oh wait the Times Leader has an update of a second body found..great writing too!
Oh well, just goes to show ya...you get what you pay for!
I guess I'll have to turn on my TV to find out what's really going on with the dead bodies. It's fresh, and it's FREE!
TL did a very good job on the dead body story. Good job Jen!
The Times Leader story had investigators "probing" the dead body. Yummm. Folo up?
Investigators are hoping to finger someone in their probe of a dead body.
did the dead guy used to work at TL?
It's absolutely amusing to read the "juvenile/anal/high-schoolish" banter going on among the "chip-on-their-shoulders" print meadia dorks who come to this site. Not only are they perpetually jealous of TV-types..but now they fight childlessly among themselves. Go fight it out on Public Square loosers!!!!
And by the way...Scranton Times/Citizen's Voice...your latest headline today 04/18/08about the Body Parts story says "BODIES IDENTIFIED"....yet in the story only one body was ID'd..only one name given.
NEWSPAPER FOLKS....can't come to terms with their idustry's growing uselessness anymore..
This is probably a good a place to post this as any...
TVNEWSDAY, Apr. 18, 7:32 AM ET
Anchors will be reassigned, WBRE news will be rebranded and two WYOU newscasts will be eliminated and replaced with an interactive evening half-hour and a 30-minute show in prime access.
By Rich Mates
Nexstar Broadcasting is shaking things up in news at its duopoly in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, Pa. Anchors will be reassigned, WBRE News will be rebranded and two WYOU newscasts will be eliminated and replaced with an afternoon fringe half-hour and a 30-minute show in prime access.
Effective June 9, WBRE will re-launch WBRE News—On Your Side as WBRE Eyewitness News. WBRE used Eyewitness News for many years until dropping it about five years ago. The new name will be accompanied by a new set, music, graphic look and weather system upgrade.
“We feel that we really want to get deeper into the stories we provide,” said Lou Abitabilo, vice president-general manager. “We also want to get more in-depth reaction from the people in community.”
WBRE will use a three-member anchor team, with current studio anchor Andy Mehalshick as an anchor in the field.
“We feel that it’s very important to get an anchor out from behind the desk and into the field where the news happens,” said News Director Ron Krisulevicz.
Mehalshick, who leads the I-Team investigative reporting unit, will also hold the title of managing editor for WBRE.
Abitabilo said the I-Team “will be heavily promoted.”
Candice Kelly will be the studio co-anchor of Eyewitness News Live at 5, 5:30, 6 and 11 p.m.. Kelly has been news anchor for WYOU since September 2006.
Drew Speier, who will join Kelly on the anchor desk in mid-May, comes from WFIE Evansville, Ind.
WBRE and WYOU’s midday shows will switch anchors. Mark Hiller will move from WBRE’s new 11 a.m. newscast to anchor WYOU’s noon show, while Eva Mastromatteo will switch over to WBRE’s 11 a.m. newscast.
In addition to WYOU’s noon newscast, Hiller will also introduce WYOU’s new news product First at Four, Monday through Friday at 4 p.m.
A replacement for Hiller on WBRE’s morning show will be announced soon.
In conjunction with WYOU’s First at Four, The Insider will move from its 7 p.m. slot to 4:30 p.m. followed by Judge Judy at 5-6 p.m.
“The idea to launch First at Four actually came from our viewers who told us that they wanted their local information earlier in the day,” said Dennis Thatcher, executive vice president-COO of Mission Broadcasting, the actual license holder of WYOU.
Abitabilo said Judge Judy from 5-6 p.m. “is the highest-rated syndicated program in the country, so we feel that by taking advantage of the strength of that program will give our 6 p.m. news a very strong lead-in.”
At 6 p.m., Lyndall Stout (current WBRE co-anchor) will join Eric Scheiner for the half-hour WYOU Interactive, a newscast with in-studio guests that will invite e-mails and call-ins. WYOU will also launch a new early evening newscast, WYOU News, at 7 p.m.
Stout will take on the added responsibility of managing editor for WYOU.
Drew Speier joined the WFIE news team in August of 2005. He co-anchors Newswatch at 5 PM with Ann Komis and also provides daily news reports for Newswatch at 10 PM.
Drew comes to Indiana after spending three years as anchor/reporter in another tri-state area, New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut. Drew is a versatile journalist who has captured national honors for his news reports and statewide acclaim for sportscasts in Texas and Florida.
Drew is a Journalism/Political science graduate of Texas State University. He's single and says golf is his passion. He once played 300 holes of golf (yes 300) in one day for charity.
When he's not on the course, he's spending quality time with his two cats, Seve and Nellie, both of whom were named after legendary golfers.
Oh...not a cat guy.
No, a GOLF guy!
To 1:58:
Both bodies were identified. Police only released the identity of one, but they determined the identity of both.
The headline is correct. You should go put on some more makeup so you can stand in front of a camera for 12 seconds and read your "news" report plagiarized from the morning newspaper.
Cant we go back to pokeing the fat man with a stick some more...
These TV goofballs are so funny. At least us "loosers" know how to SPELL. We're so much more than a spackled face.
I miss Fattie McHugh. Fattie, oh Fattie, whereforth art thou?
Any man who gets married on Kentucky Derby Day should be kicked in the sins
1:58 PM
Got news for you, honey.
The Web is eating the lunch of print and TV.
Here's how it's going to shake out:
Print may be able to bring depth and context to the Web.
But TV is still shallow and superficial, no matter what media it regurgitates on. There is so little reporting and such a shallow bench on the staff. It's a visual, not an informational, medium.
BRE recognizes this and is on the right track. Mehalshik is smart Lithuanian boy who knows the region. We'll see.
Don't underestimate The Shimkus. He may pull this off and figure out where he lives.
Isn't someone due to say he's old and a liar and she's young and learned how to get money in accidents from him?
Anyone see how Flack and his TL cronies are circling the wagons in support of Meusser, in an effort to protect their political investment. I hope Meusser goes bust so they turn their eyes toward Connor in an effort to make up their lost money.
all these high and mighty newspaper people who give the TV people a rash of shit, they will be the first to jump if offered a tv job.
pathetic really.
Anonymous said...
all these high and mighty newspaper people who give the TV people a rash of shit, they will be the first to jump if offered a tv job.
pathetic really.
10:37 PM, April 19, 2008
Why would anyone in newspapers want to work in a useless field - tv - for little to no pay and crappy benefits. If working in tv is as good as you say it is, why is challen 50 a revolving door of employees. And things up at nep aren't that great.
Pathetic really.
And 7:34, I suppose your newspaper salary has Don Trump quaking. The newspaper industry remains the only slave trade in America. People work overtime hrs and don't even get paid straight time. Forget putting in a milage request. And chances are that vacation time they told you about is a sham that you either won't get to use or will be called back from in the middle of to handle a breaking story. What a joke of a "job." Was following your "dream" worth it?
No one in newspaper starts at 21k. They do in TV in NEPA. That so many were attracted to communications/non-print in college was the purported glamour of the job. There really wasn't any even in the salad days and there absolutely isn't any glamour now. In fact, on-air TV means only that you photograph in a way that agrees with the camera and that has nothing to do with ability or intelligence. I don't know if you TV folks know or realize this but you're pretty much thought of as the "special" kids on the playground, seriously. (And add flaming to that for a few of you? Jeez, it's like...I don't know. Local TV is like the trailer park of local media, whatever the market.)
Everyone in newspapers--locally--has but one dream: to climb to the peak of the profession, work for the New York Times, and take the early buyout.
What will you wrectches be stained with when there's no more ink?
Oh, I'm sorry--bingo, and horoscopes, and recipes and the cents-off-on-orange-juice coupons will save you. I forgot.
With gas and food prices what they are, hard to believe people can actually turn a financial gain by working for a newspaper. Think about just the cost of the drive to work alone and the parking/lunch costs. Then, if they venture on the road, at the industry's meager milage rates, it wouldn't take a far drive to put a person in the red. Overtime or having a cushy copy desk job or editorial position (notice I don't say job as editors do not work) is the only substantially gainful employment in the newspaper industry today. Face it, the star reporter doesn't exist anymore. Jason Blair did far more damage to the collective print reputation than peole realize
to quote 7:34 "If working in tv is as good as you say it is,..."
could you point out just where I said that? please, enlighten me Oh God of the fishwrapper.
The artist formerly known as 10:34
This site is starting to suck!
wheres the old crappy gossip stuff!
Anonymous said...
to quote 7:34 "If working in tv is as good as you say it is,..."
could you point out just where I said that? please, enlighten me Oh God of the fishwrapper.
The artist formerly known as 10:34
8:52 PM, April 20, 2008
Hey jerkoff, you people in TV keep reporting car crashes and fires, while us in the newspaper business report political corruption, criminal arrests from every town, environmental concerns, municipal happenings, etc. We all know the TV talking heads are reading today's newspaper? It wasn't the TV who broke the debit cards or the prison purchasing scandals in Luzerne County, or the tax office scandal in Lackawanna County, it was the newspapers, asshole. But of course, the TV talking heads and low paid pathetic reporters will read and copy from the newspapers just like the fraud that they all are.
Hey, I think there's a fender bender up the Eynon, better get a cameraman up dare to make the 5 o'clock news.
I'm gearing up to write-in F.A.S.!
Every day, Republicans get to keep their seats after soliciting prostitutes, having sex in bathrooms, beating their wives, bankrupting their own businesses, choking their Peruvian misteresses and being convicted of crimes.
Yet, the gallows go up for a dem who didn't fill out a change of address card. I love America.
wow 10:24 strike a never eh?
BTW you didn't answer the question posed.
I suggest you switch to decaf.
Hey, 10:24--
If you're good looking enough, there's room for a print journalist in TV: it's the one place where moving your lips while reading is acceptable.
The rest of you are just poorly dressed mouth-breathers who couldn't or wouldn't read the handwriting on the wall.
"That crazy Henry Ford: he turned down a half-ownership in our buggy-whip factory."
If Frankie boy cannot hold up "his end of the bargain" so to speak, look for the big guy right here to pick up the pieces.....I'd mow that lawn with a high horsepower mower.
The 10:24 p.m. poster sounds like a disgruntled human being that couldn't cut it in television news, so he went to print to be a "nooz reportah" or some shit. Hey 10:24, stop posting here. You have no idea what television news is all about. No idea at all. Go post somewhere else where your opinions mean something. Wait, your opinions mean nothing, so stop posting altogether. Assfuck.
Anonymous said...
The 10:24 p.m. poster sounds like a disgruntled human being that couldn't cut it in television news, so he went to print to be a "nooz reportah" or some shit. Hey 10:24, stop posting here. You have no idea what television news is all about. No idea at all. Go post somewhere else where your opinions mean something. Wait, your opinions mean nothing, so stop posting altogether. Assfuck.
12:15 PM, April 22, 2008
You're an assfuck. I'm not disgruntled and I've never worked in tv. I have no interest in being a so-called TV journalist. I'm happy being a real journalist who cares more about a 15 second sound bite.
You're an assfuck. I'm not disgruntled and I've never worked in tv. I have no interest in being a so-called TV journalist. I'm happy being a real journalist who cares more about a 15 second sound bite.
2:46 PM, April 22, 2008
I hope there are copy editors where you work, strike that, are employed, otherwise no one would know what you are writing about...
oh and by the way that 15 second sound bite.... well, its the FN POINT!
I'm the origianal 1:58 PM poster...
HA, HA!! I love getting newspaper people razzed up....You guys fell for this post HOOK, LINE AND SINKER!!!
and to the last poster: ..."I'm happy being a real journalist who cares more about a 15 second sound bite". READ THAT OUTLOUD TO YOURSELF. It sounds like you care about a soundbite that is 15 seconds.
I'm reading these last couple of posts and I have a hard time believing, no matter how dumb you can be and still work in the business, that any of you work in TV OR print.
Newspapers are run by Peter Principled managers who, if they didn't have meetings, would seem motionless and unnecessary but newspaper (under a different name to reflect the technology) will survive.
TV people, well, TV's just a joke. It's fate will be the same as button shoes and buggy whips. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that fewer and fewer people are watching not only local TV "news" but the Big Three networks as well with each passing year.
There's an older demographic in this market and they were brought up on TV when TV was just coming out of the novelty phase, when people were still impressed by it, so they have some loyalty there by virtue of the fact that TV was something the viewers deemed worthy of occupying their time as did their parents. But TV news' growing irrelevancy tied to management's only concern being the bottom line creates a revolving door of fresh-scrubbed though disillusioned faces spewing fluff and easy to shoot "news" and that means no one can get any recognizability traction, much less credibility. (See 22 - 28)
When the folks who are die-hard NEP viewers, conditioned by NEP's leap from a talking head against a grey wall to Gary Essex and Mason Williams' "Classical Gas" back in 1975 are gone, well you folks will all just largely be left holding the bag and putting on a show that no one is really interested in watching.
Newspaper (not in this market for years to come but it'll happen here too) will eventually be only online in some PDA or kitchen appliance viewing platform, but it will survive in that format. With the addition of video to that (happening already), it will be the death knell for local TV news and instead there'll be only talk shows and game shows at 6PM because at least the sales department will be able to hang some commercials on those hooks.
So, as Simon Cowell says, "Sorry!"
(Okay, that's the cue for all you baboons to pick up a handful of your own feces and start flinging it again.)
3:19 PM, April 18, 2008
where did you get that, afaik Rich Mates has not been reporting for the last few years.
You guys are confusing the medium with the actual work. Sure over-the-airwaves viewership will dwindle - but people will still want/need to know what's going on. And so visually telling stories will continue. "TV News" will live on forever, be it on the net, over the air or in some other delivery package not yet invented.
Video will become the province of the newspaper, whatever the newspaper will be called when it is delivered strictly online. On a refrigerator door, on a tabletop display where you pick and choose (front page, editorial, sports), on your phone/PDA or even on an article of clothing. TV is better used for flashing lights and loud noises. TV news is going. Yours is wishful thinking. Get out now, my advice.
ever wonder how much stomach hair Frank has and if Gabby twiddles with it
8:21, you don't belong on this site. You are far too sensible and eloquent. Although your points are absolutely valid and very well stated, I'm afraid they'll never get across to the cabal of troglodytes that post here. And yes, I include myself in that mix as well.
And video killed the radio star? LOL
Media is dynamic, ever-evolving, it is far from static. Each media outlet will evolve with technology or be the engineer of it's own demise.
Frank WINS! Frank WINS! Frank WINS!
As a Republican write-in, no less.
Understandable. The G.O.P. has a long and proud (?) history of welcoming liars into its ranks. Frank's a perfect fit.
he's like the Fred Thompson of NEPA
TV is far from over and if anything, newspapers will become web based entities.
Sorry to those of you who think television and 'local' news is going away. In an era where national news is everywhere, people still want a local forecast, a local traffic report, and a way to find out what's happening where they live.
The market here is awful because of the lousy ownership of WBRE and WYOU. We don't know what Local TV will do just yet, although someone has to be scratching their heads and saying, 'we're spending how much to beat them?'
I wonder how much coochie hair Frank's girl has. I wonder if her hairy arms are anything close to what her coochie is like.
12:29 her "coochie"???
I can tell one thing, you ain't never gonna find out, go back to googling porn in your parents basement.
10:10, you're right, thanks for echoing my comment about newspapers becoming web-based.
Far as local TV goes, your head is in the sand. Local forecasts, local traffic, news where they live, it's all going to be "in the paper", available on demand on the electronic paper on the kitchen table, your desk at work, the bus, your phone, your shirt, your eyeglasses. Information by appointment is going the way of the dodo. "Ooh, almost six o'clock, better turn on the Philco." Nah.
Local TV news already has one foot in the grave with broadcaster ownership long ago giving way to businessman ownership.
Newspapers or whatever their electronically evolved counterparts will be called, will handle everything you say local TV is around for now. Eventually you might even see local TV disappear altogether instead of just being relegated to the infomercial, game show scrap heap.
Regarding that head scratching you mentioned, have you watched them lately? The "new" owners have already decided they were spending more than they needed and it shows. Their product is essentially no different than 28's. Their numbers are just a product of coasting on years of promotion and viewing habits. That ember's burning out too.
The way I see it, reading print on a small screen is not easy to do.
TV already has the video thing down, and if they are smart will re-format their existing product for web based appliances.
Internet sites are offering more and more media rich content as that is what users want. They don't want to "read it" they want to "see and hear it."
It will take some change, graphics on a 2.5 inch screen will need to be done differently, less text and it will take up more of the screen. Bigger screen sizes won't do as the manufacturers seem intent on making things smaller and smaller and making them do more and more. So the visual image will be able to transfer more information quickly.
Many newspapers are already shooting video, some is actually not to bad, but there is a resistance among some to pick up a camcorder. [I]"It's not real journalism."[/I]
But whose to say if it will be newspaper or broadcasters who will pick up the guantlet of new tech first and run with it. It all depends upon who has the most open mind.
That's my pontification for today. ;-)
And in this brave new world of all newspapers, all the time (just without paper!): where will I go to play Soduku? and "Jumble, the Word Game"? And how will I know if I won "Birthday Bingo?"
I like things they way they are currently: newspapers without news, and papers (Like the "New York Times") without a clue. And I LOVE watching lazy newspaper people trying to master the technology TV invented. You might have heard of it. Pictures that move.
You think TV news is news. Come on, car crashes and fires is all that TV news covers. They're easy stories without wasting time doing in-depth journalism. A 15 second sound bite from a fire chief or a neighbor is all TV news needs. Oh yeah, don't forget about the weather at three different locations in NEPA, or robo cam showing traffic on I 81 in Moosic, or my favorite, tryouts of junk "as sold on TV." I live for Sherman's thumbs up or down on that junk. At least newspapers has a variety of news, different topics, a public events calender, religion, recipes, comics, sports, and classified.
Yeah, newspapers have all kinds of contests and fluff, not like on TV. Snowing? Milk and bread story and "Be careful out there Josh."
And there's that Weis Markets "Buy 4 Get 1 Free" just be the 16th caller at..."
Viewer's Clubs.
Wham Cam.
Yeah, I think you're right, TV is nothing but serious and highly respected business.
anyone have pictures of her "coochie." if she's marrying frank, I bet she was dumb enough to make a tape with an ex.
Where can I go to play Soduku? and "Jumble, the Word Game"? Did I win "Birthday Bingo?"
9:30, you're repetitive and have embarrassed yourself now twice.
Newspapers win.
I love watching that awful video that newspapers are trying to post on their websites.
TV people can do journalism.
Newspaper people have no idea how to do TV.
Keep tryin' though guys. Maybe someday you'll get it.
I like the "Pay it Forward" concept, but I'm most fascinated by "SEE IT FORWARD."
I look in the morning paper--and EVERY MAJOR STORY was on TV the night before!
How do they do it??? Could it be that TV people look into the future--while newpaper people live in the past?
Thursday morning, and the top story on the T-L web page: "Election Results."
Makes me wonder if Snedeker is giving us a two-day-old weather forecast. But that would be a PAST-CAST, and would belong in the paper.
What gives NE PA MEDIA PEOPLE!! No new posts in weeks. As a former Scranton/CV worker, I need more to read. F--- Frank Andrews. Thats horseshit and boooooring already. Move on. Give me some news on the scabs or something.
"TV people can do journalism."
Hahahahahahahaha! Uhahahahahahaha! Journalism?!? Hahahahahaha! I almost spit coffee all over the place. Wooooo!!! Jeez, thanks. That was a good one. Phew. Wow...thank you.
Reading the posts here bores me just as much, if not worse, than reading the silly ramblings over on Radio-Info.com by the wannabee broadcasters (too many over there to name) and the fucking retards (i.e. Julius May of the Philadelphia board...but he's not really retarded...he just has everyone thinking he is). I think reading Tom Carten's useless drivel is better than reading this crap.
I get all my important news (like word of the pending Shimkus/Prutisto nuptials)from the paper.
That and Soduku, "Jumble" and birthday bingo.
And help me out. Which one was "Abby" and which one was "Ann"?
Good luck on that "We Won a Pulitzer for Covering the Sewer Board Meeting" thing.
It's really funny watching newspaper folk tilt at windmills.
The game's over. You lost. Sorry.
Huge chunks of local TV news could be accomplished with file footage. Snow-bread-milk, fires, perp walks, gas pumps. Then there's weather. Count Tom Clark's "could be's", "a chance that's", "might see's". And no matter how long those folk sit at that desk I love that they just can't always know which camera to look at. I'd think that's like, a basic skill. I know everyone makes mistakes. What I love about those mistakes is when someone whispers in their ear, "Other camera Mike" and they turn and get this look like "I knew that. I wasn't just looking like a doofus. That didn't happen."
TV news is news for those whose mind doesn't demand much in the way of substance, details, etc.
And of course there's TV in this market. Congratulations on graduating college with a degree in communications. Here's 21k. That's intern money. Part-time intern. That makes for a long ways to pay off the student loans. Who lost?
Longest pissing contest in history
NEPA Media, wherefore art thou? Hath thou forsaken us?
Yeah, where's new stuff so we can continue to defame and trash one another. I'm getting tired of looking at Frank (pick my last name) and his fiancee.
11:34, you betray your own ignorance when you point to low salaries and ask "Who Lost?"
Even a basic education in economics - which I doubt you have had - tells you about supply and demand.
TV salaries are low because literally hundreds of people apply for any on-air position that comes open - even in Montana or Wyoming. People are so desperate to work in TV that they'll take almost any salary to do it.
So you wanna rethink "Who won?"
Show me a list of how many people apply for the average newspaper reporting position.
Look, I like newspapers myself. But you guys blew the model when you started giving it away online. Who (under the age of 50) is going to pay for something they can get for free? Smarter newspapers have made online use subscription-based, but the majority haven't caught on.
Newspapers - TV - Radio - Internet - each medium has advantages and disadvantages. Newspapers can go in-depth like no other medium. TV can show you video - which in some cases is more gripping. Radio has immediacy neither medium can match.
Sitting here trying to decide what is better is pointless. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. But to deny that newspapers are finding a dwindling audience while television continues to boom is insane. Sure, individual channels aren't getting shares like they did in 1975, but there are 500 channels now. Overall viewership is astronomical.
And if you think people don't care about their TV, just wait till the analog signal goes dark next February. The ensuing uproar will have you asking "Who won?" all over again.
The amount of people who want to be on TV is a non-factor. Who cares? That's one reason why TV is losing. So many want to do it because A) they think there's some glamour involved but more importantly B)it's not hard to do. If you hit 100 on an IQ test anywhere along the way you're potentially suited. If you have a full head of teeth is pretty much the other requirement.
TV viewership is booming, more accurately cable TV viewership is booming. But we're not talking The Sopranos or even Deal or No Deal here. We're talking local TV news. It's at best a thumbnail sketch of what sells first, not what's news first. See if local TV news has an available animal abuse story and they don't lead with it. The horse hasn't been fed regularly. That's news?
I just saw a terrific ad for the Times-Leader--on television, of course (no one advertises in the paper anymore).
It went on, and on (and on) about all the wonderful features in the T-L, all the lifestyle sections, and made no mention of news coverage. Why is that?
And why advertise where people in Tamaqua and Towanda and Taylor will see the ad? Let's face it, no one who lives more than 12 miles from the Luzerne County Courthouse reads the T-L. Why should they? Fish comes pre-wrapped these days.
Nobody is reading it. It's become a glorified auto shopper.
Didn't connor pay like $65 million for the TL before the economy fell?
I'll settle this broadcast v. print stuff.
Borys or David DeCosmo . . . who would you do?
yes, connor paid 65 million.
$65 mil?
Where was Sam Zell when we needed him?
Sucker is appropraite.
You can get all of Wilkes-Barre for $65 million.
Truly incredibile. A Wall Street ER: Public Square darling.
Matter of time till Scranton buys them to for 1/2 of that! Welcome to our empire!
Why pay for something you can get for free? I don't care who Connor's buddy-pal ivestors are, they don't have pockets deep enough to compete long-term with the Lynetts.
Wait long enough and you'll be able to buy the defunct Times-Leader brand name for 75 cents at "Trademarks 'R Us."
Handwriting, meet wall. The "Cap Times" is (oops--was) a better paper than any of the local rags here.
MADISON, Wis. The Capital Times, the feisty afternoon newspaper that helped define this city and championed a unique brand of Midwestern progressivism, publishes its final daily Saturday after a colorful 90-year history.
The paper that battled former Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy and crusaded for decades to build a Frank Lloyd Wright convention center could no longer survive after decades of circulation losses.
But the self-described champion of the little guy isn't ready to quit. Next week, the paper starts publishing two weekly tabloids and transitions its daily coverage to the Internet with a smaller staff in a first-of-its-kind move being watched closely in the industry.
The changes have been difficult, with more than 20 newsroom staffers taking buyouts or getting laid off. Longtime readers, some whose families subscribed since the paper's founding in 1917, are mourning the loss.
12:11...yeah, I think you have a pretty good handle on the advertising situation in the paper. Jeez, not an ad or insert to be found anywhere! No one advertises in the paper. And let me see if I have this straight, you're marveling at the fact that the TL isn't advertising for the TL in the TL? Or did you think it would be in the CV?
And the TL ad on TV didn't mention news? What?!? Jeez, maybe people already realize that they can expect news in the NEWSpaper?
And why advertise in Towanda and Tamaqua on TV when no one sees the TL there? Well...it could be because it's cheap enough that cost versus saturation in outlying areas isn't a concern. Also there is a radical school of thought that says letting people who don't know about your product know about your product can cause some of them to buy it.
Thanks for the unintentionally funniest post in some time here though. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.
3:31, wait a minute. You mean an afternoon paper folded? Who could have seen that coming? Oh wait, that's a 20 year old trend, isn't it.
And what a surprise, they're transitioning to the internet. Again, blindsided by that one.
Did mr nepa media die?
I don't have anything to say. I just want to be # 200 !
So you won't be surprised when they offer you a monogrammed T-L pillow and two weeks severance and padlock the doors.
So it won't come as a surprise to you when the T-L offers you a monogrammed pillow and two weeks severance pay and padlocks the door.
Correction, 1:44 - Connor paid nothing, he used OPM to buy it. And yes the TS folks are probably thrilled their bid was rejected!
Can we go back to discussing Frank slapping his nuts off of some red snapper please? All of this insider talk is making me bored.
"Did mr nepa media die?"
I think he's probably just grounded from using the computer for a while.
yeah, he was searching for hairy coochie on the computer in his parent's basement and they caught him with his hand in the...
He's probably bangin the fiancee there
Stay childish, NEPA. Keep printing those "newspapers" and producing those "newscasts" and bitch slapping each other to see who's future is less promising
5:44's lookin in the mirror again.
6:37, spot on mate!
Hey 7:37...
Spot on mate? Do you also say g'day and put a shrimp on the barbie? I mean, are you channeling Steve Irwin or is that just some affected thing you say?
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