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Scranton Times-Tribune political writer Borys Krawczeniuk has been blogging about presidential politics for the last couple weeks, which is an excellent idea. The blog has been updated regularly (*cough*) with interesting stuff. Recommended reading.
Borys the Biased should be its title. How can an opinionated political columnist pitch-hit as a daily reporter throughout the week?
Bill O'Boyle's Hillary lovefest continues. On timesleader.com today, he wrote that so many supporters for he showed up that the staff was "overwhelmed." Talk about a loaded word. Overwhelmed. Did he talk to them? Did he cite statistical data such as fire code limits? Did he speak to a psychological professional to analyze the feeling of being "overwhelmed?" Are we to trust O'Boy, O'Boy, Another Clinton's in Town O'Boyle on yet another clearly biased assertation? And why hasn't the Leader recognized his journalistic ineptitude and fired him? He brings disgrace to their nameplate every day.
I would hate to be 6:26's cardiologist. Sounded like complete vapor lock. "Overwhelmed" is not a loaded word, not one of those red-flag thingies that you'll find in Strunk & White. It's a judgment call meant to show exuberance at a rally. Lighten up.
Blogs aren't nec. opinion. They are analysis and reporter notebook stuff that doesn't make it in the story. Maybe the blog will keep B.K. from filing 30-inch stories.
Since Mr. NEPA Media is not updating the site, I need to make a comment about Stacy Brown's story in today's TT in regards to the Clinton party at Mayor Doherty's. A big WTF! in regards to the Grey Poupon comment. Practicing a little stereotyping yourself, Mr. Brown?? And as for the TT being the only media invited, Tony Rodham was on Corbett Wednesday begging him to go to the party. Corbett declined due to a previous committment at the U of S. Nice try Stacy. Get back on your meds and realize you're not writing for Lifestyles like you're hoping for.
How about the Times-Tribune being left out of the loop in regards to the Union staging fiasco in Wilkes-Barre and then Borys writing a story about how important the unions are to the campaign in today's paper. The Times Tribune reads like a weekly with its day's late coverage.
If someone had covered an event at Bethel AME Church and wrote that it wasn't your usual hominey and grits crowd, there'd be hell to pay. Nice reverse discrimination Stace.
A-hats! That comment was about social class, not race. The Color of Money. If a white reporter wrote that people would think it was a nice turn of phrase.
Borys knows about unions ... he became a union leader at the Times after he'd been let go at the TL ... which was then not that long removed from the strike.
Corbett broke out the union story about Obama not hiring unionworkers on the air yesterday, WILK ran his interviews on the air this morning and he posted a column about it today. Borys, the dean of political journalism, didn't even know about the flap and the so-called union paper Voice didn't run it, either. At least O'Boyle credited Corbett.
Corbett had a union guy on today who claims tha Obama pulled the same stunt elsewhere in the state. Union man Obama should get state-wide and eventually national coverage on this.
For someone who gets such high praise from some circles on here, and who writes epic posts on his site, Borys gets very few comments. Take a look at his recent entries. A comment here or there.
It's pathetic that backstabbers and idiots are still in the newsroom even though the TT has done a fantastic job recently getting rid of the dead weight and those who otherwise tried to bring us down
Is there anybody with a brain left in NEPA who finds it laughingly, astonishingly, ironic that Corbett, one of the most visible faces for the the grandest anti-union symbol in all the region, the Times Leader, is now the champion of organized labor? Hypocrite much? Or are we just so use to Corbett double-talk that we don't even notice anymore?
shedlack posts too. she's always been the bitter act and pulled an Elaine Bennis with washo so that she could get that job after she was perp walked....she quit, don't think so.. more like she had no choice.
Borys' TL experience was long ago (the mid 80s) and few of those involved are still around (or at least in the area) to tell the tale. Dale Duncan, Allison Walzer, they might know, if anybody can find them.
Corbett is one of the biggest self-promoters ever. If anybody tries to call him on the TL past, he'll no doubt accuse them of being some sort of "-ist."
Snyder is one of the people on this thread. And anybody who's a reader (reluctantly) of hers would recognize her language and tendencies. ain't too hard to figure if you put your mind to it
In role reversals, some of our local political and media grandees have been boned up the proverbial ass. Wonder if Borys considers these revelations reportable as epilogues to the breathless coverage of late. Mayor Doherty and his minions welcomed Bubba and his pleas of poverty with open checkbooks and he chiseled $250k from them, all the while sitting on tens of millions of his and wifey's loot disclosed in a data dump on Friday. Of course, the Mayor's next door neighbor, George Lynett, would not dare to publish the Clintons' greed-grabs anywhere near the front page the next day. Try page 11. The other role reversal comes from across the Atlantic Ocean where the Lynett-Haggertys' most recent guest at their annual Irish smug-fest, Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, faces serious charges of shaking down contributors and is now forced to resign. If anybody on Penn Avenue bothered to read other dailies between their hangovers, they would have known that prosecutors have had their sights set on this crook for at least a year. He probably could not find a speaking engagement in Ireland on Saint Patrick's Day at a bingo parlor. Has his resignation under disgrace merited any high-profile spot in Scranton's newspaper of record? The local grandees' embarrassment at the hands of these two scavengers from out of town may be too great to bear.
Borys has turned into a pretty good writer and reporter, as well as a well-spoken commentator on TV and elsewhere, as he's matured. When he was at the TL, he was still a very young man with a young man's outlook on life. That said, some of this "finest political reporter in the state" stuff on here has gotten out of hand.
8:31 am: I believe that the reference to the page 11 spot is Saturday's piece on the Clinton data dump Friday afternoon. That gullible editing job precisely served the campaign's effort to obscure a long-suspected habit developed by Clinton to squeeze every cent possible out of his post-presidential career. Scranton native Jeff Birnbaum observed cattily that the whole city probably did not gross $109 million over the six tax years disclosed. That observation might include the income of Doherty and his pals as well. Even the big fish in our small pond are eaten by the bottom feeders. Would Borys ever point out that phenomenon? Am not holding my breath.
Borys, if you're the one posting this "best in the state" stuff about yourself, you can start to prove it by acting your age and showing a little humility. And don't forget, you also once said the Mets were going to win virtually every World Series from 1986 on. Assuming it's not Borys, whoever it is really needs to go on to more important things.
10:52. Are you on powerful mind-altering drugs are do you just speak out your arse? Not a thing in your post is true. Clinton's fundraiser was on page 1 (a reporter was present) and no Lynett attended. As for Bertie Ahern -- that story following the friendly son's dinner pointed out the investigation into alleged graft during his years as finance minister, indescretions with a party secretary AND the calls for his resignation -- which happened two weeks later and was printed in the TT pages. Again, are you gentetically unable to say anything true?
“Mr. Ahern’s 11 years have not been without controversy. He drew criticism from Catholic conservatives for traveling publicly with a secretary from his political party. Mr. Ahern is currently embroiled in a scandal regarding payments made to him in the mid-1990s by a businessman. His finances are the subject of an investigative tribunal and has led to some in the opposition party to call for his resignation as recently as last month.”
Get the paper.
And I hope they find a cure for Trisomy 21 soon. See you on the short bus!
Ask John Baer at the Philly Daily News what he thinks about Borys being the best political reporter in the state. Baer is a real full-time political columnist who breaks news and doesn't double as a suck-up so-called straight news reporter.
I mean seeing that f**king sneering self satisfied smirk makes me want to f**king smack the jack doodle out of that J**koff as much as i did 20 some years ago!
Falchek, Singleton, the Wiz, Jess, Kelly, Hags, Pikulski, Stephanie, Joe Pez Dispenser and some formers, like Smedlock, Jen, Seder and FedEx -- they're all regulars here, and the knowledgeable can pick out their various spins and "inside gossip."
This web site is essentially a disturbing window into the Times Tribune's id.
That's quite a list. Left out are all of the old malcontents that provide 99% of the trash.
How's the weather in Virginia Mike?
My guess is the biggest list of contributers are ex-employees. Biggest list of readers are current employees wondering what went wrong in the lives of the people who left or were asked to leave.
Life moves on. Sometimes.
"This web site is essentially a disturbing window into the Times Tribune's id."
Or the id of former employees. Depends how you look at it.
Nice baby pics though. You and Lauren must be proud of the way you've exposed your child to the Internet. Kudos.
Borys the Biased should be its title. How can an opinionated political columnist pitch-hit as a daily reporter throughout the week?
Bill O'Boyle's Hillary lovefest continues. On timesleader.com today, he wrote that so many supporters for he showed up that the staff was "overwhelmed." Talk about a loaded word. Overwhelmed. Did he talk to them? Did he cite statistical data such as fire code limits? Did he speak to a psychological professional to analyze the feeling of being "overwhelmed?" Are we to trust O'Boy, O'Boy, Another Clinton's in Town O'Boyle on yet another clearly biased assertation? And why hasn't the Leader recognized his journalistic ineptitude and fired him? He brings disgrace to their nameplate every day.
Sorry, typo. that he should be a she, as in Hillary supporters overwhelmed King's staff
Borys asks tough questions and gives great insight. Well done B-man. Well done.
Borys asks tough questions and gives great insight. Well done B-man. Well done.
8:25 PM, April 01, 2008
Ah come on Borish, stop posting about yourself.
I GOT IT! He looks just like Jack Tripper's restaurant boss on "Three's Company."
Mr. Angelino.
If you mean by being Obama's political lackey ... yes he does.
Yeah...Borys asked Shimkus all those tough questions. He should be proud.
Best political reporter in the state!?! He's barely the best political reporter in NEPA. Come on already!
I would hate to be 6:26's cardiologist. Sounded like complete vapor lock.
"Overwhelmed" is not a loaded word, not one of those red-flag thingies that you'll find in Strunk & White. It's a judgment call meant to show exuberance at a rally.
Lighten up.
Who names their kid Borys?
Blogs aren't nec. opinion. They are analysis and reporter notebook stuff that doesn't make it in the story.
Maybe the blog will keep B.K. from filing 30-inch stories.
Borish the Bias. Sounds like a serial murderer to journalism. Wait, he is...
Bits and pieces . . .
Jason Miller is still dead.
Jimmy Connors is still wee.
Borys is still the nads.
Since Mr. NEPA Media is not updating the site, I need to make a comment about Stacy Brown's story in today's TT in regards to the Clinton party at Mayor Doherty's. A big WTF! in regards to the Grey Poupon comment. Practicing a little stereotyping yourself, Mr. Brown?? And as for the TT being the only media invited, Tony Rodham was on Corbett Wednesday begging him to go to the party. Corbett declined due to a previous committment at the U of S. Nice try Stacy. Get back on your meds and realize you're not writing for Lifestyles like you're hoping for.
How about the Times-Tribune being left out of the loop in regards to the Union staging fiasco in Wilkes-Barre and then Borys writing a story about how important the unions are to the campaign in today's paper. The Times Tribune reads like a weekly with its day's late coverage.
Virginia...can you say,"Journalistic malpractice."
If someone had covered an event at Bethel AME Church and wrote that it wasn't your usual hominey and grits crowd, there'd be hell to pay. Nice reverse discrimination Stace.
That comment was about social class, not race.
The Color of Money. If a white reporter wrote that people would think it was a nice turn of phrase.
11:43 is 100% correct, except I'm not as polite. ASSHATS!
Borys knows about unions ... he became a union leader at the Times after he'd been let go at the TL ... which was then not that long removed from the strike.
What's the political button say that Borys has stuck to hs shirt in the picture?
Corbett broke out the union story about Obama not hiring unionworkers on the air yesterday, WILK ran his interviews on the air this morning and he posted a column about it today.
Borys, the dean of political journalism, didn't even know about the flap and the so-called union paper Voice didn't run it, either.
At least O'Boyle credited Corbett.
Corbett had a union guy on today who claims tha Obama pulled the same stunt elsewhere in the state.
Union man Obama should get state-wide and eventually national coverage on this.
The button says "Presidential Campaign 2008 - TheTimes-Tribune.com or something like that.
For someone who gets such high praise from some circles on here, and who writes epic posts on his site, Borys gets very few comments. Take a look at his recent entries. A comment here or there.
Hillary ate pizza produced by non-union labor and I hear Obama took a dump in toilet made in Mexico. What about that bowling alley, unionized?
Let's move on, enough with the $400 haircuts. The electorate is already retarted, let's not confuse them with more non-issues.
It's pathetic that backstabbers and idiots are still in the newsroom even though the TT has done a fantastic job recently getting rid of the dead weight and those who otherwise tried to bring us down
Is there anybody with a brain left in NEPA who finds it laughingly, astonishingly, ironic that Corbett, one of the most visible faces for the the grandest anti-union symbol in all the region, the Times Leader, is now the champion of organized labor?
Hypocrite much? Or are we just so use to Corbett double-talk that we don't even notice anymore?
let's guess. singleton? falchek? imperiale? or copy deskers, whose posting here. one, two of them or all. gots to be at least one.
shedlack posts too. she's always been the bitter act and pulled an Elaine Bennis with washo so that she could get that job after she was perp walked....she quit, don't think so.. more like she had no choice.
connect the dots...shedlack is friends with a couple of TT newsers. how is anyone's guess.
corbett wrote more about organized labor and sided with unions while at the tl than anybody did then or does now at the voice.
Are you kidding me, there is no union at the voice, although employees pay union dues. Ask Matt Engle about the union.
Borys' TL experience was long ago (the mid 80s) and few of those involved are still around (or at least in the area) to tell the tale. Dale Duncan, Allison Walzer, they might know, if anybody can find them.
Corbett is one of the biggest self-promoters ever. If anybody tries to call him on the TL past, he'll no doubt accuse them of being some sort of "-ist."
So call Corbett on the air and ask him, tough guy.
Snyder is one of the people on this thread. And anybody who's a reader (reluctantly) of hers would recognize her language and tendencies. ain't too hard to figure if you put your mind to it
Borys would probably be happy to talk about his departure at the TL. Not much of a story. One of the hundreds who got crossways with Walzer.
Maybe you should ask him to his face. He's probably one of the most open people in NEPA journalism.
"I like bras!"
In role reversals, some of our local political and media grandees have been boned up the proverbial ass. Wonder if Borys considers these revelations reportable as epilogues to the breathless coverage of late. Mayor Doherty and his minions welcomed Bubba and his pleas of poverty with open checkbooks and he chiseled $250k from them, all the while sitting on tens of millions of his and wifey's loot disclosed in a data dump on Friday. Of course, the Mayor's next door neighbor, George Lynett, would not dare to publish the Clintons' greed-grabs anywhere near the front page the next day. Try page 11. The other role reversal comes from across the Atlantic Ocean where the Lynett-Haggertys' most recent guest at their annual Irish smug-fest, Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, faces serious charges of shaking down contributors and is now forced to resign. If anybody on Penn Avenue bothered to read other dailies between their hangovers, they would have known that prosecutors have had their sights set on this crook for at least a year. He probably could not find a speaking engagement in Ireland on Saint Patrick's Day at a bingo parlor. Has his resignation under disgrace merited any high-profile spot in Scranton's newspaper of record? The local grandees' embarrassment at the hands of these two scavengers from out of town may be too great to bear.
Borys has turned into a pretty good writer and reporter, as well as a well-spoken commentator on TV and elsewhere, as he's matured. When he was at the TL, he was still a very young man with a young man's outlook on life. That said, some of this "finest political reporter in the state" stuff on here has gotten out of hand.
Last I checked George didn't leave his house that night and attend the big C party.
On another note, name another political writer in the state that tops BK.
Tell us how and why and provide links please. Borys is left hanging out there with every word of his under scrutiny.
Let's put the real "best" writer in the state under that same microscope.
Listen isnt there something else to talk about other than this clown!
jerkoff... the TT did publish page 1 the next day about clinton at the Doherty raising 250k
8:31 am:
I believe that the reference to the page 11 spot is Saturday's piece on the Clinton data dump Friday afternoon. That gullible editing job precisely served the campaign's effort to obscure a long-suspected habit developed by Clinton to squeeze every cent possible out of his post-presidential career. Scranton native Jeff Birnbaum observed cattily that the whole city probably did not gross $109 million over the six tax years disclosed. That observation might include the income of Doherty and his pals as well. Even the big fish in our small pond are eaten by the bottom feeders. Would Borys ever point out that phenomenon? Am not holding my breath.
Borys, if you're the one posting this "best in the state" stuff about yourself, you can start to prove it by acting your age and showing a little humility. And don't forget, you also once said the Mets were going to win virtually every World Series from 1986 on.
Assuming it's not Borys, whoever it is really needs to go on to more important things.
10:52. Are you on powerful mind-altering drugs are do you just speak out your arse? Not a thing in your post is true. Clinton's fundraiser was on page 1 (a reporter was present) and no Lynett attended. As for Bertie Ahern -- that story following the friendly son's dinner pointed out the investigation into alleged graft during his years as finance minister, indescretions with a party secretary AND the calls for his resignation -- which happened two weeks later and was printed in the TT pages. Again, are you gentetically unable to say anything true?
OMG. 10:25 really is a total F*CKTARD.
“Mr. Ahern’s 11 years have not been without controversy. He drew criticism from Catholic conservatives for traveling publicly with a secretary from his political party. Mr. Ahern is currently embroiled in a scandal regarding payments made to him in the mid-1990s by a businessman. His finances are the subject of an investigative tribunal and has led to some in the opposition party to call for his resignation as recently as last month.”
Get the paper.
And I hope they find a cure for Trisomy 21 soon. See you on the short bus!
Borys rocks. He is the latest in a long line of Hall of Fame journalists from NEPA.
The Spyda said...
Borys rocks. He is the latest in a long line of Hall of Fame journalists from NEPA.
5:58 PM, April 08, 2008
Come on Borish, stop posting about yourself.
Ask John Baer at the Philly Daily News what he thinks about Borys being the best political reporter in the state. Baer is a real full-time political columnist who breaks news and doesn't double as a suck-up so-called straight news reporter.
NEPA is a treasure trove of Hall of Famers from all walks of life. Borys walks among giants past and present.
Baer rocks.
No jargon. No barely untranslated bureaucratese. No inside baseball babble.
Read him and you'll start to grasp the buddy-buddy abyss of PA politics.
I mean seeing that f**king sneering self satisfied smirk makes me want to f**king smack the jack doodle out of that J**koff as much as i did 20 some years ago!
NEPA Hall of Fame:
Jason Miller
The Real Bob Casey
Governor Scranton
Mike Munchak
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Scott
Did I leave anyone out?
Falchek, Singleton, the Wiz, Jess, Kelly, Hags, Pikulski, Stephanie, Joe Pez Dispenser and some formers, like Smedlock, Jen, Seder and FedEx -- they're all regulars here, and the knowledgeable can pick out their various spins and "inside gossip."
This web site is essentially a disturbing window into the Times Tribune's id.
That's quite a list. Left out are all of the old malcontents that provide 99% of the trash.
How's the weather in Virginia Mike?
My guess is the biggest list of contributers are ex-employees. Biggest list of readers are current employees wondering what went wrong in the lives of the people who left or were asked to leave.
Life moves on. Sometimes.
"This web site is essentially a disturbing window into the Times Tribune's id."
Or the id of former employees. Depends how you look at it.
Nice baby pics though. You and Lauren must be proud of the way you've exposed your child to the Internet. Kudos.
Hey 6:45 in this unbalanced system you so lovingly embrace any chance or window is an equalizer...
so who are the ex-contributors? any names? enquiring minds wanna know.
Hey 8:09, nice window you're giving us.
You're either referring to several people named Bullock, or thinking that you're using the word bollocks correctly.
Go back to pop culture school dickweed.
Never Mind the Bullocks, It's NEPA!
Hey 8:19 .....Bullocks is Bullock you Goatnut!....Thanks to the person who came up with that one!
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