First-place winners include reporters Terrie Morgan-Besecker and Mary Therese Biebel and designer Rachel Van Blankenship. Second-place winners include the late Jerry Kellar, Jennifer Learn-Andes, Mark Guydish and Lindsey Jones. The paper also won a second-place award for the “What It’s Like To” feature. The weeklies also won some awards. Kudos.
It is great to see that the TL were able to give Jerry one last sign of respect by submitting his columns for recognition. His sports columns, famed sense of humor and guidance for the younger writers at the TL is sorely missed.
God, his stories were hillarious!
But...but what about the Weekender?
What about the Weekender? Seriously, do you really care about it until Friday night?
How about Jen? What did she win?
Who's hotter? Jen M. or Jerry Kellar in those assless chaps everybody keeps talking about?
Then you must ask yourself, who's haughtier, Jen M. or Jerry Kellar?
I know in which category I'd opt for the latter.
9:11 how about leaving Jerry rest in peace!
What would Gene Padden do?
Hey what did the Voice win?
CV won First Place for Investigative Reporting, First Place for Series, Second Place for Spot News and Second Place for Photo.
What did the CV investigate?
That was their four-part series on assless chaps.
1:09, are you talking about the stories Jerry wrote or the ones he told in the newsroom?
The TL won 9 awards. The 17 comes from the TL awards along with those of the weeklies. Some TL alumni also won awards in other categories.
Viva Alejandro Alvarez!!!!
I can't believe that walking-with-poles story was part of a prize package. The award voters must have been drunk
Most of the 9 TL awards were honorable mentions. The winners are listed on the homepage of the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association's website. The TT won 13 awards (most of them first places), and NOT including their other publications, and they won the division 2 sweepstakes. They kicked ass.
1:09, are you talking about the stories Jerry wrote or the ones he told in the newsroom?
5:24 PM, March 11, 2008
Definitely the ones he told in the newsroom! They were priceless!
The Keystones are fixed!
The CV and the TL don't even compete in the same class. The CV dropped down one class last year due to declining circulation.
Also, if you've ever helped judge one of these contests, you know exactly how haphazard judging can be. Some prize winners are truly deserving, but plenty of judges are checking watches to get back to the newsroom and counting down to the free lunch. Or they're doing this with colleagues over beer.
It's nice to win, but you can't take it too seriously as recognition of the best work. That type of satisfaction comes each day that your circulation holds steady or increases.
Spoken like someone who almost won.
Mark Moran Rules!!Once again he kicked ass!He is the best newspaper photographer in the area!
Clark and company could learn a thing or two from him!
Hey 2:11 - you really reek of bitterness from never winning. The TL not the CV dropped down a division. The TL used to compete in the same division as the TT but guess what? The TL sucks and now it's in division 3 instead of division 2. The CV is in division 3 too. P.S. if you ever judged a statewide competition like this and did it as you claim, you've got to be some great journalist. Do you approach your articles with that same half-ass effort too?
Mark Moran rules!
Mark Moran/Mark Moran/Mark Moran/Mark Moran/Mark Moran/Mark Moran/Mark Moran/Mark Moran/Mark Moran/Mark Moran/ rules!
Hey, 10:56 AM ... You criticize 2:11, questioning whether he/she approaches articles with "half-ass effort"? How about the "facts" you purport as true in your post?
You wrote that the CV and the TL are both in Division III after the TL dropped down a level. Nice fact checking. The CV is in Division IV.
And didn't the TL drop a division because the auditing bureau changed the way circulation is calculated?
How about that hot photo of Rory Sweeney that ran with the awards? Hahaha!
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