Friday, March 14, 2008
Former CV publisher named publisher of Mississippi paper

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This paper has a circulation of about 5,000
And your point is...?
IMO, The Quivering Voice was a quivering book by a guy who sounded like Joe McCarthy, always claiming to have his sources, but never showing them. Romo hated the place, was a self-appointed mole for the TL and wasn't exactly Mr. Clean.
Unsolicited advice: If you don't get the higher-level job you wanted, you leave and let it be.
How many copies did he sell? Or is that why the Taylor Landfill is at capacity?
and wasn't exactly Mr. Clean.
On re-reading this, I don't mean he was dirty. "Clean" also can refer to clear of influences.
Romanelli was a whore. When he worked on the desk and you were a candidate for a price - as little as a box of cheap cigars - who would push you candidacy.
As for his "book", he paid out of pocket to have it published.
The guy spent a year in the Carbon County jail for stealing tax funds while he was a tax collector in Banks Township.
After he took the dough, he hightailed it out to Vegas where he tried to win the bulk of it back. Needless to say he failed.
He was brought to the former W-B Publishing Co. by the late Joe Collis, then publisher of the W-B Record.
Romanelli's job was to destroy then mayor Frank Slattery. It was a job he did well, helping chase the man from office.
Carl Romanelli would show up to work most days with dirty clothes, holes in his shoes and reeking of body odor.
He looked and smelled very much like a rat.
If you read his rants in the "book" you get a big laugh at the way he portrays himself. I, me, mine throughout. He pats himself on the back constantly and says at one point that the CV would not have survived without him.
He's not missed.
Romanelli used to like telling the story on how he would shake down politicians for money during campaigns. If they would "duke" (his words) him a few bucks he would leave them alone.
If they didn't, he'd rip them in that pathetic column he used to write.
Didn't Jack Wallace used to steal toilet paper, tissues, soap, trash bags, boxes of paper, etc., from the courthouse and sell it back to the courthouse?
Hey 11:00am like the TL is the fount of purity! What are you smokin!
Hey 11:00am like the TL is the fount of purity! What are you smokin!
Hey 5:51, I'll bet the 11 a.m. post actually came from a CVer.
Everyone at the TL knew Romanelli was the TL's spy at the CV back when stories would suddenly appear in the TL about the morale being low at the CV and how it was up for sale. But the thing about Jack Wallace is hilarious.
Yea, didnt Golias hire the "QUEEN OF THE DAMNED" SHANNON RUSTON!
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