Monday, March 17, 2008
Paul Sokoloski of The Express-Times returns to the Times Leader in Wilkes-Barre

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Give me a break!
Wasser is like Bill Parcells ... his people will follow.
Wasser is like Bill Parcells ... his people will follow.
Except Parcells has good people. Wasser was a looser, cheated on his wife, dumped his kids and was a bullshiter at the TL. Now he is doing the same, doing that car crap again. we are glad he is over there wrecking his paper not with the rest of us in Scranton!
Who is Sokoloski? did he work there before?
What is Wasser?
6:00 p.m. ... He's a man with a white suit.
Something tells me Wasser isn't the only newspaper person -- or TL person -- who ever ran into marital problems. And he married the other woman.
Does anybody know if Sembrat is in a work-release program?
Do they still sell 3-packs of dirty magazines at Leo Matus?
Wasser's only suit is sweat pants. If you haven't seen how he has aged, (since he last left the TL) someone needs to post a current pic of him. I was in shock. Time has not done him well.
Is this the guy whose natural color is orange due to all the time he spends in a tanning bed?
That is correct. Man, he sold Connor a bag of beans to get his job back.
Sokoloski has the white suit. The late Bill Griffith used to bust a gut every time he saw him. He said he looked like he came right from Old River Road bakery.
Imagine the skit from Monty Python..the Ministry of Silly Walks...and you get what Sokoloski looks like. Plus he has the habit of saying the word DUH alot!
and yes Mayus still sells the three packers!
Soko is back. Jerry Kellar is rolling over in his grave.
what happened to the hiring freeze?
He's an innings-eater ... he writes tons of copy, some of it good, a lot of it fair, some confusing. He can do the work of 3 people. He's not really a columnist.
Where is Steve Sembrat these days? Will Wasser bring him back next? What about Walzer?
Steve is apparently still locked up, according to the Pa. D of C. As for Walzer, check the temperature of the nether regions. If it's below 32 F, then maybe they'll bring her back.
Sembrat should be out soon. It's been almost three years. Chances are he'll be available in time for field hockey. Then all they have to do is figure out a way to resurrect Jerry Kellar and it can be 1995 all over again.
Four trips to the World Series with the New York Yankees. Two Super Bowls, with the Giants and Eagles, and five NFC title games between them. Three NBA Finals and two Stanley Cup Finals. Personal interviews with Roger Clemens, Derek Jeter, Ryan Howard, Troy Vincent, Hugh Douglas, Mark McGwire and too many more to count.
Someone knock him in the head! He left this to go back to Wilkes-Barre. I would give my left arm to leave Wilkes-Barre for what he gave up!
Those were the good old days.
More recently he was covering high school tennis.
Keep your left arm. He was trying to sound impressive for a farewell column. All that was during the first few years of his tenure in Easton. And he got to do some of that stuff in Wilkes-Barre before he even went to Easton. As for the "personal interview" thing, most were probably at the batting cage, in front of a locker, when they came to town for a banquet, and so forth.
Eventually he will drop back down to his proper level in W-B too.
Maybe he can get on the Wasser gravy train and review cars and toys. Anything to get a pay check and do as little work as possible.
Seeing as how the TL doesn't provide paychecks to employees anymore, can you blame them?
Speak for yourself, if you know how to make deals....enough said.
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