Thursday, March 20, 2008
T-T editorial page turns up the heat on Frank Andrews

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seriously...can we move on?
Glad to know NEPA Media frowns on people cohabitating who are not married.
This represents a change from its past position... methinks.
Striking one for social conservative. Can arranged marriages be next?
Read the judge's opinion. It's not about cohabitation, it's about lying. Even his son-in-law wouldn't perjure himself for Shimkus.
One guy doesn't pay his taxes, another guy lies about where he lives, and a former congressman choked his mistress...
Anybody see a trend here?
Wow, they took a strong stand on a politician? I guess he doesn't place ads with them like the car dealer/congressman who was in hot water.
I don't think Shimkus has any money left. He's no good to the Times. Maybe they'll start doing some real stories on this first class liar.
You are beating this dead pony to death. How about moving on.
What goes around comes around Mr. Shimkus. . .you should of fulfilled your promises and stayed loyal to your supporters the past two years that got you in office instead of turning your back on them, especially in this past election. You are a one-term State Representative and so will Mr. Murphy. . .Where are the candidates that have quality? Oh they do not run because they don't want to become part of the filth or they run and the political filth rises to the top because of their cronies.
If you want to "move on" get lost. Why don't you move on to another site. As long as people have opinions on ANY subject, we don't have to move on, you do.
The TT reported about the car/dealer congressman when a civil lawsuit was filed...rather than when some tart with a 90 IQ muttered some accusations. Some pubs have standards.
As to advertizing/coverage. Long before the Peruvian mistress story, TT publications, several, lambasted Sherwood for his West Nile Virus breading ground/tire disposal site. He cleaned it up.
So much for 3:32 uninformed opinion.
To the person who wrote this below. What are you in high school?
Not much to do in NE Penna, Hanna?
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you want to "move on" get lost. Why don't you move on to another site. As long as people have opinions on ANY subject, we don't have to move on, you do.
8:52 PM, March 20, 2008"
Dear Hanna:
I think it's spelled "Heyna."
Or no?
I'm sorry. What's the issue again? Whether Frank was living in an apartment in his district, renting a house in his district, or living in a house he owned in his district?
Is this really an errection-generating scandal?
I just realized I have yet to receive my invitation to the Prutisto/Shimkus nuptials. They're any day now, right?
For the post of:
"Dear Hanna:
I think it's spelled "Heyna."
Or no?"
7:18 AM, March 21, 2008"
Amazing, an expert on "Heyna".
You made my point.
sure Frank. seriously, we'll move on...right, Frank
I think we should keep this thread going until everyone--including 2:16PM, 6:03PM, and 9:29AM--gets that it's not about where Frank LIVES, but how Frank LIES. Even the judge was willing to cut him some slack if he claimed it was an innocent mistake. It wasn't innnocent, and it wasn't a mistake: it was deliberate.
He tried an elaborate coverup, which continues to this day. What do you bet that 2:16PM, 6:03PM, and 9:29AM are all Frank, still bobbing and weaving?
So the anti-Frank Klan is just a bunch of Pilchesky suck-ups who want to disenfranchise the voters?
He lived in the district; who gives a rats ass where he slept? If that's the only way Murphy can beat him, then Murphy is the next one term rep. This entire issue is a joke.
Way to feed into the general retardedness of the TV generation ass-wipes. By electing Murphy over Frank (who, by the way has no qualifications, but filled out the form like an idiot), you just help make the DNA of local idiocy live on. Well done morons.
Let the voters choose; not the bald, angry, screw heads looking for technicalities decide the election.
8:26, is that you, Frank, claiming your lies were unintentional?
Tell you what. Let's call an end to this thread as soon as a former co-worker at 16 or 22 steps forward to say what a wonderful boss and colleague Frank was, how they just know he'd never tell a lie.
Anyone? Anyone?
Mr. Shimkus said he will remain affiliated as a Democrat, regardless of the outcome of write-ins. Mr. Shimkus - you are not a man of the cloth you are a hypocrite to state that you will remain affilitated as a Democrat even if Republicans put you back in office. If you win as a Republican you should be a Republican. Again, you won't stay loyal to your supporters that get you in office instead turn your back on them like you did the past two years, especially in this past election. You are a one-term State Representative and so will Mr. Murphy. . .only in Lackawanna County.
I'm sorry: one rule in the "End the Thread" contest. Anyone who worked with Frank at 16 or 22 is eligible, EXCEPT Gabrielle Prutisto. We already know she enjoyed serving under Frank.
I'm a former 22/28 employee who worked with both Gabs and Frank. I can vouch for the threads on here that say they are both dishonest. It's justice that their latest lie has come to light. It's a disgrace.
Anyone else? Beuller?
I never met Frank, but I am well acquainted with a lot of the folks who worked with him at WNEP. As far as I can tell, there is no one there who would say a good word about Frank.
i can say a good word about Pasquales. If you're hungry for a hearty Italian meal, or just a light salad, Pasquales is the place for you. Sans Souxi Highway right near K-Mart. Pasquales! Day or night, it's always right.
OK, we'll declare an end to posting about Pasquale's.
The "Shimkus is a Lying Shit" thread continues until a former co-worker steps up to defend him. Any takers?
Mr. Shimkus - you are not a man of the cloth you are a hypocrite to state that you will remain affilitated as a Democrat even if Republicans put you back in office. If you win as a Republican you should be a Republican. Again, you won't stay loyal to your supporters that get you in office instead turn your back on them like you did the past two years, especially in this past election.
Its nice to know that one of these bastions of social justice is a closet CROSSDRESSER!
You won't find any cross-dressers at Pasquales. Just homestyle Italian dishes and a kind, courteous staff. Instead of making dinner tonight, make it a night out. Pleasant, relaxed family dining and a kind, comfortable atmosphere, at Pasquales. Sans Souxi Highway, Hanover Township, right near K-Mart
What Republicans are going to vote for this turkey?
Is that the same Pasquale's that tried to bribe the health inspector--the one where the roaches are the size of rats, and that rats are on the menu? The place voted "Most Like an Auto Salvage Yard" by Louis DeNaples? Where Jimmy Hoffa is buried?
Is it true Gabrielle Prutisto has rented it out for her wedding reception?
oh geez gaaad, lets go down da line an haf a couple two tree slices and mebbe a beer.
he usta be on da Tee v, heyna?
Okay. He put one address on his ballot, or whatever. Then he changed addresses, or crashed in two, maybe three places off an on. I'm gonna guess the application only had room for one address. I slept somewhere else last week. Am I ineligible for office or did I file a false instrument when I registered my car? Maybe he is a douchebag and prick to work with, but people are acting like he took campaign contributions from Muqutada Al Sader and covered it up. Faux outrage.
You don't get it. The judge ruled Frank deliberately lied to cover up his relationship with Prutisto, because he thought the voters would disapprove. It wasn't just the lie. It was the motive behind it. This wasn't simply a case of staying in different places. It was a deliberate attempt to mislead.
Can't ANYONE say anything nice about the Right Reverend Representative?
Anyone? Beuller?
If 10:52 isn't Frank himself, it's certainly an elected official of some sort. You can recognize the reasoning: "It's only a lie if you catch me at it, and it's your fault for looking, so shame on YOU!"
seems like a mountain out of a molehile. What the heck does his relationship with whatsherface have to do with his being allowed on the ballot? seems like the judge has brought other issues into the situation, issues that are not really germain to the one at hand. did he live at the address at the time he filed?
No, Frank wasn't living at his "filing" address. No one cares where he lives, but he lied, he covered up, and he encouraged others to lie for him.
His son-in-law, when asked if Frank lived at the property he owns, refused to use the word "reside." He would only say Frank "stayed there."
So you see, he's a liar, a liar, his pants are one fire.
His nose is longer than a telephone wire.
People who live in holier-than-thou houses (or claim to) ought to have at least a casual relationship with the truth.
Are you still on this?
My god get a life!!!!
and I guess you've never lied about anything, anywhere, anytime? As long as he lived in the district he represents, which I believe is the only "REAL" issue here other than someone's personal vendetta against him.
hahahahahahaha Frank, you're funny
Frank: how's the write-in campaign going? Are you canvassing door-to-door (after all, you've slept in many of the homes in your district)?
Or would it be easier to just figure out a way to forge signatures?
Anyone who raises the question about this so-called scandal is immediately called "Frank." People are living a fantasy thinking that absolutely everyone, EVERYONE, despises the guy and views this address thing as Teapot Dome. As though it is impossible for anyone but Frank to raise the question.
Yeah, he started working on his write-in campaign....he's writin' in here regularly!
I'm amazed that several posters here (OK, Frank posting several times) consider this a big fuss over a little white lie.
I see it for what it is.
per·ju·ry /ˈpÉœrdÊ’É™ri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pur-juh-ree] –noun, plural -ries. Law.
The willful giving of false testimony under oath or affirmation, before a competent tribunal, upon a point material to a legal inquiry.
Actually, Frank is lucky, isn't he?
Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is facing perjury charges for (get this now) lying to cover up a romantic entanglement.
Addressgate: a guy moved from one address, to another, and another -- all in his district.
Is it really a lie to say you live one place and move? I could say I was in work today. Am I a liar because I eventually went home?
And if a judge asks you, "Were you at work ALL DAY today?" will you encourage family members and others to lie for you and cover up for you?
And when you're caught, will you expect the judge to overlook your repeated lying?
What am I saying? Frank, that's JUST what you did! That's what you're STILL doing.
Do I write in "Shimkus" or "Andrews" on my ballot? How many times?
This thread has turned into beating a dead Shimkus.
Your Honor, please define "ALL DAY"
Frank, that IS you isn't it? I didn't believe it until you started arguing definitions of words. How like you!
Golly, gee whiz, I don’t know much about legal language ‘n stuff. All I know is what I read in the judge’s opinion:
“Looking at the credible evidence as a whole, this Court finds that Candidate's representation, that his residence from at least December 17, 2007 until February 27, 2008 was the Boulevard Address, was not an honest mistake, or an unintentional one, but one made with care and thought. In sum, it was a purposeful misrepresentation made in bad faith with the intent to deceive the electorate. Therefore, Candidate may not amend his filings.”
"Purposeful misrepresentation," "bad faith" and "intent to decieve" all seem pretty straightforward to me.
Of course, I could be wrong. You can decide for yourself after you read the judge’s synopsis of the testimony and her findings. There's a link to it on an earlier thread.
"Deceive the electorate." Wow. I feel so justified now. Elected officials, struck with fear over the Shimkus Ultimatum, can no longer tell the electorate they live in Scranton when they are building a house in the 'burbs. You're right! An era of good government throughout Pennsylvania is borne through addressgate!
Maybe if Frank misplaced $12 million of taxpayers money the voters would have promoted him to the state Senate. I still see a stained dress and misplaced outraged.
I see. For you it's a matter of degree, not of kind. Frank's a liar, but he's not a big one?
he the guy used to be on 16?
FWIW I am not Frank, I have my hair.
and what politician doesn't lie? I think it's on page one of the handbook.
Gosh, I guess you could be right. So you're saying that on the "Scumbag Scale," with a "10" being the Spawn of Satan, Frank is ONLY a "3" or "4?"
Wonder why the judge didn't buy that line of reasoning.
You know the story. Here's how it ends:
So the lady says, "Certainly not! What do you take me for?" And Winston Churchill answers back, "Madam, we've already agreed upon what you are. We are only haggling about the price."
Frank's a liar. Now we're just arguing over how big a liar.
Hillary said she had white pizza while the video clearly showed her eating red. LIAR!
So let's keep the retarted electorate focused on the imporatant issues -- like expensive haircuts, changing addresses, personal relationships, and assorted other bullshit. Not things like healthcare, infrastructure, the environment or the economy. Bullshit, after all, is the number issue to knuckledrag electorate -- particularly in NEPA.
Keep up the good work!
um, judges are politicians too
I'm counting my blessings. I know Frank will NEVER be caught paying for an expensive haircut.
And unlike Hillary, he didn't have Vince Foster killed; am I right, or am I right, or am I right?
You got choor eye on da ball, dontcha?
I just realized that "6:13 AM, March 28" called Throop "the 'burbs."
Ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! Good for you. A jenn-you-whine knee-slapper!
ALJs are not elected. They don't campaign. They aren't on the ballot. They are hired, quasi independent, specialized jurists. Get a clue.
Bottome line to this whole mess is that the judge listened to Franks testimony and decided that: "Frank, I here by declare that you are FULL OF SHIMKUS!" :)
Frank is not a man of the cloth he is a hypocrite to state that you will remain affilitated as a Democrat even if Republicans put you back in office. If you win as a Republican you should be a Republican. Again, you won't stay loyal to your supporters that get you in office instead turn your back on them like you did the past two years, especially in this past election. Also, review the 10 Commandments Rev Shimkus since you are now a hypocrite and a sinner - you need to resign your position in the church also.
they are hired because of who they know and who they blow.
How about a quick check of the good Rev's credentials? Didn't "Doctor" Shimkus (as he prefers to be called) get his divinity degree from some diploma-mill correspondence school?
9:42. I saw Frank and Gab's house. (As did you Mr. Pilchesky.) It looks like the 'burbs to me -- new construction, huge set back, underground utilities, sod lawn, in a new subdivision with baby trees. Is somone suggesting his home in on S. Main in the heart of da boro between the Rite Aid and the corpse house? Because it looks like freakin' Wisteria Lane to me.
Ask Paul Nardozzi.
If you count phoney degrees, he has as many academic credentials as the entire University of Scranton Economics & Finance Department.
He's a Doctor of divinity (D.D.) recognized by the "Church of the Convenient Truth and Complacent Congregation," a little-known sect that believes...well, whatever works this week.
Ok Frank-can't-even-get-a-pencil-Shimkus
The primary is three weeks away. Has anyone seen/heard any sort of "Here's How You Spell My Name for Your Write-In" campaign from Rep. Frank?
Or has he gone to court to legally change his name to "X" to help some of his less-literate constituents?
Twenty days and counting....
Frank, how about an update? How's it going?
May 3rd: your invitation is in the mail (if Frank and Gabrielle have your right address).
From Sunday morning's paper:
"Announcement is made of the engagement and upcoming wedding of Gabrielle Angelina Prutisto to Rep. Frank Andrews Shimkus, both of Throop. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mark and Linda Prutisto, Florida. She is a graduate of Union-Endicott High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Ithaca College. She is employed by House of Representatives Democratic Caucus Office of Member Services.
The prospective bridegroom is the son of Lucille Shimkus, Scranton, and the late Frank Shimkus Sr. He is a graduate of Scranton Central High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Scranton. He received a master’s and a doctorate degree from Antietam Bible College and Seminary. He is pastor of Trinity Congregational Church and state representative for 113th District. The wedding is set for May 3 in St. Luke’s Church."
Hell, I'm going to crash the wedding just to see the look on her old man's face when he gives her away--to FRANK!
The happy couple is registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond Belief.
April 6 Sunday Times:
Announcement is made of the engagement and upcoming wedding of Gabrielle Angelina Prutisto to Rep. Frank Andrews Shimkus, both of Throop.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Mark and Linda Prutisto, Florida. She is a graduate of Union-Endicott High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Ithaca College. She is employed by House of Representatives Democratic Caucus Office of Member Services.
The prospective bridegroom is the son of Lucille Shimkus, Scranton, and the late Frank Shimkus Sr. He is a graduate of Scranton Central High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Scranton. He received a master’s and a doctorate degree from Antietam Bible College and Seminary. He is pastor of Trinity Congregational Church and state representative for 113th District.
The wedding is set for May 3 in St. Luke’s Church.
Do you READ or do you just WRITE? The announcement was already posted.
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