The Times Leader ran a bitchy little story today complaining that the Obama campaign didn't show local reporters and crowds nearly as much love as Hillary did. And while the story comes off as bush-league whining, it's true. And how about this gem from an Obama staffer: "Look, we’re not here to answer questions from The Times Leader all day." Meow!
I disagree that this is bush league stuff. How the candidates relate to local crowds and the media is newsworthy. After all, the prime reason for most people attending these local rallies is to mingle with the candidate. And the local press is the conduit through which the candidates otherwise interact with the townsfolk.
fwiw ... Corbett registered similar gripes on his blog about the way Obama distanced himself from the locals.
uhn-freakin-believable... and this man wants to be president?
makes me dislike him even more.
get away from me peons, don't you know who I am? I'm important and don't have time for you. No soup for you!
Borys at the TT scored an exclusive interview with Obama, while the TL sat around bitching.
People think Hill is an aloof b1tch. She ate pizza, walked the parade, signed autographs, stole babies, posed for pictures. Obama met with rich white womenf for 10 minutes, wouldn't even so much as wave to his own supporters, and he did not have pizza of any color.
The local Obama press crew was the most inept I've ever dealt with and I've dealt with many. Scary to think that if he can't organize an effective local ground staff, what the hell will happen if he gets to the White House. Sorry Barack, you lost my vote after this appearance. Long live Hillary.
How about the idiot speech he delivered? NOT impressed. What is it that the national news reporters see that they're so enamored?? He's clearly a dim lightbulb.
I was afraid all the fat chicks at the head table were going to eat him. I hear they prefer dark meat -- actually any meat!
Maybe Obama knew about this horrible Bill O'Boyle lede:
"SCRANTON – Barack Obama says it’s time for change and Monday he proved it. The Illinois senator arrived in Scranton around 4 p.m. wearing a dark suit, white shirt and a light blue tie. There was no wearin’ o’ the green at this point on this St. Patrick’s Day. But that would change later."
Terrible. Just terrible.
Clinton just recently switched strategies to relate more to the local media.
The thing is, Obama knows NEPA and PA isn't likely going to him ... so why bother?
He doesn't need PA for the general election anyhow. He was Wyoming.
You folks are scary. No, make that terrifying. America's a great country if people like you get to vote.
Did it dawn on anybody that Hillary HAS TO pander to everybody because if she somehow loses Pa., it's over?
Obama's campaign, quite frankly, probably realizes NEPA is a no-go and figures he shouldn't waste too much time there.
Obama knows coal crackers are crackers.
First , Eponymous is the most verbose motherfucker I've ever heard. But, she does work at the TL, so it's a free pass.
Second: someone should've asked Sherry Long if she wanted some cheese with her morning whine. I have never, ever, ever seen a print reporter act in such a spoiled-rotten fashion. Contrary to what Eponymous contends, the P.R. folks should never EVER be part of the story. They may irritate you. God knows I've worked with some clueless P.R. hacks who made my job much harder than necessary. But nobody's going to read Sherry Long's graf of whine and Borys' Obama exclusive and feel sorry for Sherry for not going the extra mile. They'll simply view Borys' article as what's expected. Borys made her and top O'The Green's articles look like college Comp 101 rubbish. Readers don't want to read whining; they want to read results. They'll see through anything otherwise.
Anything less is lazy.
Third: A lot has been made of O'Boyle offering opinion in articles. Let's not confuse opinion with conjecture. Far from an O'Boyle apologist, I will say this: his main problem is he uses his guesses to fill in the blanks. Again, it screams laziness. Opinion is Connor mumbo-jumbo: Hillary will win PA, Barack will win Texas, I should know because I'm a great Texan -- all that bullshit. What plagues O'Boyle are the unsubstantiated assertations, such as what he wrote today: he mentioned there is some talk that if she takes PA, the superdelegates will likely push Hillary over Obama at the convention. Where? I haven't heard this talk. Is he out of his mind? Looks like O'Boyle has the winner-take-all electoral college confused with the apportioned Democratic primaries. Even if Obama only takes 20 percent of PA, he can still wield a sizable advantage over the Hill with the other primary wins. So why, in that case, O' God why, would the sups choose Hill? Yet Bill has made this quantum leap -- not only in his diminutive mind but in print! Christ!
5:56, more on Sherry Long plz.
But O'Boyle write the "wah, Obama wouldn't talk to me" story, not her.
5:56, seems like you know who Eponymous is. Care to share?
.......speaking of verbose, 5:56, yaaaaawn.
I'm surprised O'Boyle didn't inject Clinton into the Obama story more than he did. The quote from Doherty was absolutely ridiculous. And the thing about superdelegates was totally unattributed.
There's a bigger picture here than NEPA. Obama couldn't afford to say much to the media, local or national, in Scranton with such a huge speech on race coming the next day. The plan obviously was to have his first real public response to the pastor scandal come as a grand speech, not a comment to small town media that would get picked up and overblown. Resolving this pastor issue is so much more important than winning NEPA... even Pennsylvania as a whole.
5:56 is my new personal hero for taking 350 words to criticize my 72-word post for being too verbose. Enjoy your stay in hell, ashhole.
O'Boyle is like Larry King. You don't want to even pay attention to him. But he makes the Larry King-type gaffe of historic proportions, and you're like, "shit, how did I miss that?" And it happens on such a regular basis....well, let's just say it is historic. O'boyle's erroneous tendencies are something to behold. Even a member of the Irish Ladies would have more a vigilance to truth and accuracy than he. Congrats, Bill! Keep up the good work.
Did she belch? Fart? Or just pick her nose and eat it?
6:18, O'boyle did NOT write the "wah, Obama won't talk to me" story. It was indeed Sherry Long. Before you go and just randomly make posts, perhaps if you'd actually READ the paper, you might be more in tune. It was in a side bar.
Lookey here, 7:12, O'BOYLE wrote the story "We don't have time to talk to the Times-Leader all day" and the article that is linked on this blog. You have a beef with Sherry Long, start a different thread, loser.
When approached by Corbett, the best approach is to avoid eye contact and keep moving.
Funny 9:35 as a freelance shooter in the late 90s at the TL I was told the same thing about Allison W.
Read Wonkette and it's easy to see why Obama gets a free ride with the national, lazy press. A group of arrogant know-it-alls who love another arrogant know-it-all.
Wah, wah, the local press cries? We make a big deal out of Hillary sitting to eat pizza with us and get upset when Obama "gives a lovely speech" but then his spokesman says he does not have time to speak with a local reporter all day...This is whining? Bulls$#*. Enough of this elitist crap. It's becoming more clear that Obama is getting a free ride from the highly-educated (wink), more knowledgable (cough), superior (gag) national media.
It IS all about how you treat the "little people." No vote of mine is going to go to a candidate who has no time to listen to his people, get to know them, ridicules the small guys as if they are pesky worms, and does not have any interest in getting to know more about different areas of this great nation.
An eloquent speaker does not make an eloquent leader.
One more thing. He has had plenty of time to spend with national TV news anchors.
Mitch Morrison would have nailed this story.
Amen to that. That's what the TL needs, Mitch and his types back.
Mitch used to make up quotes.
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