Monday, March 10, 2008
Borys and Hillary share a tray in Old Forge

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Hill: "Suppose I just write, 'To Boris.' This paper isn't long enough for your whole name."
Ahhhhhh yes more fun and games by the people who brought you the disaster known as Somalia (Blackhawk Down) and 9/11.
Can't blame Bush for everything!
9/11 was Clinton's fault? Are you kidding? Please explain how 9/11 was in any way, shape or form the fault of the guy who wasn't clearing brush and reading My Pet Goat for two months while "Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US" sat on his NSA's desk collecting dust? Then go back to listening to Rush Limbaugh. Moron.
The Clinton's are cleaner than Christ compared with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and the rest of that group.
Borys looks dapper as ever. You've got to love a hunky salt-n-peppa man clad in a fabulous suit. Stay classy Borys. You rocked!
More Kool-Aid 8:30?
AAHHH!!! I don't think I will ever be able to eat at Revello's again.
And I wasn't aware that Bin Laden and company were able to get into this country, plan the whole thing, get their pilot's licenses and attack the World Trade Centers in the two months that Bush was in office.
8:30, are you frickin' kidding me?!? Please God be someone who just likes the blog and not a journalist. No journalist can be that dumb.
I believe Sen. Clinton is saying "Borys, what do you think the asshats at NEPAMedia will say about this picture?"
And Borys appears to be saying "Well, none of them will remark that al-Qaida was mobilizing while everyone was obsessing over your husband getting some skull."
Who names their kid Borys?
If it weren't for Falchek, Borys would be Da Man.
11:45 -- His father is from the Ukraine and used national names for all the children. They are also bilingual.
I'd debate you, but I don't have much time. I have to pack soon, they're foreclosing on my house.
I had hoped to be able to afford enough gas to leave town, but I can't. Damn! I had hoped to start life over in New Orleans.
There was a slight chance for a job with Halliburton, but it didn't come through when I listed Valerie Plame as a reference.
I guess my only option is to re-up for a fifth tour in Iraq, bringing peace to the Middle East and continuing the search for WMD.
I've been cleared to return after getting medical care at Walter Reed.
Hmmmmmmm....When the phone rings at 3 a.m., I'd like to be playing "Catherine the Great and the Cossack" with this guy.
When the phone rings at 3 a.m., McCain is going to roll over and whisper into Charles Keating's ear, "Honey, would you get that?"
I think the breaking news that Hillary had cheese and red pepper flakes on her pizza tops Bush ordering Manning's Pralines N'Caramel ice cream.
Especially since I don't care for Old Forge pizza but haven't been able to eat Manning's since Dubya visited NEPA.
In other news: 12:48 is the best poster EVER!
When the phone rings at 3 a.m.
=phone rings=
Prez: "WTF is that?"
Spouse: "It's the ****ing phone, Leader of the Free World."
Prez: "Can you get it?"
Spouse: "You wanted the job, you ****ing well answer the phone."
Prez: "Where's my glasses? ****."
=phone still ringing=
Prez: "Oh, shut the **** up! Launch the stupid rockets, drop the bombs, whatever. Just let me sleep."
Prez, answering the phone: "Yes? Yes? What is it?"
Voice, with India accent: "This is a courtesy call from Visa. We want to inform you of new features..."
=phone slams down=
Prez picks up phone: "SAC? Send the B-52's to India."
Hey, 2:49AM:
Connor, at least have the stones to sign your name. I'm forced to remain anonymous. I work for you, and I know what you do to Democrats.
And I wasn't aware that Bin Laden and company were able to get into this country, plan the whole thing, get their pilot's licenses and attack the World Trade Centers in the two months that Bush was in office.
So when did January become a summer month or did George Bush take the oath in July?
Clinton quadrupled anti-terrorism spending and when he turned over the keys to Bush told him: "Bin Laden is the greatest threat facing America." Bush said "What do you mean? His brothers were my co-investors in Caryle and bailed out my failed businesses." Bush sideline Terrorism Czar Clarke, ignored every briefing warning of the attack. And read a goat book when his former friend and co-investor brought down the towers. Then let all his Bin Laden buddies leave the U.S. on Sept. 12 WITHOUT even being questioned.
Congratulations 12:48! 1:22 has declared you the winner. Please favor us with an encore, perhaps something from an earlier administration. Ooh, I know! Do the one about the Rose Law Firm. You know, the one with Vince Foster and Travelgate and "we are the President" and that Arkansas land deal! I love that one!
Why. Do. I. Bother?
Take the political b.s. elsewhere, asshats. We're here to discuss Jen's tits.
Both the TT story AND the NYT stories (the video portion) are both good, if not great, examples of why newspapers CAN'T be television stations.
Awful video and terrible sound.
Keep trying to sell papers guys. This multimedia stuff ain't for you.
Jen who?
Jen Padden
"Please God be someone who just likes the blog and not a journalist. No journalist can be that dumb."
Mega dittos asshole.
Now tell me about how they really did find WMDs in Iraq but the drive-bys won't talk about it.
Or how Bush should be considered "the first black president," not Bill, because of all he's done for Condi and Colin Powell.
Or how torture isn't torture.
Or how the whole DOJ thing is just an overblown partisan witch hunt.
How come "Journalists Roundtable" only includes TT/CV writers as guests and not TL folk? Was there a falling out along the way? Did a speck of spinach on Bill Bova's teeth get inadvertently spit into Brett Marcy's eye? Or has the TL become so irrelevant in the WB, PCN considers it a non-entity in NEPA? Let's ponder...
And one suggestion: If the TL ever does participate, can they include Jen M. on the panel?
Ya got me there, pal. And it just points out the difference between the Clinton and Bush administrations.
Hillary could cold-bloodedly murder Vince Foster in broad daylight in a public park and get away with it.
Yet Dick Cheney blasts a friend with a shotgun while on a drunken hunting trip and the damned news media won't let it rest.
I liked it best when Cheney turned to the rest of the hunting party and said, "Mission Accomplished."
Or was it that he pointed to the next guy in line and said, "Bring it on?"
Why wasn't there any coverage when Hillary stopped at a men's homeless shelter. Oh, wait, that's Borys grinning. Someone should have told him he had a chive in between his teeth.
Kinda weak 12:48. Pick something from the bottom shelf and thanks for playing.
It's in the picture but take a look at the whole video. Didn't Hillary like the pizza? She smothered it with red pepper, took two bites, and left it. Or is that a candidate local eatery photo-op meal?
I never saw the draw of Old Forge pizza anyway. Pizza's pizza. Some better than others but I can get pizza as good as any in Old Forge at twenty different places up and down the valley.
Sorry to get off the track.
You're not off track at all. Not at all. I think she didn't eat because she was distracted, feeling all the sexual tension between her and Borys. Can't you just picture them, oogle-eyeing one another in the very same booth after a Friday night Old Forge game? Maybe a stolen smooch or two. A warmth she hasn't felt in years. And one Borys hasn't likely felt in a lifetime
Wow. Um, wow.
You were funny up until the last sentence, 11:21.
Wow,yea the Clintons are clean yea right,so why do so many people all of a sudden die around them when it looks like the shits gonna hit the fan, all the way from Vince Foster, to Ron Brown to the former White House intern who was shot to death working at a Starbucks.
Please and who tolerated the Taliban,read the book by the FBI agent who died in the World Trade Center,who had Bin Laden in his sights but was yanked b the Clinton administration and also it was Sec.Of Defence Les Aspin who refused the use of heavy armor in Somalia leading to the Black Hawk Down Situation, and who was his boss. Hey Im a Demo. and i m far from happy with President Bush but I would be even less happy with another Clinton,Ill cross party lines if i have to.
Is it Borys or just plain BOORISH!
Borys: "S'nice!"
The real story that everyone missed is that some sick SOB propped a severed head in the picture right atop the restaurant bench as these two were sharing lunch. YEEEECHHH!!!
Hey ma, whos da celebritee in da next boot.Aaaaaaaah NEPA!
The TL reporter sat with Hillary too but didn't run their own picture.
The TL reporter sat with Hillary too but didn't run their own picture.
There are reasons for that. Bill O'Boyle. Enough said
4:00 AM
I don't want to read the book by the FBI agent who died at the WTC, but I want to meet his publisher.
"Bring out yer dead...bring out yer dead..."
old & uncool too!
Hey 8:27, you're an asshat! The TL's video on its Web site was of Clinton and Borys!!!!! What a screw up! Talk about free advertisement for the TT and arguably the BEST political writer in the state!
Kudos TL, kudos.
12:29 what are you smokin!
Borys is a former TLer
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