Thursday, March 20, 2008
PAPME winners announced

T-T editorial page turns up the heat on Frank Andrews

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Frank Andrews Shimkus plans write-in bid

WNEP opens bureau in Stroudsburg
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Frank Andrews Shimkus fights on, despite the court finding that he is a liar

• If you haven't read the court's opinion, take some time and do so. It's strong -- and damning -- stuff.
Obama camp: We have bigger fish to fry than you, Times Leader

The Times Leader ran a bitchy little story today complaining that the Obama campaign didn't show local reporters and crowds nearly as much love as Hillary did. And while the story comes off as bush-league whining, it's true. And how about this gem from an Obama staffer: "Look, we’re not here to answer questions from The Times Leader all day." Meow!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Open thread: Hillary/Obama coverage
CV wins Keystone press awards
Times-Tribune wins Keystone press awards

Marty Myers also won an APSE award for his story about a high schooler with Down Syndrome who played in a girls basketball game. Kudos to all.
Joe Butkiewicz of the Times Leader on writing his father-in-law's obit
Paul Sokoloski of The Express-Times returns to the Times Leader in Wilkes-Barre

Richard Connor of the TL on Hillary's Penna. tactics

• In the Fort Worth Business Press, Connor writes that Hillary wraps up "the vote of the pizza eaters and shot-and-a-beer crowd in one fell swoop" with her Scranton campaigning this week.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Judge: Frank Andrews Shimkus is a big fat liar

The judge further wrote, according to The Times-Tribune: “We find it incredible that (Mr. Shimkus), given his testimony about his injuries ... would reside in a house without his belongings, without a real bed and where there was ongoing painting when his new home, which he owned with his fiancee, where his belongings were, was approximately one mile away.” Frank has been tossed off the ballot.
• Read the court's order – good stuff
Friday, March 14, 2008
Former T-Ter Kemeny on Obscure Store this afternoon
Former CV publisher named publisher of Mississippi paper

Thursday, March 13, 2008
You, too, could be an assistant sports editor at The Times-Tribune
Former NYT editor Raines reads the Pocono Record the most!
Mike Liechty is standing by to improve your writing

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
James Conmy of the Voice joins the W-B Police Department
Times-Tribune reporter hearts Chelsea and Hillary

Monday, March 10, 2008
Borys and Hillary share a tray in Old Forge

The NYT lands in Scranton for the first of many Hillary stories

• Be sure to watch the NYT video, as interesting and insightful as the print story
Times Leader wins 17 Keystone press awards

First-place winners include reporters Terrie Morgan-Besecker and Mary Therese Biebel and designer Rachel Van Blankenship. Second-place winners include the late Jerry Kellar, Jennifer Learn-Andes, Mark Guydish and Lindsey Jones. The paper also won a second-place award for the “What It’s Like To” feature. The weeklies also won some awards. Kudos.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Holy shit! Cops find hands wrapped in Feb. 4 Times-Tribune

Thursday, March 06, 2008
Steve Corbett of WILK in the news again

Alert readers will recall that this is not the first time a Corbett interview with a defendant has ended up being news; Corbett's interview with killer Glenn Wolsieffer in 1989 briefly landed the columnist in jail on conspiracy charges (the phone interview was taped without Wolsieffer's knowledge) before the charges were tossed.
• Read Corbett's WILK blog post on his Sica interview
Former TL editor Dan Valenti to speak March 13
More on the Lynett family changes at Times-Shamrock

• At The Daily Review of Towanda, Shamokin publisher Gregory Zyla takes over for George Lynett Jr. (The Daily Review)
• Lengthy story about Zyla in Shamokin (The News-Item)
• Bio of new T-S co-CEO George Lynett Jr. (The Daily Review)
• Bios of new T-S co-CEO W. Scott Lynett as well as Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice/Hazleton Standard-Speaker co-publishers Gregory Lynett and Daniel Haggerty (Citizens' Voice)
• Bio of new T-S co-CEO Matthew Haggerty (Scranton Times-Tribune)
Money from former Scranton Tribune sports editor's foundation goes to new NEPA medical school

Samuel “Chic” Feldman died ringside at the Garden in 1972, slumped over his typewriter. But the remaining funds from the Scranton Tribune sports editor's memorial foundation were just paid out recently, when Feldman's friends gave the last $30,000 to the new NEPA medical school. A nice story from The Times-Tribune's Daniel Axelrod.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Changing of the guard at Times-Shamrock

• Co-publisher George Lynett, 64, will "cut back on direct management" as brother Edward J. Lynett, 66, did four years ago. Third brother Bill Lynett, 61, remains as co-publisher of The Times-Tribune and CEO of Times Shamrock.
• Robert J. Lynett, 35, George V. Lynett Jr., 36, Matthew E. Haggerty, 37, and W. Scott Lynett, 39, join Bill as co-CEOs of Times-Shamrock. Yes, that's five co-CEOs. We'll see how that works out.
• Daniel P. Haggerty, 32, son of Cecelia Lynett Haggerty, replaces Scott Lynett as Citizens' Voice publisher.
• Gregory E. Lynett, 33, son of Edward J. Lynett Jr., replaces Scott Lynett as Hazleton Standard-Speaker publisher.
The fourth generation is from left, Greg Lynett, Matthew Haggerty, George V. Lynett Jr., W. Scott Lynett, Bobby Lynett and Daniel P. Haggerty. (Photo from the T-S Web site.)
TL: Former Scranton Tribune reporter Robert Curran sucks

“Scranton newspaper writer Robert Curran forsakes the principles of his trade to give readers a one-sided account of what did or didn’t occur over several years in Jack and Janet Smurl’s former home on Chase Street in West Pittston,” said Times Leader staff writer Joseph Marusak in a December article.
Mary Beth Gehrman, a national author who reviewed the book, said the book wouldn’t even make a good fiction read since it was so poorly written.
“Whether or not the Smurls are truly convinced that they were being haunted…is a matter for speculation,” Gehrman said. “But it is hard to conceive of a supposedly sophisticated objective and (as far as I know, at least until now) credible reporter like Curran taking their story seriously given the complete lack of any empirical or physical evidence to support it.”