Former WBRE weather lady was proposed to recently on the air (!) down at WUSA in Washington. Wow. And wow.
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Wow, Kim went fire engine red with her hair!
She was always a professional at WBRE, so congrats on the proposal.
Does the carpet,,,,match...the curtains?
I thought the saying was drapes?
some chin
Say what you will, I saw her in an evening gown once. She did a nice job with it. Woo!
a nice job with what?
Nice lady. Fun to be around. A good person, and good at her job. She's successful in D.C., and obviously happy. Good for her.
I believe she turned the dress into curtains late in the evening.
Big shake-up at WBRE/WYOU today. Lots of shuffling around but no firings. Both sides of the operation will see some big changes on the air.
More details please on the shakeup!
Mehalshick going back to the street and coming off the anchor desk in early June.
Hiller off mornings and going to WYOU only. He'll anchor a new 4 PM show, and he'll continue to do the noon.
Stout goes to WYOU's evening shows with Shiner. WYOU will debut a new 7 PM show.
Grossklaus goes to WBRE's evening shows where she will be joined in a few months by a new hire.
Think that covers it...for now
Martucci's a nice lady, but that blog of hers looks like the silly musings of an eleven year old.
Martucci v. Kathy Boz in Ultimate Fighting . . . who ya got?
Stout is pregnant--and the smart money says she leaves after squeezing every day (and dime) out of her maternity benefits. Think anyone will miss her? Shoving her off to the side now makes sense. Candace can work better with ANYONE than Lyndall did with Andy.
Question: How is Mehalshick taking the news? Or was this something he agreed to? He is stronger on the street, though.
Wonder if the changes are being made because channel 50 gets their asses kicked by NEP and the newspapers every day. Won't matter if Mehalshick returns to being a reporter, he's a "has-been."
In order to be a "has been" you had to HAVE BEEN SOMEONE at one time in your life. Think real hard now. Can you make that claim? I didn't think so. And, no, I'm not Mehalshick, nor a fan of his.
Stout's a stiff. I've still never heard a reasonable explanation why Zobel hired her. He SHOULD have kept Charlotte Deleste. He COULD have kept his promise and promoted Kathy Bozinski. He COULD have kept his promise and promoted Stacey Weaver. (Lots of promises there, Al)
Instead he broke his promises to hire someone with no promise at all. Stout couldn't anchor weekends in most small markets.
With Hiller off mornings, who ends up with Kristi Capel and Eva Mastromatteo in the morning?
With Hiller off mornings, who ends up with Kristi Capel and Eva Mastromatteo in the morning?
9:15 PM, April 04, 2008
BRE has a morning newscast? Who would have known. Come on, that Eva Mastromatteo is aweful, Capel was hired because of her, a'hem, rack, and Hiller? Enough said about him. Bring back Vince Sweeney and those old farts from Rock 107. I miss their dialogue. Yeah, right. Nexstar couldn't produce a decent newscast if they had Ted Koepel at the helm. Their talent just plain sucks. And that Joe Holden, that dude is costing me money. I thought it was a sure thing he would have been canned. Holden is just an aweful, aweful robotic reporter. Can't even produce a package, anchor a newscast, or report without slowing his sentences and carefully pronoucing the words. It makes him sound like a robot.
WYOU needs to go back and generate their own identity again, and WBRE needs a complete overhaul from the top to the bitch who directs the newscast.
Both Hiller and Mehalshick get replaced by new hires, as of yet unknown/unannounced.
Vince Sweeney. Yeah, that's the ticket. Everything will be OK once we bring Vince back!!!
Hey, Vince: you've got your own life jacket, right? You can walk on a deck that's tilted 45 degrees, can't you? Not afraid of swimming in ice water, are you? We've got a half-way ticket on our cruise waiting for you.
Vince is too smart to ever go back on board the Titanic.
If (when?) Lyndall Stout goes on maternity leave, maybe 22 can hire Gabrielle Prutisto as anchor.
At least until she has Frank's love child.
I just proves that WYOU was, is, and always will be the red-headed bastard stepchild.
As soon as WYOU gets an identity, they pull out the rug from under it.
They might as well just cancel the news on WYOU because doing this proves there is no future for that station.
Sorry folks but if you're still technically on the WYOU side of things, I'd start looking elsewhere.
Your future is over.
Martucci was someone that dropped into WYOU's lap, and they were too cheap to pick up on it. Too much class for this area.
Martucci worked for WBRE, not WYOU.
Sounds like both 22 and 28 have identity problems if you can't tell who worked where.
Hey 11:20, I'm the "old fart" from Rock107. You don't have to do it here because obviously you're more comfortable in hiding but send me an e-mail (webster@rock107.com) with your name in it and where you'd like to get together to discuss my "old fartness". Don't worry, I won't reveal your identity.
Later you can tell your friends and co-workers you fell down some steps.
So many of the newscasterettes in NEPA have those tranny features... But I used to see Kim on the elliptical trainer at the Y. A bit Amazonian, but all woman...
As for Webster...definately a candidate for reassignment.
Hey Webster,
Here's some professional advice free of charge, don't play Lynard Skynard as often. And, don't forget to drink your Ensure.
I prefer taking the steps, it's more healthy than taking the elevator.
Woah, kids, kids...lighten up. No need for name calling.
As far as the professional advice goes, I don't think you're qualified to give it if you can't compose a proper sentence but thanks anyway.
Look, no hard feelings. Harsh language from 2:16 there but the fact is if you don't sign your name then your pussy-ness is self-evident.
Please continue arguing about who's on TV in northeast PA. It's fascinating and important.
Proving, once and for all, that there's nothing quite as small-time as small-market radio. Lighten up boyz.
And I'd like to send out In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida to Stash an all da guys up da Eynie.
daniel & webster have been at it for like 20 years. my guess is they make in appearance fees what most of you mopes in tv are pullin' down annually so tell us more again about small time radio?
Are those their names? Never heard of 'em.
How about we start a pool picking the date by which they'll be replaced by a computer? Put me down for a week from Thursday.
I support local radio. That's why I listen to WARM 590 in the morning.
What? You're kidding? When? I'll be darned. I never noticed.
Did anyone?
Catch up to the second half of last century, you pathetic losers. There's something out there called the Internet. People haven't been reading local papers or listening to local radio for years with the abundance of much more fulfilling Web media sources available. Why on Earth would you read the Times Leader's skewed view of the Pennsylvania' primary when you can catch up daily from a littany of reputable, much more in-tune sources from across the state? Just like why on Earth would you listen to Rock 107 play "Hey You" for the six millionth time in a month when you could listen to real rock stations from major cities or the much more mentally stimulating sounds of satellite radio? Face it yocals, your slandering parade of daily back-and-forths on this site has the relevency of those 3 guys on SCranton Today 61 who talk Yankees, Steelers and Giants as if they were Rick Tellender, Mike Lupica and Lynn Swann.
Can I get some advice?
As a local TV "mope" is there any way I can cash in on some of those huge "Sure I'd be Glad to Judge the Pie Eating Contest at Your Local VFW Hall" appearance fees?
No, I don't think local tv mopes get paid for that sort of thing. They get their 28k a year and all that fame and all. "Is it still snowing Ed?" "Yep." "Okay, be careful out there."
And would somebody tell the learned 6:41 that there's only one "t" in litany and it's yokels not yocals? I would, however, be interested in learning more about this "internet" thing.
Thanks for playing.
Kim sent me a note tonight:
Hi Tom,
Thanks so much for dropping me a line and for your well-wishes. I am so glad I could find you -- technology can be so helpful! Give NEPA a big kiss for me; it sure is beautiful up there. All the best,
Kim M.
I've seen Daniels & Webster on TV, but I've never been able to keep the names and faces straight.
Which one is "Lurch" and which one is the "Time to Make the Donuts" guy?
Gee tom aint you the cats whiskers!
I find it hilarious and pathetic, that a come and gone like Martucci garners 44 comments including mine,(yea thats a problem) and a love note to 'Twinkles Tom Carten' yet a consumate pro like Joe Butkewiicz (excuse the misspell) garners less than ten.Which leads to me to feel that lot of these posters in the Biz and out are livin a Furious Fist F***k Fantasy life.
Wazza matter? Kim and I have kept in touch and she wanted to say "hi" to people up here. Maybe when Joe B moves away, he can get 45 hits on the board.
It's like the hand of the occult
Joe who?
7:38 i agree..almost satanic in style and verse.
Kim was a class act, which is MUCH more that can be said for the majority of the people posting here....
And, John Webster has a track record, which the majority of you can't copy.... Disclaimer: Know neither of them, but respect both of them...
any truth to the rumor that there's still a Kim tape floating around WB?
Ahhhhhh yes the Wyoming Valley where living on the past is a living! Snore!
That tape it does exist..it her and Tom Carten explaining the up side of a high fiber count!
It's her and Tom Carten explaining the up side of a high fiber count!
As my Uncle John used to say, "Eat healthy, crap healthy." His advice for a long life, and not bad advice, at that.
Actually, he didn't say "crap."
I think that WBRE news in the morning is the best morning newscast in the area. Eva Mastromatteo and Currin do a great job. Eva Mastromatteo is very professional and is versatile enough to do any type of story. You can tell that she actually prepares and takes pride in her work. I think the show is making great strides.
Martucci and Stout are losers - anyone, ANYONE, who claims to be a friend of Diane Lee is a disgrace. I know for a fact Diane Lee, over a year ago, trampled on a friend of hers (a severely disabled man) by having him arrested for simply having asking her for help with local Albany doctors in finding a diagnosis for his debilitating condition! Diane Lee is a First-Class disgrace and Martucci, who sings her praises is also a disgrace! Anyone who claims to be a friend of Diane Lee should have their heads examined!
Eva Mastromatteo is not the best anchor at tv 28, they have had and can find someone much better---start looking and that ditzy weathergirl should go,too.
Dude - are you the stalker who moved to Albany to be near Diane? Ummmmmm, yeah, I think you forgot your medication...
First of all you pompous ass, the man is NOT a stalker. I am a female friend of the man's critically-ill wife. The man did NOT move to Albany to get close to Diane Lee. Diane Lee claimed she was a friend of the family until the man asked her for her help (i.e. connections she had with local doctors) to figure out what condition the man had. She has been going about the Albany area and, from what I hear, the NEPA telling people the man was a stalker. Do you want to know what the meaning of "creepy" is? Well, you ignorant know-it-all, over a month ago, when the man was driving on I-787 with his daughter, on his way to pick up a friend, he looked in his rear-view mirror and found Diane Lee following him for a few miles. She drives a champagne colored Subaru Outback. She is hard to miss as she drives like a bat out of hell.
She followed him for awhile, then darted out, passed him on the left, and moved into the center lane in front of him. Then she fiddled with her rear-view mirror and her side mirror in an attempt to get his attention. He told me he proceeded to ignore her, moved to the right-hand lane and exited the highway. Now, given the fact Ms. Lee was going to get married on June 6th, and given the fact the man wanted nothing more to do with her after she lied to police about their friendship, their emails back-and-forth for almost a year, and the content of those emails (which was always friendly, caring, and kind,) no one in their right mind would want to have anything to do with her.
The very fact Diane Lee was following the man, blatantly and obviously trying to get his attention in a friendly way, is, to anyone who has been a true friend of the man and his family (and they have many friends) creepy to say the least!
If he were a stalker, he'd have followed her all over the place. Instead, we have her following him for no legitimate reason...
If anyone is a stalker and liar, it is Diane Lee (now Diane Hall).
I've known the family for years. They've been poverty-stricken (on welfare,) the wife has been chronically and critically ill, the daughter fights dyslexia every day and has succeeded in becoming a very good reader - all in spite of Diane Lee's telling the girl she would always be her "Big Sis" in person when she insisted they meet her then-boyfriend Jimmy McKay of 979X radio in Wilkes-Barre...
No, you pompous ass, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Diane Lee's lies are actionable under law and now there are quite a bit of witnesses to those lies.
I know the family. They are good and decent people - whose only mistake was trying to be caring friends with Diane Lee. If Kim Martucci and Lyndall Stout want to believe Diane's lies, so-be-it.
As for you, you need to get your facts straight!
And, BTW, the man has Parkinson's disease, and Myasthenia Gravis - two very debilitating diseases. A lot of the time he has trouble speaking, walking, and doing things you and I take for granted.
The man could not fight his way out of a paper bag, much less do harm to anyone. Yet Diane Lee made him a pariah to a local Albany group that claims to help abused women.
I am an abused woman from NEPA and I can tell you, I've spoken with the mother of woman that was killed and whose name the organization bears - Liza's Legacy.
Martha Warner (Liza's mother) was told in person back in October of 2007 by Diane Lee that she was the victim of a "harassing male." Ms. Warner did not believe Diane Lee then, and does not believe her to this day. She thinks Diane Lee is a first-class phony. I've done my homework you over-critical idiot!
I would never call Diane Lee a liar if it were not so, as I have been a victim of abuse myself. She knows nothing of what it is like to be abused and/or stalked. I pray she never does.
You can believe what you want, but, Diane is the liar, not that man. I pray to God she is held accountable to someone someday. And the very fact she followed him on the road tried in a friendly way to get him to acknowledge her presence on the road, proves she is more than a little creepy.
Diane loves the limelight and talks for the sake of talking. So, if she can get mileage out of saying she was stalked, she will use it to her advantage...
Also, for your knowledge, it was indicated in the press Diane's contract with the Albany station was not renewed...gee, I wonder why? Maybe because she is not well-liked...Is it any wonder. Anyone with half-a-brain can tell she tells tall tails...
sorry for the type-o...that is "tall tales..." I get so irked when I know the man is a GOOD man and only cared about his "friend," only to have her turn on him for no good reason...
Well, to her I can only say "God Bless You..." even though you hurt my friend, I pray for you Ms. Lee.
I pray you find forgiveness for your lies and actions.
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