Saturday, January 05, 2008

You, too, could be on the CV editorial board

The Citizens' Voice is looking for someone to join the newspaper's editorial board as a "community member." Contact Jim Gittens -- and not Mike McGlynn, pictured nearby -- for details.


Anonymous said...

Monday afternoon meetings twice a month? They are either going to get a downtown business manager who can afford to take the time off or a senior citizen.

Anonymous said...

Great. Another fuckin' meeting. TS loves to waste time.

Anonymous said...

look, just because Soprano gets Employee of the Year doesnt mean the Voice is destined to conquer the TL. I mean, there are people at the TL who actually work. Healey, for one. Oh, wait, check that. He's too busy at The Twist. Van Rose....oh, you're right, my bad. how about the master of condescending putdowns, Jean Fuc*in LaCoe? the only one more vicious than her is the design queen. we know who that is. Yeah, you're right. Let the Times Shamrock stormtroopers in the front door. Don't knock Prishant over on your way in

Anonymous said...

Wait. LaCoe? Vicious and condescending putdowns? After my time at the TL, I was convinced she was a pod person. Did she get a firmware upgrade or something?

Anonymous said...

That's McGlynn's fuckin' high school mug.