Thursday, February 21, 2008
Photoshopping images at the570.com for fun and profit

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Yeah...uhh, let's see. I think if you're questioning why the570.com would participate in hijinks you're probably beyond the age group of their target demographic. Stay stodgy Northeast PA media news and gossip.
I guess Mr. Nepa never heard of the Meekender. Unless you're really old or retarded and young you'd realize that the image was not photoshopped. Meekender rules d-bag.
I think it's the evolution of EC/DC online. They remain as separate entities but the folks assembling and running it came from those ranks. It's mostly for amusement with some actual arts/entertainment news sprinkled in, my take. The site design is slick, nicely done. The video stuff is ambitious but more often than not the intro to the videos is the smoothest part of the videos. They do seem pressed for time in terms of production as more often than not it looks like they use whatever they get instead of trying to get something they can use. The lighting, intentionally bad? The sound desperately needs help. I do like that 570 girl although her outtakes are way better than the finished product. Maybe you're trying too hard to "figure it out"? Think of it as kids just out of college doing the kind of computer/video projects they did in college but with a slightly larger budget with no greater ambition than your amusement.
It's not a matter of being hip or young. It is never ethical to photoshop an image. Period.
On the other hand, photoshop is OK if you are the National Enquirer or The Onion.
If the the570.com aspires to be a questionable news source, or a source of parody, then rock on with the photoshopping.
Seems like you're contradicting yourself there 7:24...but whatever. Never ethical but if they're only kidding...???
I'd say the570.com aspires to be whatever affords it the greatest opportunity to produce revenue. TS gave the kids a go-cart and they're charging to give rides.
9:43 PM
You might not know it, but you just answered the question.
God help us.
Let the special kids have their Photoshop fun - no matter how pathetic and unethical it is.
They know they'll never beat the powerhouse that is the Weekender so they have to chomp at whatever "dig" they can get.
The Weekender has always been THE paper to read and it really has been like a completely different paper the last few months and maybe 570 is slick and shiny, but it's stupid. WTF do I care about some fill-in DJ’s thoughts on Hollywood shit?
The Weekender's new web site is awesome – it looks great, their podcasts are relevant to the area and funny.
Kudos Weekender, you've reinvented yourself via the web and via what you’re writing about.
I agree. The Weekender has amped up its game considerably. Compare the Valentine's Day covers: Weekender -- Scranton S&M dominitrax interview about plying her wares. Electric city -- box of chocolates with a bow. Don't even know what the ec story was about since I didn't bother to read it. Truthfully I haven't read electric city in years except maybe to head online and read a column I'm interested in. Otherwise it's Weekender all the time. And WTF is Diamond City? I can't believe there's a publication lamer than Electric City!!
Well we've heard from the folks who work for the Weekender now but face facts kids, the Weekender is good for one thing. EVERYONE who picks it up flips it over, opens the back cover to check out the Model of the Week, often times gets this WTF expression on their face then they usually read the "model's" deepest thoughts like Favorite Restaurant: Chili's, shakes their head or laughs, closes it and it's done.
Not anymore.
I don't much care about either paper. Debating which one is better is sort of like fighting about wether the Pittsburgh Pirates or the Kansas City Royals are the "better" team.
But there is one thing I know. And A previous poster touched on it.
If the goal is to get attention, eyes, readers or whatever ... people DO flip to the back page to check out the Model or Man of the Weak. (Not a typo)
There's NOTHING in EC or DC or the FDIC for that matter that gets that kind of attention in the real world. NOTHING.
Point: Weekender
Oh, and Photoshopping's bad, mmmkay!
It does get attention but...attention that's rarely warranted or rewarded when you open the back page and see Suzy from Shickshinny with too much eye makeup, a shirt two sizes smaller than it ought to be that's meant to show off her imitation WonderBra cleavage (classy in and of itself) but your eyes go right to her gut, and who thinks looking like a truckstop hooker is the same as attractive. Then..."Favorite Movie: The Guardian", "Three Things You Can't Live Without: Lip gloss, a mirror, cigarettes". It's like turning to the comics. EC/DC doesn't have a Model of the Week but at least in their strip club/massage ads the women don't make you wonder "Does she really think this could be the springboard to a modeling career?" At least the strippers aren't deluded. I've never seen anyone engrossed in either paper. I've never seen anyone check out anything but the backpage of the Weekender so...talk about deluded...
Weekender isn't really writing about anything new that it hasn't done for years, but that's OK. It's always - at least for the past 10 years or so - done arts and entertainment pretty well. And the past few editors, going back to Christie, Student and Stoudt, and now Lello, seem to know how to keep things fun. The big difference is the new Website. It looks like they finally got it rocking and it's what it should have been years ago. 570 is playing catchup, but without the resources or the content.
You guys are so cute. Pretending that there's actually a hipster scene in this backwater. I just wanna pinch your cheeks.
Here's a clue: Any twentysomething with a modicum of ambition, talent and curiosity has left here for BostonAtlantaWashingtonChapelHillChicagoetc and the challenges, tastes and experiences one gets from living around by people you didn't grow up with. Photoshop that.
And howz'bout that radio station, um, lady? Is she bad or WHAT? Pat Benetar, phone home!
Written like someone who was never one of the "cool kids." Ha! Get it? See, you're making fun of "the hipster scene", as piss poor as it may be here as compared to bigtime metropolitan standards, and yet you're not even part of this one? See, irony!
Or ARE you one of those gel-ed up haircuts that look like bed head with a belt covered in shiny bedazzler studs and a Roy Lichtenstein tat, constantly prattling on about your "feelings" on your Myspace blog? Sorry, my mistake.
I think you have what they call a complex. You're not going anywhere but goshdarnit you're not so backward that you don't realize being here isn't as good as not being here, am I right? Why don't you pick up a map at the gas station on the way out of town? (See, I said "map at a gas station" because this area's not cool like Chapel Hill with their GPS things.)
There's a paper in Allentown whose models of the week blow the Weekender's away. They are actualy professional models. And they pose half naked.
Why all of the fuss? You guys have never heard of "Meekender?" Lay off the Ensure.
I heard of Weakeneder.
Seriously, would some non-geriatric patient/poster post a link to the Meekender and end this thing? Its just plain silly.
Are the people that run the570 in their 30s? Yeah, not so young. Sorry boys, time to grow up.
Behold, the Meekender:
Gotta love all the arguing over two lame publications covering an even lamer nightlife scene.
Yeah, man, because nightlife is what it's all about!
Debating the merits of the Weekener versus Ec/Dc is indeed a lame endeavor, so of course I must join in.
Good god, is the Weekender awful!It's less readable than a xeroxed high-school paper.
On the other hand...
The 570 website is embarassing in the extreme.
I'd call it a tie.
I think the 570 website is actually visually appealing. It's when you start clicking on the video content that embarrassing comes into play.
i've seen a lot of these portal type sites pop up all over the country and i have to admit that nobody even comes close to the look and feel of the 570 videos. it makes me proud to see the area take such giant strides.
sorry, i mean, yeah everything sucks
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