A strange story keeps getting stranger. Former WYOU reporter Gabrielle Prutisto told Throop police that she found funny footprints outside her house and also found a cracked window and "blames Joseph Pilchesky’s Web site for inciting the suspected trespassing," according to Dave Falchek's Scranton Times-Tribune Sunday. Except that the cops told the paper that the double-paned window was cracked on the inside, not the outside.
Prutisto is engaged to former WYOU anchor Frank Shimkus (who used the fake name Frank Andrews during his journalism career), who is running for re-election to the General Assembly but has been accused by Pilchesky of not really living at the Scranton home cited on election papers as his residence.
Frank, lie? I don't believe it!
And if YOU don't believe it, I've got some swampland in Throop for sale, as well as the Throop-to-Brooklyn bridge.
Joe P. also called reporter Stacy Brown the infamous "N" word.
Pilchesky makes Shimkus, a known liar and philanderer, look good by comparison.
Leave Frank alone. He does a lot for his constituents.
Agreed. The Pilcheskys have a long history of being the schoolyard bullies of our area. Their tactics are dispicable.
You know Pilchesky doesn't this on his own...he's a front man for several well-known elected officials. I mean come on you can't really believe he writes up all that legalese on his own...too bad he doesn't realize he is the one getting used by the very politicans he "protects" us from.
Gab and Shimkus vs. Pilchesky and his trailer-park meth-head bride of Frankenstein. This story's a real Iran-vs.-Iraq heartwarmer.
Former WYOU anchor Frank Shimkus (who used the fake name Frank Andrews during his journalism career).
It's called an "air name," and hardly fake. Jumpin' Jeff Walker, Tommy Summers, Bobby Day, Jon Stewart, St Paul (formerly Saul).
Ok, St "Saul" Paul wasn't on the air, but he was one heck of a writer and never went on strike. Didn't get any royalties, either. Pity.
Could someone explain to me who Pilchesky is ,thanx.
He is the spawn of channel 61.
How does a cop figure out a window was cracked from the inside?? Geesh.
If it was shattered they could easily tell.... but cracked would be much harder.
Friends in that development say the house is no doubt being stalked, just a matter of time before someone gets caught...Pilchesky?
11.44. Recognizing that a modern window was cracked on the inside is not as impossible as you make it sound.
New windows (at least those made in the last 40 years) are DOUBLE paned. That means there are TWO panes, one facing the outside, the other facing the inside, with air in-between.
The pane that was cracked was the one on the inside. Hence, "cracked from the inside." I hope that 'splains it.
If you ever find yourself in a building constructed or updated in the last half century, check it out. You can see a lot by looking.
yeah, but could a cop figure it out?
A Scranton cop? sure, he would just check for the powdered sugar.
Now THAT was funny!
Who's got a double crack?
I went to the doctors for itching & burning in my ball sack.
I was told I have a bad case of
"Pilchesky" and was given a shot of penicillin.
I'm sure he's found out by now 12:40
If there is more broken glass INSIDE the house then outside Batman says that the intruder probably broke it from the outside.
See "DETECTIVE COMICS No. 214; March 1964."
Having worked with both of these former News people, if the truth were to accidentally spew from one of their mouths, it would amaze me. Gabrielle has ridden Franks somewhat sober coat tails since she arrived at 22 about 6 years ago. It looks like she is still riding that coat tail, until Frank begins to blame her for all his problems as he did his Saintly first wife.
Game over Frankie.....YOU LOSE!
Did Mr. Shimkus & his soon to be wife press any charges ? Were there any arrests ? Or are these just your typical cry fowl when there backs are against the wall.
Shimkus is a god
It was probably a DOUBLE PAIN WINDOW...
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