Sunday, January 06, 2008
Open thread: Scranton firefighter, two others killed in a.m. blaze

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My prayers are with the families and Scranton FD.
It's not really a fair comparison.
Pilchesky posted what he heard on a scanner, the rest of the local media had to actually go to the scene and report news.
Turns out that Joe was very short on facts in his "breaking news" story. No names, claims of worse injuries to other firefighters, lots of speculation and name calling.
Is that really coverage?
Is anyone really suggesting or wondering if his Website can replace actual news coverage?
Anyone with a scanner knew what Joe knew when he posted it. I'm not sure that given the standards of reporting any local media could have gone live online with "scanner chatter."
If the scanner is the standard for news coverage, then every hospital, nursing home and college in every city has a major fire every week.
Anyone get a react from Art Franklin?
Anyone hear the bashing Healey was putting on Soprano the other night behind Soprano's back? It was nasty.
I didnt hear anything about that, but somebody said Van Rose had some kind of meltdown in the newsroom the other night. Trashing everyone from Connor to Woelful. Anybody know anything about this?
Van Rose? He has the easiest beat in the newsroom? The S/W-B Yankees and when it's not baseball season, he covers girls high school volleyball. What does he has to complain about?
The S/W-B Yankees beat is not the easiest one when it's done right ... the way he does it, though, it probably is.
Apparently it all started with him crowing about how he gets no recognition around there, him saying he's been busting his butt for over 20 years or something like that. Then all the snide remarks about the Texas cattle rancher running the place into the ground, the design queen who knows shit about being an editor -- all that stuff. I can't really blame him for feeling like he's spinning his wheels in WB. Say what you want about Van, he's very talented. Only guy I know who could sleep through most of a game and still pull a story out of his you-know-what
I overheard that Van Rose meltdown... He was going off about some Christmas opinion piece Connor wrote. It takes alot of balls or alot of stupidity to rip your boss apart in your place of employment, especially with all the stool pigeons that probably ran right to Connor and sold Van out. However, it was hilarious because most people already knew that piece Connor wrote was as Van Rose put so elegantly "An article that I wouldn't even use to wipe with because it would insult my ass." I was shocked and dare I say appauled, but laughed histerically. Keep up the good work momma, I haven't over seen someone throw fellow co-worker under the bus like that since Healey told everyone that would listen that Soprano sleeps on the job and is totally inept.
Considering that Van once got somebody fired for criticizing Connor, that's priceless.
I have not worked at the TL in many years. Nevertheless I still use "Momma. Oh, momma." When I am confused or flummoxed.
Long live Clarence V. Rose.
I haven't been at the TL in years, either, but I'm surprised that many of you are shocked at co-workers throwing others under the bus or extolling the virtues and vices of others in a public way. Maybe that place has become alot more level-headed than when I was there, but it used to be like an episode of Jerry Springer. Especially on the desk. Lots of bitching about one another. Lots of complaining about editors. I remember one guy who threatened to throw another guy out of a window in the newsroom. Crazy bastard.
Wow. I didn't hear the name of the firefighter until just now. Is that the same Jimmy Robeson who used to be a neighborhood correspondent for the old Tribune in Scranton?
I still remember him telling me he was hoping to get a job as a firefighter in Scranton, and how excited he was when the job actually came through. Can't believe this is how it ended for him.
How did this become about Van Rose?
Because so many of you are such sad sad hosers with the attention span of a wet hydrant after the passing pisser dog stops, sniffs and then moves along to the next vacant lost event.
The Van Rose thing is being blown out of proportion. It wasn't a meltdown. It was just a funny comment or two. He is still close to Connor. There is just frustration on the sports staff. And let's see Healey say something about anyone to their face.
The sports staff shore ain't what it used to be back in the days when Van and Rich and Bill Thompson used to be pardners up at the track.
Van Rose and the TL can blow me.
A very well done package today by the TT kids, and nice stories leading up to the funeral. Nothing else came close.
"Frustration" is putting it mildly.
Remember when Van got caught up in the federal illegal sports betting investigation calling in bets from the conference room phone using the handle Nixon?
Bet you don't, you dumb ass know- it-all humps. And you call yourselves reporters?
What's his handle these days? Hillary?
11:34 p.m. 1/9: The "passing pisser dog?" Do you mean THE MAD PISSER?
What does Healey do now, anyway? Still writing obits?
When he's not bashing his co-workers and management on here.
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