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Individual winners include Ron Bartizek, Jennifer Learn-Andes, Don Carey, Renita Fennick, Kris Wernowsky, Tom Venesky (pictured), and Aimee Dilger. Also winners were weekly staffers Jack Smiles (Pittston Dispatch) and Kristie Grier Ceruti (Abington Journal). The TL won honorable mention for running incredibly large and unflattering mugs of its own staffers.
Ease up on 8:24, Soprano. Just because you can't design a Web site or don't have much understanding of Web presentation doesn't mean you should take it out on others. Be kind to your neighbors.
Well the TL may run big ass mug shots, but at least their web site is online. Half the time you go to the Voice or the TT it is down, but you don't see that being commented here.
Soprano is one of the hardest working and most dedicated people at the TL. And his sense of humor alone is a blessing in what can often be a very stressful occupation. If the morons on this board had any idea how many different directions he gets pulled in, they'd shut their mouths and get a life. And if they put in the hours he does, they'd collapse. Period.
First of all, anyone who thinks Soprano is some kind of master at humor needs to reevaluate what they think is funny. And secondly, who cares he puts in all those hours. Doesn't make a difference if he doesn't get the job done. How many times has he started a project and left it unfinished?
Iseman's job has been posted on the Wikipedia TL site for a week or so. God for a bunch of reporters you all seem very lazy when it comes to finding the truth. But it IS nepa media we're talking about here so lazy is part of the deal.
First of all. This is pathetic. Soprano has a million duties that he does and he gets them all done, even if it means he can't take a vacation or have a day off to himself. There is not one other person at the TL w/ as much dedication as he has. He does the website, writes, designs pages and anything else his coworkers make him do. And he can be funny. Sometimes.
This Web site is fine until you start attacking individuals personally especially their physical appearance. And you shouldn't post anything unless you have the facts. People who blast Soprano obviously do not work with him. He is everybody's go-to guy. If you don't like the Web site, tough. That doesn't mean that everybody hates it and it doesn't mean that Soprano isn't working hard.
Clearly you do not work at the TL otherwise you would not be saying this; if you do, in my opinion, you shouldn't.
Those of us who are in the newsroom see how many different directions Joe is pulled in on a daily basis and I doubt any one of you can say that you do half the work he does.
I work side by side with Joe and I see all the different people that come up to him every day and ask him for help, so he puts his work aside and helps them. Would you do the same?
Personally I think we need more people like Joe at the TL, people who are a willing to do their jobs and much more, instead of the complainers and people who think that their title means that is all they do and they shouldn’t be expected to do any more.
The NEPA Media blog is nothing but a stomping ground for co-workers and competitors to pick on each other. It makes me sick. I would love to see more positive discussions here, but by the looks of the comments left by all the anonymous users (which I have been guilty of myself) I don't see that happening any time soon, and that is a real shame.
Lee Ann, I have a positive suggestion. When people from the TL post signed comments on this board, I think they also should post a giant mug shot of themselves.
Its funny how things spiral out of synch...on this site...here let me get us all back on track..congrats to Tom Venesky....im sure it caused Larry Holeva (CV Motivation Expert) to pucker up a little harder then he usually does when he saw Tom had won......pucker...Carry on folks
Venesky won second place for an outdoor column. If you had any working knowledge of the semi-literate crowd that makes up outdoor columnists (and I do) you would not be impressed. As a reporter - that is, someone who must gather and report facts rather than wax poetic about what's out in the woods - he sucks. Did at the CV. Does now. Read his "news" stories sometime and play a little game I call "spot the holes."
Venesky writes many good pieces about farming, the environment. It's not just a hunting and fishing beat. Besides, if he is being paid to write a column for outdoorsmen and he is being read, then he's doing his job.
I don't think the TL management would be mad at people for posting and signing their names. I think they'd be proud. That whole Sayso mentality of throwing digs at everybody and hiding behind anonymity is gone. The masterminds of sayso are no longer in control.
7:16, do you realize how idiotic it is to post an anonymous comment blasting the use of anonymous comments? If TL management would be so proud of posting names, post yours.
People, people. Why are we talking about huge mugshots, huge wives and Tom V.'s outdoor stories when there are bigger things going on in the world. Has anyone checked on the status of the books at the Hoyt Library? WE MUST KNOW ABOUT THOSE BOOKS, PLEASE!
Soprano doesnt take any days off? He takes every day off thats why nothing gets done. And when he does do something its half assed. He is a lazy bum. How he keeps his job is beyond me. I personally want to bring a petition to fire Soprano.
Envious? Are you serious? Why would anyone be envious of a lazy good for nothing bum? The only thing i am envious of is that i cannont slack off as much as Soprano does and get away with it. Envious of Soprano.... wow that was beyond a shadow of a doubt the absolute dumbest thing i have ever read. Well next to Soprano being a good worker which i thought was just an ill-fated stab at sarcastic humor.
Congratulations to all.
What is up with these giant mug shots they keep putting on the Web. Doesn't Soprano know how to size these things?
Great picture--but when did Bruce Vilanch shave his beard?
No he is not to good at web things.
And i guess 8:24 isn't too good with English.
The Voice won 4
Interesting that TL is now competing in Div. III, sted II, and Voice is now Div. IV, sted III
Hazleton paper picked up its usual Zero in Div. IV
Still waiting for the BIG news about Iseman's new job.
Ease up on 8:24, Soprano. Just because you can't design a Web site or don't have much understanding of Web presentation doesn't mean you should take it out on others. Be kind to your neighbors.
Cocksucker is one word, not hyphenated.
Iseman's going to the paper in Springfield Missouri
Why no giant mug shots of Nicole, Bianca, Julie, Candace, Stephanie?
These giant mugs you've been posting are bringin' me down.
1:50, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Thank you for finally saying it! I still don't understand why it was such a big secret.
Springfield? Missouri? Near Branson? A circulation 60,000 Gannett paper? Too funny.
What's the problem with a 60,000 circulation newspaper. That's almost twice as big as the Wilkes-Barre papers.
Well the TL may run big ass mug shots, but at least their web site is online. Half the time you go to the Voice or the TT it is down, but you don't see that being commented here.
I'm a little confused by all this "Div. III" and "Div. IV" talk. If the categories refer to circulation, who won for the "Best Yearbook?"
Soprano is one of the hardest working and most dedicated people at the TL. And his sense of humor alone is a blessing in what can often be a very stressful occupation. If the morons on this board had any idea how many different directions he gets pulled in, they'd shut their mouths and get a life. And if they put in the hours he does, they'd collapse. Period.
Who wants to work his hours. I work 25-30 hours a week. That's enough for me.
Yeah, Soprano has a bunch of jobs he doesn't do well, so get off his back!
11:09- What are you talking about? Fall and bump your head?
First of all, anyone who thinks Soprano is some kind of master at humor needs to reevaluate what they think is funny. And secondly, who cares he puts in all those hours. Doesn't make a difference if he doesn't get the job done. How many times has he started a project and left it unfinished?
8:51's post seems VERY inside - at the very least a former co-worker. Tell us more!
Iseman's job has been posted on the Wikipedia TL site for a week or so. God for a bunch of reporters you all seem very lazy when it comes to finding the truth. But it IS nepa media we're talking about here so lazy is part of the deal.
Maybe most people just don't care enough.
First of all.
This is pathetic.
Soprano has a million duties that he does and he gets them all done, even if it means he can't take a vacation or have a day off to himself. There is not one other person at the TL w/ as much dedication as he has. He does the website, writes, designs pages and anything else his coworkers make him do.
And he can be funny. Sometimes.
Actually, Soprano hasn't written or designed in years.
He hasn't been funny in years either - unless you count funny looking.
This Web site is fine until you start attacking individuals personally especially their physical appearance. And you shouldn't post anything unless you have the facts. People who blast Soprano obviously do not work with him. He is everybody's go-to guy. If you don't like the Web site, tough. That doesn't mean that everybody hates it and it doesn't mean that Soprano isn't working hard.
To 9:24 PM
Clearly you do not work at the TL otherwise you would not be saying this; if you do, in my opinion, you shouldn't.
Those of us who are in the newsroom see how many different directions Joe is pulled in on a daily basis and I doubt any one of you can say that you do half the work he does.
I work side by side with Joe and I see all the different people that come up to him every day and ask him for help, so he puts his work aside and helps them. Would you do the same?
Personally I think we need more people like Joe at the TL, people who are a willing to do their jobs and much more, instead of the complainers and people who think that their title means that is all they do and they shouldn’t be expected to do any more.
The NEPA Media blog is nothing but a stomping ground for co-workers and competitors to pick on each other. It makes me sick. I would love to see more positive discussions here, but by the looks of the comments left by all the anonymous users (which I have been guilty of myself) I don't see that happening any time soon, and that is a real shame.
Lee Ann
Online Producer Times Leader
Lee Ann,
I have a positive suggestion. When people from the TL post signed comments on this board, I think they also should post a giant mug shot of themselves.
Is Soprano still skirt chasing interns and new hires?
Lee Ann:
Well sucked.
Uh-oh, TL management is reading the site. Look out TL workers, its only a matter of time before someone gets canned for posting.
I thought my respect for Lee Ann could sink no lower after I saw the snow storm video the "online producer" created.
Looks like she just "produced" an even bigger pile of crap.
Free clue missy: worry about the CV, not this web site. They're coming to get ya'.
Its funny how things spiral out of synch...on this site...here let me get us all back on track..congrats to Tom Venesky....im sure it caused Larry Holeva (CV Motivation Expert) to pucker up a little harder then he usually does when he saw Tom had won......pucker...Carry on folks
Venesky won second place for an outdoor column. If you had any working knowledge of the semi-literate crowd that makes up outdoor columnists (and I do) you would not be impressed. As a reporter - that is, someone who must gather and report facts rather than wax poetic about what's out in the woods - he sucks. Did at the CV. Does now. Read his "news" stories sometime and play a little game I call "spot the holes."
Oh, so you play a game called "Spot the Holes?"
Venesky writes many good pieces about farming, the environment. It's not just a hunting and fishing beat. Besides, if he is being paid to write a column for outdoorsmen and he is being read, then he's doing his job.
Soprano would make a much better outdoors reporter
I don't think the TL management would be mad at people for posting and signing their names. I think they'd be proud. That whole Sayso mentality of throwing digs at everybody and hiding behind anonymity is gone. The masterminds of sayso are no longer in control.
7:16, do you realize how idiotic it is to post an anonymous comment blasting the use of anonymous comments? If TL management would be so proud of posting names, post yours.
People, people. Why are we talking about huge mugshots, huge wives and Tom V.'s outdoor stories when there are bigger things going on in the world. Has anyone checked on the status of the books at the Hoyt Library? WE MUST KNOW ABOUT THOSE BOOKS, PLEASE!
And can someone find out where Pam Turfa and her rainbow sweater are?????
If you Google "Pam Turfa" the top hit is this site's old Chumster message board.
God is dead.
"God is dead."
Apparently, so is your social life if your Googling Pam Turfa.
Point well taken.
How big of a nitemare would her coming back to the TL be?
Didn't Lee Anne used to work at the Weekender? Is this the same person as the online producer? Why did she come back?
Loads of people came back.
Soprano doesnt take any days off?
He takes every day off thats why nothing gets done. And when he does do something its half assed. He is a lazy bum. How he keeps his job is beyond me. I personally want to bring a petition to fire Soprano.
I'd sign it
Why are you so envious of Soprano?
It's his studious persona
Envious? Are you serious? Why would anyone be envious of a lazy good for nothing bum? The only thing i am envious of is that i cannont slack off as much as Soprano does and get away with it.
Envious of Soprano.... wow that was beyond a shadow of a doubt the absolute dumbest thing i have ever read. Well next to Soprano being a good worker which i thought was just an ill-fated stab at sarcastic humor.
Joe must GO! Joe must GO!
(Everyone chant ...)
(Thank you ladies and gentlemen)
Come on, easy on Soprano. Poor guy burns himself out writing those two, three midday notes a week. He really tests his limits there
Soprano is about as useless as Jerry Keller
Kellar is the best sports columnist in NEPA
Your kidding, right?
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