Friday, April 13, 2007
Stroudsburg DJ fired for repeating nappy-headed hos again (and again, and again...)

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It's OK for them to call themselves the n-word. It's a big boffo when the black comedian calls me whitey and laughs at my lifestyle. Sharpton, Jackson et. al are not bringing us together, they are driving us apart.
Nappy headed hoe - truth hurts huh?
Guess they must have a lot of "nappy-headed 'ho'" listeners.
So is all the rap/hip-hop lyrics de-sensitising or not?
Instead of having debates about civility and tolerance for other races, you listen to endless hours of talk radio and 24-hour cable television stations where people debate who is allowed to say what.
Who cares. Just stop saying racially insensitive things. EVERYONE.
As far at the comedians are concerned, you have to take a look at the context of when a race is made fun of. Is it meant to be derogatory, or is it meant to make a broader point about race or the differences in cultures within our society?
The valley, with its anti-immigration policies and its narrow-minded Eurocentric communities that frown on "outsiders" is probably one of the most pathetic places in this country outside the south.
Nobody cares if you like people of other races, just be tolerant and coexist. That race is still an issue in this country is mind-fucking-boggling.
I don't care two feces about Gary the DJ but the fact is, he wasn't calling ANYONE a nappy-headed ho, he only said the words. Nazi Germany here we come.
Hey 5:59, just to clarify, this area doesn't have "anti-immigration policies" as you say. It has anti-ILLEGAL-immigrant policies. Big, big difference.
"is probably one of the most pathetic places in this country outside the south."
Hey 5:59 I grew up in NEPA and now I live in Florida. Hate to tell you but its the same everywhere. Right down to people like you who hide behind the platitudes and throw the stereotypes around in the hope of making some hackneyed point.
Hazleton has balls! Right or wrong they are making a valid point. Its the LEGALITY.
Whatever happened to My House My Rules?
When or please when is WILK going to fire Kevin Lynn. He's just aweful. Someone needs to place a big bandage on the hole under his nose.
The guy never, never lets anyone finish talking, he makes himself to be an expert from Iraq to Lackawanna County politics, from Luzerne County politics to smoking bans in bars. The man needs to go. My wish is for him to become a myme on Public Square making hat money.
So, does anybody have any column ideas? I'm serious. I've got squat. Ideas? Anybody?
Kevin Lynn is a bitter, angry, whiny, know-it-all, left-wing malcontent. And his partner is too smart and too witty by half. If you listen to, if you depend on that treacle, you're not in the same cabin necessarily but you're definitely on the same boat.
Let's look at this logically.
1) This Gary Smith guy has been on the radio in Stroudsburg for 17 years.
2) He repeats remarks known to be controversial and offensive to many.
Therefore 3) he obviously isn't bright enough to follow the bread crumb trail out of the forest.
And we're supposed to defend his right to be stupid? His inalienable right to alienate people? No, thanks. Not me.
Yes, it's not like he didn't know what he was saying. It's one thing to repeat a phrase for a news story, but not in an attempt to draw in listeners to a contest. This guy got exactly the right punishment.
10:11 p.m.
Wow, you grew up in NEPA and then moved one other place, so that gives you enough experience and knowledge to say "it's the same everywhere." I'm afraid I have to call bullshit on you my friend becuase obviously you aren't that well travelled.
An open letter to Kevin Lynn:
Kevin, there are some people posting her who absolutely hate you.
I recommend reading Miami Herald columnist Carl Hiaasen's take on the Imess thing:
"Hazleton has balls"?
No, but the city does have a lot of trash littering its gutters and potholes.
Legendary Hawaiian crooner Don Ho has passed away.
His last words were, "Stop calling me nappy-headed."
10:11 I said I grew up in NEPA and now live in Florida. Your head is so far up you ass you never figured I may have lived in other places.
No I'm from NEPA so I must be limited?
I'm afraid I have to call bullshit on you my friend because obviously you don't have a clue.
Or a GED.
So much for freedom of the press. Like someone said: The only freedom of the press is for the person who owns the press.
Wow, I mean, really, wow. I bet you wouldn't have the courage to actually attach your name to that post.
Hindsight is 20-20 but I was surprised the I-man caved so quickly. What would have been so bad if he said "Hey, I was making a joke THAT'S what I do. So it wasn't funny. I'm sorry. Move on."
Sharpton, Jackson? I'll go on your show and say the same thing.
What's the worst that could happen? They fire me? At least I stood my comedy ground.
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