Monday, December 31, 2007

Rich Connor of the TL on immigration and on Christmas

Times Leader Editor Richard Connor writes about immigration in his Sunday Times Leader column. Immigration = good. Fear = bad.

  • In Fort Worth, Connor writes about the joys of parenthood

    1. Connor = Clever
      The rest of us = Not worthy

      This guy has an uncanny way of making his columns feel like lectures from a stern dad. Every column is about how all-knowing he is and how naive or judgmental the rest of us drecks are.

    2. His column would have a LOT more credibility if he didn't buy El Mensajero recently and isn't so enamored of it that he has the paper's name on the masthead (boy, that must make the Pittston folks know where they stand on the totem pole, huh?).
      Since he now has a vested economic interest in promoting all things Hispanic, his column was hardly surprising. It might have been nice if he had mentioned that in passing but...
      I fear it's as so many have said here, he's a blot on the name of good journalism....

    3. Yeah Rich Connor is so clever, thats why employees like Soprano are given employee of the year awards. Well i guess when you have no talent and someone else has the same lack of talent, its almost natural to feel they are doing a good job. Unfortunately everyone here at the TL knows Soprano is the most worthless and unqualified employee at paper. Soprano isn't qualified enough to right a book report on the little engine that could. What a joke, Healey would have been a much better option.

    4. More smears on Connor for writing his opinion in an opinion column. The first poster must really be intimidated by Connor to feel like his column is a lecture from a father figure. And I don't recall Connor blasting people for having views that are opposite his own.

      I certainly don't agree with Connor's opinion, but at least I can respect it without cutting him down, accusing him of having some imagined self-imporant, all-knowing writing style. Would you prefer an opinion columnist pussyfoot and try to be careful not to offend anyone?

      In my opinion, both Connor and Poster No. 2 are wrong in connecting immigration reform to race issues. Connor referred to those who "want to hit the road to scare people about matters of race and illegal immigration." He seems to be implying that is what the Hazleton group is doing. On illegal immigration, yes. But race?

      And just because W-B Publishing owns El Mensajero and Connor promotes Hispanic culture, why does poster No. 2 connect that to him being pro-amnesty? Seems like a racist assumption to me.

      And finally, to Poster No. 3: If most people at the T.L. didn't think Soprano deserved Employee of the Year, I really don't think people would have been so quick and nearly unanimous in giving him a long-lasting, enthusiastic standing ovation at the Christmas party. (Notice the enthusiasm was much-less pronounced - almost reluctant from many in the crowd - for Prashant's Executive of the Year announcement.)

      And speaking of the Christmas party, I think Terrie Morgan Besecker and her hubby did a great job with the entertainment. Not only is she an awesome reporter, she's a pretty good DJ. The door prize drawings were pretty cool, especially the big flat-screen grand prize (albeit some were a bit cheezy). The food and alcohol provision was nothing to turn your nose up at either. And the eye candy on the dance floor was an added bonus. Sheena Delazio wasn't afraid to wiggle her fine booty in those tight capri jeans. And Renita Fennick looked pretty hot in that dress with her hair all teased, too. Plenty of other fine women on the floor as well!

      I'm curious ... how was the CV's Christmas party? Anyone?

      Anyway, I think most people at the TL are generally pretty happy with the way things are going (a few malcontents excepted). And I predict we'll be winning a good number of journalism awards later this year, too. I have my qualms and disagreements with a few of the things Connor has done since he took over, but I think things are looking up.

      Happy New Year!

    5. "And speaking of the Christmas party, I think Terrie Morgan Besecker and her hubby did a great job with the entertainment. Not only is she an awesome reporter, she's a pretty good DJ. The door prize drawings were pretty cool, especially the big flat-screen grand prize (albeit some were a bit cheezy). The food and alcohol provision was nothing to turn your nose up at either. And the eye candy on the dance floor was an added bonus. Sheena Delazio wasn't afraid to wiggle her fine booty in those tight capri jeans. And Renita Fennick looked pretty hot in that dress with her hair all teased, too. Plenty of other fine women on the floor as well!"

      Absolutely hilarious.

    6. Connor is a joke.

    7. That first post reminds me of Van Rose's comments from a few days ago. Way to go Momma
