Monday, December 31, 2007

Corbett gets it up the ass

WILK talk-show host Steve Corbett holds forth on his blog about his recent trip to the doctor and about the importance of the regular colonoscopy.


  1. Corbett is now demanding answers from his ass and has left several, unreturned phone messages asking why his ass won't go on the air to debate him over the benefits of a colonoscopy.
    He's not doing it for himself, folks. He's doing it for you.
    YOU deserve answers from Corbett's ass!

  2. I liked Katie Couric's ass much more.

  3. I heard they found his brain while up there, not that it amounted to much.

  4. New Year's resolution No. 1: Stop reading this stupid blog.

  5. His girlfriend has a huge ass. I mean HUGE.

  6. the man shared a story about how a medical test saved his life and you all turn it into this dribble?

    This site and posters remind me of jr. high school kids with bad manners.

  7. Hey, ya know, maybe someone will read his blog or hear his show, get a test and be saved too.

    But in the end (heh) he had a routine medical test. I've had it, maybe you have, everyone and their brother has. He didn't cure cancer. He advocates getting tested. That's nice but not earth-shattering.

  8. Advocating colonoscopies in 2007 (now 2008) is old news. Others, including Couric, did it earlier and better than some NEPA hack who looks like an Al Qaeda cell leader.

  9. Hey, ya know, maybe someone will read his blog or hear his show, get a test and be saved too.

    Beautiful man, just beautiful.

  10. Corbett hasn't cured cancer yet? SAYitain'tSO!

  11. Wait. Corbett's a disgrace, and Sica's not? Nice try, 10:14.

  12. The bottom line is that you're all crawling up Corbett's ass whether you like him or not. He owns your asses and your minds which is many cases is the same.

  13. Perhaps Jerry Kellar is lodged in Corbett's ass....oh wait i am sorry Soprano has the gerbil he named Jerry Kellar that he sticks up his ass to nibble on his prostate while watching pornography from the Adult Playtime Boutique.... infact the only reason he got employee of the year is because he bumped into Rich Connor as they were exiting connected "adult viewing booths"
    There are snots that Ron Felton flicked onto the bathroom stall walls that deserved employee of the year more than soprano.

  14. At his fifth coloscopy the ass doctor found Fiiiiiiiiivvvvvveeeee gerbil skeletons...
    Four moldy hot dogs
    Three used condoms
    Two size D batteries
    And Jerry Kellar in a casket

  15. I love you guys.

  16. You people are unbelievable. I can only imagine what people must think of this area and the local media when they come across this blog. Zero professionalism, Zero talent.

  17. I realized having all that equipment up his heinie probably hurt, but can't Steve smile? I mean, he's not Don Imus. Don was born with a scowl but Steve just looks so woebegone.

  18. 3:09 --

    Read my blog again. I was speaking out AGAINST that particular "church," not agreeing with them.


    This is the second time I've had to tell you to read the complete blog. I was quoting that fake church and their homophobia, then talking about their hateful attitude.

    Better yet, read it twice.

  19. Steve did the doctor find Petrilla up there when they did the colonoscopy?

  20. Anonymous said...
    I think the word you're looking for is drivel, idiot.
    Now crawl back up Corbett's ass.

    1:34 PM, January 01, 2008

    Thank You!

  21. The doctor found Urban and Petrilla up Corbett's ass.

  22. No room for Skrep

  23. Anonymous said...
    At his fifth coloscopy the ass doctor found Fiiiiiiiiivvvvvveeeee gerbil skeletons...
    Four moldy hot dogs
    Three used condoms
    Two Luzerne county commissioners
    And Jerry Kellar in a casket

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