Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Scranton Times-Tribune is looking for an assistant sports editor

Do you have a creative approach to the Web? Then apply to become an assistant sports editor at The Times-Tribune of Scranton!


  1. Get real, if I had a creative approach to the web, I wouldn't be applying here.

  2. I would recommend Ed Christine.

  3. I would recommend Ed Christine.

    "I've got your creative fuckin approach right here, pal...."

  4. Whoever gets it, I feel sorry for him or her. The current sports editor is a joke. She has no idea what she's doing, knows nothing about sports and doesn't give a shit about her reporters.

  5. "Whoever gets it, I feel sorry for him or her. The current sports editor is a joke. She has no idea what she's doing, knows nothing about sports and doesn't give a shit about her reporters."

    I thought you were talking about the TL, 8:25. Replace all the "she's" with "he's" and you've got a really accurate description. By the way, they've been looking for an assistant for over a year.

  6. Would you want to work for Konopki? The guy is a joke. Does he even do anything at the TL other than steal a salary?

  7. He is the Dallas athletic department PR person too.

  8. You're a douche too, anonymous poster who is "not" Ryan Ballard.
