Saturday, March 03, 2007

Tom Bigler is dead

Bigler, who wrote a "column" for the Times Leader for years -- is it so terrible to say, now that he has passed on, that the column was unreadable? -- is dead. Says a colleague: "Local media pioneer signs off?" Stay classy, TL.


  1. Why didn't you mention the Jill Moran story? Is it because the Voice continues its policy of covering up for corrupt county politicians?

  2. I so wonder what it's like for Janoski to be part of the Voice's wonderful coverage? It just makes me laugh.

  3. The extended obit is a lost art in northeastern Pennsylvania -- both the Voice and Leader stories drown the subject in clichés and drivel. The reporters assigned to the story couldn't manage to rise above mediocrity for a fellow journalist.

    Afterall, it is Friday.

  4. Stay classy, TL.

    Sounds like some likes Ron Burgundy.

    Stay original, NEPA Media!

  5. Stay classy, TL.

    Sounds like someone likes Ron Burgundy.

    Stay original, NEPA Media!

  6. But what about the books in the library????????????? Stay classy, Mr. NEPA media.

  7. "The extended obit is a lost art ..."

    and it should stay that way. The media always overwrite the deaths of their colleagues, which just reinforces the image of the media as self-important.

  8. For March 3 at 11:32 p.m.:

    All I saw on the CV story was Ruckno's name and I knew it would be bad. It would have been worse, I am guessing, if she would have been allowed to write alone.

  9. Tom Bigler was a fuckin' scab. I hope he's toasting in hell with that fuck Griffith and others.

  10. You know, it takes quite a bit to bother me, but that last comment (10:32) is just out of line. Obviously, it stems from someone with deeply rooted problems. Have some respect. Can't you just agree to disagree and move on with life? You really need some help. Tom Bigler made people think and question life. He'd be the first person to argue on behalf of letting you speak, but clearly you have nothing with which to back up your childish name calling.

  11. Mr. Bigler was one of the best professors I ever had. 10:32 you can go f&^k yourself.

  12. Yeah, who do you think taught me how to spell "f&^k" correctly?
