Sunday, March 04, 2007

Heidi Roccograndi named TL night editor

More changes at the Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre. Somewhere, Mike Liechty is crying. Kudos.


  1. And the TL staff that stuck it out is cheering.

  2. Is this a relative of the Betty Roccograndi who used to write for the TL back in the 80s?

  3. only through marriage

  4. Actually, she's Fennick's niece.

    Nepotism policy anyone?

    It pays to be an ass kisser at the TL these days.

  5. Yeah, I guess that nepotism policy Connor implemented is out the window.

  6. Relax. Heidi is neither a new hire, nor will she be working for Renita. So, ease up on the nepotism policy. She paid her dues as copy editor and has the potential of doing a good job at night. Why not give her a chance at the job before you criticize her or her placement in the position?

  7. Take a look at last week's Richard Connor Column in Texas.

    He's got NEPA believing he's here and Fort Worth thinking he's their's.

    Not bad, heina?

  8. It pays to be an ass kisser at the TL these days.

    Actually it pays to do your job at the TL (or anywhere else for that matter) these days.

    Instead of bitching about how other people are moving ahead, and what other people are doing, why not focus on yourself and figure out what you are doing wrong.

    I say hats off to Heidi, I'm sure she will do a fine job.

  9. I worked there for a year and I didn't know Heidi was related to Fennick. Hmmm. Well, they both deserve their positions. I'd go back and work for either one of them if I could.

  10. He's got NEPA believing he's here and Fort Worth thinking he's theirs.

    Let's see if the FW Biz News answers my note.

  11. I still can't believe the owner of this site isn't mentioning the big story that Jennifer Learn-Andes broke on Powell and Moran. The CV, as usual, is apologizing for it. No big deal?

  12. Because it's probably someone who doesn't work at the TL. I do and I can tell you things have sure turned around with her in charge. She's tough at times because she expects a lot. The people who complained about her are gone.
