Thursday, March 01, 2007

P.S. Brian Tierney wants his royalty check

The Voice also redesigned the paper, and Page One looks nothing like the Daily News in Philadelphia. Nothing at all.


  1. So NEPA Media, does that mean your living in Greater Philadelphia Area or do you actually read more than just the papers here in NEPA? If so that narrows down who you may be.

  2. Hey, NEPA Media, how about a thread educating your posters on the difference between "your" and "you're?"

    They know the difference in Philadelphia.

  3. 5:50 --

    When I read the first dummy that came off the press a little while ago, I said, "Oh, we are trying to imitate the Philly Daily News?" It's certainly more of an urban look than before.

  4. New look, old content

  5. 7:26 -

    D'oh! Well color me stupid. I can't believe I made such an obvious mistake.

    I guess you'll have that every now and then; but your comment about They know the difference in Philadelphia. has me laughing even more.

  6. "So NEPA Media, does that mean your living in Greater Philadelphia Area or do you actually read more than just the papers here in NEPA? If so that narrows down who you may be."

    He lives in New Hampshire.

  7. Tom:

    Not to be a jerk, but ...
    Dummies don't come off the press -- pages do. Dummies are the blank pages copy editors get with the ads shaded in so they know where to put stories. That's why they are called dummies -- they are blank.

  8. 10:03 --

    Thanks -- my mistake. When I wrote that (at 1:39 am, apparently), I had this nagging feeling that I was using the wrong term. So *it's* not the dummy; *I* am.

    Simple as that!
