Thursday, March 01, 2007

Inshallah: The Voice adds a second section to the daily paper

Every morning, the missus and I brawl over who gets the CV. It's like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. But today fortune smiles on us because the Voice is moving some news to a separate inside section! "We hope the new section will settle the 'Who gets to read The Citizens’ Voice first?' controversy that occurs at thousands of kitchen tables every morning," the Voice reports today. "Now, two people can enjoy The Citizens’ Voice at the same time." Thank the maker.


  1. One day you will wake up and there will be no Citizens Voice.....theres a plan here...dont you see.....deconstruct it...foul it up....disnfranchise the or exile experienced staff(Just ask the H.R. and accounting staff thats either being sacked or moved up to Xanadu (Scranton)....miss storys...glaring editorial errors and incompetance...and now this ripping off of the Philly Daily News....ohh the end is near folks..

  2. Actually, I like the new design. It's better organized, more interesting content and more attractive presentation.

  3. I agree with 5:10.
    Kudos to the CV. It looks good.

  4. It's a shit paper. It's only good to read on the toilette. After reading those shitty comics and one, or sometimes two local sports stories, you throw it on the floor and finish your business. It will always be a shit paper.

  5. Yet you continue to read it...does that make you a shit reader?

  6. There are no original ideas coming from the TS high command.

    They are now into the 4th generation of the inheritance. Silver spoon is SO ingrained that this is a generation unaware of the concept. Noblesse oblige is embraced only if it can create a warm and fuzzy PR opportunity. This is likely the last generation who will make even the effort it takes to hire the low-bid consultants upon whose advice they've relied in the absence of gut instinct, commonsense, market savvy, etc.

    All their properties are subject to the "hire an outside source to supply us with what we can't come up with on our own but let's not spend money to get the best outsider" management plan.

    So they pay bottom dollar for a consultant who has sold them a line of BS about their "success" in other markets and then hope lightning strikes with whatever cockamamie, watered-down, gutted due to expense plan they ultimately enact.

    Then after a trumpet blast the first day or week of some new "innovation" the money to continue the promotion dries up and 18 months down the road when the idea can only be seen as failure, they fire someone in middle management.

    It is collapsing under the weight of each exponentially increasing generation. Critical mass, with high-paying family member posts outweighing the rank and file is inevitable and they'll have to sell it and figure out how to split the take more than two dozen ways in the not-too-distant future.
