Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Philadelphia Magazine mentions Josh McAullife, takes shot at Electric City

The magazine wrote a sendup of Scranton's love of The Office. Good reading all around. "Wanna-be hip weekly Electric City?" Meow! McAullife, of the Times-Tribune, also rates a mention.


  1. Marchese' article reads like he's got an inferiority complex because he's from here. That's not necessarily unreasonable, but when it shows up in one's writing for the sole purpose of making the author feel good about himself, then Marchese? Show us the big L on your forehead.

  2. Way to go you're a week late on this one. the Electric City editor wrote about it in his column last week, and mentions Marchese wasn't even in the places he claimed to be.
    He called Philadelphia Magazine a "wannabe Happenings." Meow!

  3. 16 just got it yesterday.

  4. I think what 16 does is sit on a story like this, let the issue come and go, then run with it like it's fresh. Naturally, because it's 16, people see the story as brand new
