Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Rich Connor: What happened to winter?

This is passed on without further comment.


  1. I wrote to the Fort Worth Business Press over the weekend and, two business days later, have received no reply.

    My note:


    I just read Richard Connor's column in FW Business Press for March 5. Sounds as if he's in Fort Worth, rather than up here in Northeast Pennsylvania editing and publishing the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader.

    The FW column has him: "It seems we’re back to a typical North Texas version of wintertime in which an alleged cold front brings a few chilly nights and daytime temperatures that top out at only 60 or 70."

    But up here, he waxes eloquent on other matters of the moment.

    Thanks for letting me know.

  2. Yo Carten, I guess that means you gave up on printing more libel about Corbett?

  3. Sheet, I can't even leave to record my radio program without someone creeping up in the darkness and leaving graffiti on the wall.


    Hi there Mr/Ms Anonymous...

    Didn't give up what I never did. Sorry. It was an inquiry followed by honest attempts at digging up the sources.

    I thought, "Oh, good; someone has a follow-up on the bi-locating Mr. Connor." Nope; it was just doorbell night in NEPA.

    Hey -- big shows on 44 this week. Call the number on the bottom of your screen. Help public tv do what it does best: irritate the eff out of you with these fund raisers.

  4. no connor column in this past sunday's tl

  5. D'ya think the guy actually commutes back and forth to Ft Worth? I, myself, don't think so if he's *really* editor and publisher up here, but he does have assistants. Is he that much of a hands-on guy that he has to personally run two places?

  6. I pretty much had skipped the Connor-bashing, mostly because it was the same tune over and over and over. But what in hell is this crap? Where does this guy live? The column sure makes it sound like home is still Texas.

    I'm betting he lives in Texas, flying here occasionally. If anyone knows differently, let's hear it. Maybe he's pulling a "Joe McDade," who for years maintained an empty house in Clarks Summit, just so he could claim living in his district.

  7. He lives out in the Back Mountain, with his wife and daughter who attends a Luzerne County school. He owns property in Fort Worth as well as other places in the U.S., including his native New England.

  8. Thanks for the creepily complete answer, Mr. Conn ... I mean, anonymous.
    But the issue really isn't whether you live in NEPA or Texas. The issue is you want both readerships to believe you live primarily in their community, and that's a dishonesty that ethical media people find offensive.

  9. Are you serious? Do you honestly think that Mr. Connor has the time, or the desire, to read this blog?

  10. Bet your bag he reads this, count on it.

  11. You can live two places if you're willing to lead an insane life.

    Friend of mine lives and works Mon-Fri in Houston, then each and every Fri. afternoon he flies home to the Williamsport area, where his wife and kids live. Early Monday, he's back on a flight to Texas via Pittsburgh, and is at his desk by 10-11 their time. I think he's nuts, but he does it because his wife's parents are in serious need of care and she stays here to look after them. Admittedly, he's lucky to have an employer who allows him some wiggle room and he does make a ton of money.
