Tuesday, March 06, 2007

CORRECTED: Four Times-Tribune staffers win AP Sports Editors awards

Scranton Times-Tribune sports staffers Donnie Collins, Joby Fawcett, Mark Coons and Scott Walsh all were recognized for their work. Kudos.

(The post originally stated these were APME awards. They were AP Sports Editors. Apologies.)


  1. You fucking douche, it was the Associated Press Sports Editors, not the APME.
    Do you like your glass house?

  2. Whenever students of mine expresses an interest in journalism, I always direct them to this site.

    They won't learn anything about journalism, but they WILL pick up some new four-letter words.

    Creative writing, indeed.

  3. Congratulations to you no matter what the name of the award is.

  4. I think we all really need to focus on why that story never even mentioned the word "books." Stay classy, Mr. NEPA Media.

  5. The error has been corrected. Apologies.

  6. But Mr. Nepamedia, what about the books?

  7. Confidential to E.L.:

    It is quite clear you are the one who keeps posting the "but what about the books" remarks. Clearly, you are upset nepa media slammed you for that "story." No one else would care enought to keep mentioning, a month later, about the book post.

    Get over it.

  8. sorry 9:27 p.m., not me posting 'bout the books - Ed Lewis

  9. I'll verify that. It is not Ed posting about the books.
