Correction: We first wrote that Smith would be running all TS Web operations. A commenter pointed out the error. Apologies.
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Padden's heading out our doors as well. He's joining the military. My prediction? Death by friendly fire ..in boot camp.
Matt Smith is not overseeing TimesShamrock Web operations.
web ops for weeklies and alts.
7:22, that is funny! I just don't see Padden hacking the military life because when you're in the military they don't really respond well to people who think the sun rises and sets on them first and only with permission.
Regarding Smith, don't one of the principles put forth by Mr. Peter apply here?
What branch of the military is Padden joining?
Has Padden announced this in print? If so, please post the link.
Does Padden meet the minimum height requirement for any branch of the service?
Matt Smith is a toolbag
if by toolbag you mean complete jagoff, then i agree.
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