Monday, May 21, 2007
Times-Shamrock puts out a sharp Office convention site

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Kudos to the web guys. That site presents very well unlike the TL garbage.
I could kinda see following the Grateful Dead on tour or going to a Trekkie convention or dressing as a Hobbitt for a Lord of the Rings confab.
But flying from San Francisco to Scranton for an Office convention?
What a pathetic cry for help.
Is that a troll or supposed irony or are you truly a joyless asspipe?
None of the above, just not a Times Shamrock rumpswab. If you want to proclaim this the most exciting event since the '69 Super Bowl, go ahead. I hope thousands of people come to downtown Scranton to spend billions on beer and pizza and coffee. But if the Times Tribune is involved in this, it will get fuxxed up somehow.
Spoken like someone who's been fired from the Rumpswab Department at Times Shamrock. And if those who work there are truly rumpswabs, you didn't even make that cut? Or are you from Froggy and pissed because the TS-owned Rock 107 had exclusive access to the Office thing this past weekend? Either way sounds like, whether you realize it or not, it sucks to be you.
It would be nice if they put the dates of the convention on the main page, in case someone actually wants to go.
Uh, 9:16, are you talking about the picture of the blonde and the bald guy with the Cooper's crab hats? You do understand that those are actors from the show, right? Actors who were probably paid somewhere in the low five figures for a weekend of their time. You get that, right?
Or maybe just bored, or maybe just doesn't give enough of a shit to respond.
The whole Office convention thing illustrates NEPA's fat, drunk and stupid side, the part that needs to celebrate a show that basically dumps all over Scranton...because when you get down to it, we don't have that much else to celebrate.
A Scranton party never stops... because where would you go then?
You should get out of here quickly then. Move to somewhere that's fit and sober and intelligent. Don't allow NEPA to hold you back. With no way of knowing who you are from this writing it's a safe bet to say you could bring at most two of those attributes with you.
Ever seen the show? Again, a safe bet would be "no". Or possibly you have but you don't get it. How do I know? Because your reaction is a classic "exclusionary" one. You don't feel a part of something that so many people do, you're "left out", so you not only reject the show, the celebration of it and it's viewers out of hand, you feel a need to ridicule those who do. Read the other comments here. Pay special attention to the ones that include the words "joyless asspipe" and "sucks to be you."
Wow, I didn't mean to hurt so many feelings.
I didn't realize that so many Times Shamrock people were emotionally invested in some third- and fourth-tier character actors coming here for another weekend.
I also didn't realize that Rock 107 had "exclusive access" to Fred and Ethel, or whoever those people in the picture are. That's great, guys.
By the way, do you think the fact that Dwight Schrute (see, I have see the show) listens to Rock 107 says anything good about either one of them?
The fact that 107 has latched onto this Office thing like a Lyme Disease-swollen tick is "Please shit on me" NEPA at its best.
Rock on, Dwight. Party on, Times Shamrock.
Froggy, that you?
You think Froggy's pissed now that they were frozen out, wait until the convention when they'll have to pay for access. Woo!
Seriously, and I bet it ain't gonna be cheap. Let's see, "You guys wanna put a tent out on the sidewalk and broadcast from the convention? Five grand. In the lobby? Ten. You want to...what? Broadcast from the ballroom? Talk to cast members? Hahahaha."
Hey they gotta pay for Steve Carell to come to the convention somehow.
Cheer up Frogs, after your boss says "No way we're paying that much" and rationalizes away how it's not important to be a part of any of this "nonsense" then maybe Kenny Chesney will come out with a country style/Key West-ified version of the Office theme with some sexually ambiguous lyrics and you guys can play that and brag about your bumpersticker. Ha!
(Brace yourselves everyone, here comes the "NEPA is fat and T-S is too" and the "So what, we didn't want to be there anyway's" and "No way anyone will pay to be part of that, they'd have to be stupid." Eat your heart out cornpone.)
Please, by all means, enlighten us as to what, exactly, you would propose that would be a better way to bring people from all over the U.S. to Scranton? If you've got some magic idea that will introduce people to the good things that are here, by all means.. please share. Or maybe you're "too cool" for "outsiders"? What would you do to bring business to downtown that would be a better alternative to something like this? It's fun listening to people like you guys complain endlessly about these sorts of things while offering no better ideas. God help us all if you actually had the power to *do* anything. But that's the core of the issue then, isn't it?
Homerun 12:00AM!
I don't work at either Froggy 101 or Rock 107. It pains me to even type the phrases "Froggy 101" and "Rock 107." But I will note that despite 107, having "exclusive" domain over the actors during their Scranton visit, Froggy gets about 15 seconds of national exposure every week with their stickers plastered around the set. Rock 107? Zip. In fact, I would submit that Froggy gets more exposure on the show -- for whatever it's worth -- than any other Scranton business or institution.
And that translates to radio ratings how? I'd argue that some people in this market are sensitized to the logo and of course notice every second it's on. Any other television market, that bumper sticker stands out like a stapler.
Are you incapable of seeing this Office thing as anything other than Froggy vs. Rock 107? (Iran vs. Iraq as far as I'm concerned -- I'm a Mountain listener.
Too bad we didn't have this mindset 30 years ago, we could have had an Edith Bunker Family Reunion in Scranton, with Archie showing up to rant against the "Polacks" and the "Eye-talians."
Get all the Mountain while you can. A year from now it'll be Steve Corbett talking.
Far as this being a Froggy and Rock 107 thing, I think you might be a little bit on the narrowminded if not outright doltish side. Best of luck.
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