Andrea Breemer Frantz teaches journalism and advises the student newspaper at Wilkes University. Kudos.
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And here we have yet another esteemed professor of communications who never worked in the communications business. Ain't life wonderful. Am I the only person on the planet who sees something wrong with this practice?
Andrea actually worked extensively on her family-run community newspaper in Iowa, where she's from.
Congratulations Andrea.
She seems awfully nice.
Andrea is good people. She learned the business at the knee of her father, John Breemer, who reported on and later edited the twice-weekly Grinnell Herald-Register. The Grinnell paper, then and now, is one of Iowa's premier small newspapers. As a professor, she has spent most of her time teaching undergraduates and advising student journalists -- unlike many professors who "earn" tenure by spending their time writing unreadable papers on inane topics and who avoid the classroom at all costs.
Regardless of what you think about journalism education in general or about Wilkes in particular, this is a small victory for real teaching, something that is an afterthought on many campuses. Congratulations. -- Mike McNarney, formerly of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Is this news? Who gives a fuck where she goes or what she does.
hmmmm. married?
3:48 p
Maybe a person who is shaping the minds of future journalists in the area might be of interest.
I love people working the Scranton market looking down their noses at anyone from anywhere. The irony is priceless.
Iowa? Iowa?
Funny. Around here we pronounce it "Ohio."
"And here we have yet another esteemed professor of communications who never worked in the communications business. Ain't life wonderful."
Well, dearest, if you managed to ever sit through any of Andrea's classes, or ANY class for that matter, you would understand that a QUESTION MARK should go after the 'Ain't Life Wonderful' in your quip. You're a worthless, infantile sack of shit.
What do you actually know about journalism, anyway, and why don't you post your credentials, Mr. Anonymous?
If you had any class or success of your own, you wouldn't even waste your valuable time looking a BLOG based in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
In fact, I'd almost guarantee you've never experienced any part of the world, for if you did, you would realize how inferior and petty you actually are.
I'll have you note that I am a student of Andrea's, and while journalism is not my forte, nor do I actually want to pursue a career in it, I find that now as I am attending a more prestigious school than Wilkes, journalism students know about one iota of what most common Wilkes students know. This is not because of their intelligence, because everyone knows a person with a 600 SAT score could get into Wilkes. This is due to the fact that inexperienced professors at much HIGHER quality schools are not teaching journalism to the standard Andrea Frantz requires in her classes.
Andrea Frantz has extensive knowledge of the field, and I doubt that the Cornell student that can barely identify an authoritative source has a more qualified professor than Andrea.
You should be ashamed, you petty, ignorant waste of life. I've learned by keeping close with the poor saps in the NEPA media, that most of you have no idea as to what you're doing. You work in NEPA. Get over yourself, get a real job, and don't bash on Andrea Frantz for being better than you. Clearly, she is.
You should be ashamed, you petty, ignorant waste of life.
Hey, 2:15, do you have any idea what an asshole you made of yourself with that post of yours?
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