The posters at Dohertydeceit.com are not fond of Frank Andrews Shimkus, the WYOU broadcaster who lied about his name for years. "Everyone does it." Right.
A one-stop source for news, links, source documents and gossip about journalism in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and environs. Send tips to nepamedia@gmail.com.
Also, did you know about Julie Banderas, the former Wilkes-Barre anchor who changed her name from Bidwell when she went to Fox 5 in New York (and then became a Fox News person, with a hot, trendy makeover and everything)? She got fired from Fox 5 for some wackiness with a television news cameraman, which is sorta detailed here:
It's old news, but in two weeks, so will the Times Leader.
Mmmm. Julie Banderas. Mmmmm. Someone should post those wackiness pictures.
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