Monday, November 05, 2007

Mark Sowers joins Times Leader Web team

Welcome Mark Sowers to the Times Leader Web team. Sowers had been working in weather and doing Web work at WNEP. No word on his dope remote control helicopter skillz.

  • Check the Sowers blog at WNEP

  • Check Mark's desktop wallpaper site

    1. Isn't this like the 18th person they've hired to run their Web site in the past year and a half

    2. Hard to believe the TL is paying him more than WNEP. Hope he's not worried about job security.

    3. Mark Sowers is very good at what he does. This is a blow for WNEP and a coup for the T-L.

    4. Just how is landing a weather man who won't have a weather forecast a coup?

    5. But...think of the weather opportunities. Weather man, weather.

      Breaking news...a gust kicks up.

      Interactive map...zoom in on the cloud.

      Live sports...the field is muddy.

      God speed Mark.

    6. This is amazing! The TL is on the cusp of ... still doing nothing to improve its print product, which 20,000 senior citizens still read. That's great that they're beefing up the Web site, but are they going to start giving away free laptops with subscriptions so that all of these old people have an ability to see what Mark Sowers can do?

    7. The TL is very smart to boost the online side. Face it, newspapers, like the local seniors, are dying - even in Wilkes-Barre.

    8. Mark is a decent meteorologist, but he really flourished as webmaster at WNEP. This guy not only comes up with ideas on how a website should look, he can make it happen. Most of us don't have a clue about the technical side of the internet.

      Why would he leave one of the most successful tv stations in the country for a newspaper? Maybe it's not the same under the new owners. Quite a few people have left WNEP this year and not been replaced.

    9. Smart move on the TL's part. not sure if it is smart on Sowers part. There is very little stability at the T-L. How many people have run the online side in the past year?

    10. Smart move on the TL's part. not sure if it is smart on Sowers part. There is very little stability at the T-L. How many people have run the online side in the past year?

    11. Can you name who's been in charge on the online side so far since Connor took over?

    12. They oughtta take down that Connor plaque and put an enbronzed Mark Sowers plaque up

    13. Sowers is a nice enough guy, and I guess he has enough web smarts to take the T-L site into the 21st century.

      The rest of the web world got there seven years ago, but Mark can move the T-L forward. He led WNEP's site to 2003/04 standards, didn't he?

    14. What does Sowers have to lose? If the TL thing doesn't work out, there are plenty of opportunities for someone with his web abilities.

      If you think WNEP's website was behind the times, put most of the blame on a mystery company called World Now. The company designed all the station websites when they were owned by New York Times. Anything at WNEP had to fit the template provided.

      Does anyone know why so many people have quit or been fired at WNEP and not replaced? The News Station has to be staggering from the vacancies.

    15. Good move for TL, remains to be seen if good move for Sowers. The TL website needs major help.

      Yes, they need a website. It's basic Staying Alive 101. Since the TL's majority readership base is senior citizens, they need even more help. Need to draw in families and people in their 30s and 40s.

    16. To the one who asks why so many unfilled vacancies at WNEP, here's a thought: they're saving money to put to the bottom line. They'll improve their profit margin. Before you cry foul, consider this: it's better to downsize through attrition than to lay a bunch of folks off. The real culprit is Nexstar. Why would WNEP keep spending millions to beat a dead competitor? Does Nexstar have any audience left at all? You can't blame the WNEP suits for thinking they can save a buck or two. They have no competition!

    17. Since the TL's majority readership base is senior citizens, they need even more help. Need to draw in families and people in their 30s and 40s.

      4:30 PM, November 09, 2007

      should be "are" senior citizens. 4:30 p.m. must have been written by a CV cockroach who thinks he/she knows it all.

    18. I'm not the original writer, but "is" seems correct to me. The verb goes with the subject, base, and base is singular.

    19. Perhaps if it was senior citizen - singular. But senior citizens, in its use, is plural. So I would have to say "are" should have been used.

    20. No wonder the TL consistently has glaring mistakes these days that look as if nobody edits the blasted rag.

    21. how long will Mark last at the tl. i give him 6 months. bad move on his part.

    22. TL readership base is senior citizens - this is correct. you don't say readership base are.... your high school grammar.
