Sunday, November 04, 2007

Ed Christine lands at the AP

News for the doubters and haters: Ed Christine is working as an assistant sports editor for the AP. Watch this video of Ed sharing his take -- or reading from a script -- on today's Colts-Patriots NFL game.


  1. Ed is chock full of lame sports cliches in this clip, most notably his insightful observation that the game will rest on "who controls the ball better." He also brilliantly notes "both teams have defenses."
    Funny thing is, Ed would rip any reporter who turned in copy as lame as this "analysis."
    He's a hack, through and through.

  2. Who's supposed to be the audience for this s**t? Any sports junkie could get far better insight from anyone on the major networks or ESPN, and many of those guys actually have personality.

  3. "Ed wen from baby sitting a bunch of freakin' whiners, slugs and cry babies to chatting sports for AP. He wins, hands down."

    Heh. Nicely said. I guess seeing this sucks for those who want to move on, but cannot because they lack the talent.

  4. Gee, do you think maybe Ed posted these last two comments four minutes apart?

  5. Ed "Clean Copy" Christine makes his return. Don't they make you read the stylebook when you work for AP?

  6. Ed wins hands down?
    Let's count the ways.
    He has gone from being in control (something of premiere importance to Ed) to being an ASSISTANT editor, meaning he now has to answer to someone else and control his temper at the same time. (And if anyone thinks he had to answer to LB and JM, you don't know how the TT newsroom works.)
    He now spends less time with his family and has a longer commute (guarantee his family are the only ones happy about that).
    He no longer has free rein to be a tyrant and now has to behave himself in a professional atmosphere (no more racist comments, Eddie!)
    Adjust for the extra expenses of being on the road and the fact he'll no longer get fat bonuses from his buddies like Larry and Murph, and he's probably drawing a smaller paycheck.
    He now gets to be harshly critiqued by all the people he used to harshly critique, further exposing him as the loudmouth fraud he's always been.
    Yup, he's a winner alright.

  7. "Guess what. At the end of the game his analysis was right on. Ball control, Brady's receivers, coaching. ...Name one guy who called it better."
    He didn't call anything, dumba**. Where in that clip did Ed name a winner? He just spewed locker room metaphors for a couple minutes. To say the team that controls the ball wins is like saying the team that scores the most points wins. Brilliant!

  8. I'm an innocent bystander here; I drop by from time to time to see what's going on.

    One thing is evident. When you guys HATE someone you HATE someone. I got that this Ed Christine is the anti-Christ: but not being an insider, can someone fill me in on what he did that made him so despised? Isn't there anyone to defend him?

  9. From what I've read, a lot of the TS workers who post here don't like it when someone tells them what to do and they hate it when that person gets angry that their orders aren't being followed satisfactorily.

    Read most of the posts here and you'll see go on about the people they hate using words like "angry", "tyrant", and so on. Either TS hires a lot of angry tyrants as bosses or they have a few pretty incompetent wimps who post here anonymously rather than confront their bosses directly. Being an outsider, I can't tell which. Maybe both.

  10. Ed definitely seems more relaxed, not the asshole-on-fire I remember.
    I thought his commentary was mostly on target, but pretty much conventional wisdom, nothing that you couldn't have heard in a sports bar a week ago.
    So he's gone on to a decent job, good visibility, but if you've ever had job contacts with AP, you know they don't pay nearly as much as you'd expect them to.
    And the regional adjustments in their pay scale don't come close to covering the cost of living in a place like NYC.
    Basically, unless you're a kid who can live four-to-an-apartment, you're paying them for the thrill of working in New York.
    Good luck to him, though. I never thought Ed was stupid, just misplaced in the wrong job. Stress brings out the bitch in some people, and that job's all about the stress.

  11. I thought Ed was one of the biggest assholes I ever met, but I never -- NEVER -- heard a racist comment. Maybe I just didn't spend enough time with Ed, for which I should be thankful, but that doesn't sound right to me.

  12. how about sexist or homophobic comments? ever hear any of those from Ed in your limited time with him?

  13. The Times-Tribune newsroom is chock full of self-important, egomaniacal writers who take criticism like a muslim does a pork-pull sandwich. Good for Ed Christine. And ha, ha to all you cry babies who couldn't take him in the newsroom. We lost a colorful character that made our jobs all that more fun...

  14. The problem with Ed wasn't that he was an asshole, although he was. The problem was that he was an indifferent metro editor, at best, didn't read stories, fucked up the few he did read, didn't have ideas, didn't plan, and obsessed about stupid shit like beat lists and story counts and the ever-popular weekly quiz.
    I have no doubt that he knows his sports, and cares about sports, so this is probably a much better fit.
    Like somebody noted above, he probably took a pay cut, too.

  15. The guy was OK in my book. Growled occasionally, but never took it personally when someone growled back. Think he kind of respected it actually.

    Ed is comfortable giving his opinion, so sports should be a good fit for him (again). I wish him well and I'd work for him again.

  16. Ed took everything personally.

    Here's Ed, at the top of his voice, to a reporter who suggested another way of doing a story: "Do you think I'm fucking stupid? I've been doing this for 30 years? Are you telling me I'm fucking stupid?"

    That's how you encourage people to think for themselves.

    I know the sports guys used to say that he was a different guy on that side of the room. All I know is that the metro desk brought out the bitch in him.

  17. That was the funny thing about Ed, tough guy ex-Marine really couldn't handle conflict, disagreement, discussion. Challenge him or even ask him a simple question and he goes directly to hissyfit. What a guy.

  18. *****That would have produced immediate laughter between the two of us and we would have continued on.*****

    That all sounds pretty gay.
    I wasn't the reporter, I was just in the newsroom at the time, but yes, I was freaked.
    Almost as freaked as the times he used to look at pictures of teenage girls in the sports section and make lewd comments.

  19. 1:05, maybe you've got the golden pass at 149 Penn Ave.

    But I can't think of a faster way to end up on the street -- especially for the 50 percent of the newsroom on thin ice at any given time -- than to tell the metro editor in the middle of the newsroom that he was fucking stupid.

    Imagine explaining that one to the brain trust.

    "Well, golly Murph, I guess I thought Ed would like it if I call him stupid in front of the staff. Insubordination? I thought Ed and I were buddies joshing around," I'd say.

    The next thing I know, I'm living under the Lackawanna Avenue bridge and scrounging out in the gutter for Kelly's butts.

  20. Clearly, 1:05 is either Ed himself or one of his buttboys.
    Half of Ed's anger is a joke?
    Oh. Now I get it. Ha-ha-ha.

  21. Memo to Ed: Nobody thinks you're funny. Nobody thinks you're smart. Nobody thought you were a decent metro editor. Your own two friends fired you. You give women the creeps. Don't come around here posting shit like anybody here respected you. Have fun in New York. Goodbye.

  22. ed has left the AP building

  23. Ed is now at the Press & Sun-Bulletin in Binghamton. Creepy, is RIGHT!

  24. Feel sorry for Binghamton...but he'll fit right in with Calvin Stovall and Al Vieira

  25. I worked with Ed at the Trentonian during the mid-1970s and considered him a loyal friend. He had a crude sense of humor I found hilarious. Ed is someone you love or hate, so I understand all the comments made here.

    Don Treat

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