Sunday, November 18, 2007

Frank Andrews Shimkus: "I can't even get a pencil"

Former WYOU news director and current state representative Frank Andrews Shimkus denies to Electric City (!) that he's living in sin with wife-to-be Gabrielle Prutisto or that he got her a job in Harrisburg. Crazy talk, he says. P.S: She'll be wearing a Vera Wang dress, the ceremony will probably be at St. Luke's in downtown Scranton, the reception at the Scranton Cultural Center, and Fast Eddie will be on the guest list.


  1. Why can't you people get over your fixation with FAS's zipper?
    Must be GOP perverts. Listen: go to a bathroom at the new McDade terminal, drop tro in his honor, and get it out of your system Larry Craig-style.

  2. "I can't even get a pencil."

    That's what she (Gabby) said!

  3. Maybe he's worth a million bucks and she's the YOUNG genius.

  4. Frank Andrews Shimkus denies to Electric City (!) why? does anyone with any real cerebral activity actually pay attention to that page?

  5. Obviously they do.

  6. The fixation with Rev. Shimkus stems from a lot of resentement. He conducts himself poorly. He's stepped on, and lied to a lot of people. Yet, he skates by. Many people can't deal with. I couldn't possibly care less.

  7. Their relationship proves what was speculated all these years. Accept it people, Shimkus was hiding it and so was Gabs. It's disgusting on so many levels. I'm not a GOP pervent and I'm not fixated with Frank's zipper. I am a former co-worker of theirs and a taxpayer who can't believe they've fooled some of you. Wipe the wool from your eyes. He doesn't practice what he preaches.

  8. Spare us your judgement 12:21 am. Who gives a rat's ass whether they hid it or not. Frank was separated for five years and only stayed married so his wife could keep his insurance benefits. If you were a former co-worker of theirs then you were probably one of those griping naysayers who hated everything -- and everyone -- at the station. Wipe the wool up your crevice.

  9. haha that was great

  10. Frank's personal life is a disgrace. End of story. If he would have kept his relationship with the Gabster out of the newsroom, things would have been fine. The fact is, that he kept covering for her gross incompetence and covered up their relationship by lying about it to the higher ups at the Deathstar.

  11. Gabrielle's father is a pal of Perry Sook. Follow the dots people.

  12. hey WTF, I cant blame him, I'd rifle one in this silly broad too!

  13. Who needs a pencil when you can have this? really.. is this any different from every other
    "who's doing who" in both media and politics? Plus, I've seen waaaay less talented, bad haired, blotchy-skinned, boob-jobbed bimbos get ahead for giving head. But hey..if it doesn't work out..there is always the Grandview!
    On a different note, how about those that have a snide remark but will still attend the wedding! Gotta luv the fakes!! Integrity is dead!

  14. Wow, a 30 year age difference. And family disapproval.

  15. Ya gotta love the guy. He shtups an employee, and Nexstar looks the other way. He violates his marriage vows, and his church congregation could care less. His wife-to-be gets a job with the state, and it's just a coincidence. Together they buy a $370,000 house, and everyone figures she's paying for it with accident settlement money.

    Who's screwing whom?

  16. Frankie built up all the bogus trust while at 16 and nobody can/wants-to peel it away.

    Unquestionably the single biggest phony I've ever met

  17. the bigger question is - where teh hell is howard beale?

  18. Frank Whatever-His-Last-Name-Is is also the LEAST anonymous member of AA in history.

    But Dorothy and the rest of us seldom bothered to look at the man behind the curtain or we'd have seen that his real wizardry was to get so many to buy his BS for so long.

  19. Has anyone noticed the tour of the capital on ch 61 with Frank?
    He looks wall eyed and he is slurring. Did he have a stroke?

  20. Here's the facts about Frank Andrews Shimkus:

    He's a disgusting piece of trash.

    He lived in North Scranton, in a 900 square foot home, with 5 kids, while he was making 6 figures at WNEP. Now he buys a 370k house when he forced his 5 kids to live in space that small when he had the financial means all those years to give them so much more?

    He never, ever gave his kids a dime. They had to earn everything on their own. Which isn't a bad thing, but when he DRANK away all the money, it is.

    Frank had to work as a PAPERBOY to make money after he was let go by WYOU back in 2000.

    He was NOT separated from his wife in 2001. He did not move out until 2004. She stuck by him during all his drinking, and the minute he got sober, and his life back together, he bolted.

    His kids don't even talk to him now. He is an irresponsible piece of trash that has ruined the lives of a lot of his family members due to his selfish me attitude.

    He wouldn't even buy his kids a functional computer when they were in high school, instead he had to get a used one from one of his son's friends.

    He's a man with zero morals, and no integrity. If he represents the state of PA like he did his family, and his previous jobs, we are all in big trouble.

    Rot in hell, Frank.

  21. Wow-- you have issues go see a therapist.

  22. Of course, I'm the one with issues. Not the alcoholic, lying, family wrecking preacher. How many of Frank's kids are still talking to him?

    It's a shame the elderly people who love this clown don't know how to access the internet.

    As for someone saying Frank is worth a million bucks, no chance. He drank away all his WNEP money.

  23. Wasn't Frank involved in some sort of scandal about vulgar pictures of young boys at swimming meets while he was at WNEP? I thought that was why he left there...

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