Thursday, October 04, 2007

Meow! Scranton Diocese and the Lynetts no longer BFF

Wow! Read this broadside from the diocese against The Times-Tribune, the newspaper's editors -- and the publishers.


  1. The whiny diocese should look at the bright side - at least the story didn't delve into pedophilia.

  2. So much for nitwits' frequent accusations of TS slanting coverage toward the Bish and R.C. church.
    His Excellency has spoken; the urban legend disproved.
    TS detractors, after years of humping this phony "sacred cow" pulled back the sheets and found a red herring.

  3. Woah, 11:15, is that a troll or what? Jeez, and someone advised me to "get the paper?" One of two things at play work for TS and are quite a ways up the food chain where you're obligated to defend or you have no idea what you're talking about.

  4. Give it time. Things wil get back to nromal soon.

    I can picture Papa Lynett
    on the phone vigorously apologizing to His Holiness, "I didn't OK that story. How can we make it up to you? There, there. We're friends again? Right?"

  5. Allehluah. Alllllllehluahhhhha-a. Allehluuuuuuuuuuuah.

  6. Allehluah. Alllllllehluahhhhha-a. Allehluuuuuuuuuuuah.

  7. Funny, 8:39pm and 12:43pm are way off.

    The Bish refuses to talk to anyone from TS. Very doubtful Papa L is getting calls.

    Remember, Martino is a short time. The new guy will be the one that will want a ralationship with the TT.

    Martino is here to drop the hammer and move on.

  8. Martino is just another corporate goon, brought in by big business (the church) to cut the fat (churches, schools, people).

    One important difference between Martino and any other bottom-line-oriented business exec: when His Heavy-Handedness tells you to go to Hell, he honestly expects you to GO TO HELL!

    9:55 PM: it's not about his ability to lead, it's about your willingness to follow.

  9. martino is doing what has to be done. But he has absolutely no soft skills to carry out these tasks. He comes off as authoritarian (in the catholic church, imagine that.)
