Sunday, September 30, 2007

Times-Tribune calls Scranton diocese out for being whiners

Nichole Dobo and the Times-Tribune gave the Diocese of Scranton a hard time Sunday in the wake of an embarrassing (for the diocese) story about a retired parish school janitor who had his health care benefits cut by the diocese. The diocese (unwisely) complained that it didn't have enough time to respond to a reporter's questions despite being aware of the matter since Sept. 10. Waah. And kudos for an interesting story that went after one of Scranton's sacred cows.


  1. Wow! I never thought I'd see a story in the Times ripping the Diocese. See? This is what happens when there's not an Irishman in there calling the shots. Let an Italian run the Diocese and it looks like gloves off. I say good for the Times and good for the readers...until Martino leaves and another Irishman gets in.

  2. Guydish, is that u?

  3. First of all, Martino is 50 percent IRISH, part of the unbroken string since R.C.'s came to Scranton. Secondly, review the TS coverage of the school closures, screwed veteran teachers, closed parishes, priest sex offenders, and the Martino Mea Culpa in the middle of a Confirmation ceremony at St. Iggy's. Please, anonymous, Get the Paper.

  4. So it IS Guydish

  5. Martino's not here because he's 50% Irish...and with a name like Martino the wrong half is Irish so that disqualifies him from TS kid glove treatment. And I DO get the the roof, out of the neighbors yard, out of the bushes, by calling to ask where my paper is today, etc. Defending TS as if there's no preferential treatment for brothers of the ol' Sod is denial, pure and simple. Don't you guys have anything better to do at that place besides respond to anonymous blog comments that mention what the emperor's not wearing?

  6. That's it, Anonymous. Keep making accusations, don't address specifics of TS's coverage of Martino and the RC church. If you say it enough times, you may even come to believe it.

  7. Don't forget the CV coverage of Martino's put off of the Seton Catholic folks in Pittston and that other renegade group in Nanticoke-- sounded sympathetic to the PARENTS to me. The Bish came off like a real pr.

  8. The timing of this couldn't be better.

    Diocese: "Times/publishers/Dobo targeting/attacking us"

    I think the sacred cow claim is officially a red herring. R.I.P.
