Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sixty-four words: The TL's "story" on the Walzer lawsuit settlement

Sad and pathetic. No matter where you work or how much you might not like the Times Leader, it's hard not to sadly shake one's head at how the paper has been completely and totally gutted.


  1. There are still good people there, but they are managed by a bunch of knuckleheads.

  2. and the indian guy is the biggest knucklehead of em all

  3. Connor: "Move along folks, nothing to see here."

  4. 5:53 - interesting observation ... yet I'm curious to know if anyone else has observed the increasing amount of responsibility being handed over to him. Perhaps a changing of the guard?

  5. That story about Scottish soda being sold in NEPA was awesome.

  6. If it is a changing of the guard 8:27, it's doomed.

  7. Is this Indian talk in regards to Prashant?

    If so, that place is in big trouble.

  8. Parashant is the least-liked person in that place and he's accumulating more and more power as the days go by.

    He's in charge of the online department now, as rumor has it. He was already in charge of the press, imaging, production ....

    He was demoted a few years ago and it was the best thing that paper ever did. But, he weedled his way back to the top.

  9. She is one of the most (if not the most) mean spirited, awful people I know. I can't believe she got a dime.

  10. That just goes to show that if you are rich enough to hire a lawyer. A bitch enough to go for the nutsack. And are a member of some "protected" class (ie you aren't a white man) anyone will pay you money to shut you up.

    Bitch didn't get what she deserved, but she made enough waves that paying her would be more cost efficient than a trial.

  11. Any chance we can stop mentioning her name?

    I'd sure like to take this clove of garlic from around my neck and stop carrying the crucifix and the stake all the time as precautions.

    From now on I'll just refer to her as "Frau Bleucher."

  12. Alison's pure evil.

  13. Fear the worst, TL employees. Once they take the people with an editorial mindset out of the newsroom and front office leadership positions it is all downhill from there. Soon you will be writing stories to please the advertisers.

    Oh wait, you are already writing to please the secret backers. Soon there won't be any bad news in Wilkes-Barre.

  14. I could swear I saw her cruising the men's room at the Minneapolis airport.

  15. Headline should have been "Bitch Gets Bucks" or maybe the B should be an F..... at least that's how she got her job in the first place from the former/current publisher.

  16. Prashant obviously doesn't go to work to make friends, he goes to work to run a business and has obviously been quite successful considering the responsibilities he has. Think about that next time you're in the unemployment line.
