Sunday, July 08, 2007

Rory Sweeney of the TL is in the Army now

Not really. But the Times Leader writes about driving a Humvee through Nesbitt Park and another armored vehicle. A fun piece, but a little unseemly in a time of war.


  1. Makes Dukakis look like Gen. Patton.

  2. Took the words out of my mouth. Rory Dukakis. On target, NEPA Media, it is "unseemly" given the current pulse of the electorate.

  3. I cant' believe they let that dweeb in a tank. Pure all out dweeb.

  4. Yea...wouldnt that space be better served by an article on the hundreds of crippled and maimed kids this country now has..imagine being twenty and no legs or no arm or paralyzed..this is the stuff that is going to haunt this country for many years..yea cute story..only its not so cute for the kids that have to do it for real.....

  5. Just a few years ago, the TL was sending reporters and photographers to the war. Has the war been going on that long? Jesus.

  6. To 4:12

    Are you God.

    Oh yeah, because these 20-year-old kids enlist at their own will.

  7. Well well well Mr. Humanity (Above) that was not my point. But give me a little bit and ill have the right response.I have to channel my anger and disgust at the slime driven mentality of a bottom feeding, belly crawler such as yourself.Baby if i had the ability to reach out electronically and knock your maggot infested head off your shoulders i would.I have to wash my hands after im done, because just answering your message makes me feel like my hands have been soaking in Karl Roves defacation.You putz.

  8. 4:12 and 7:05

    Jeez dude: chill. You're really assuming a lot by one comment. Those kids went in wanting to protect us from people who commit atrocities as a matter of routine. Others re-enlist because they know from experience that they are doing the right thing.

    Let's channel some of that anger into helping them get services from the country they fought for.

    That's the real story.

  9. Hey asshole. It's not a tank the dweeb was in. fuck all of you.

  10. Who was a bigger dweeb? Sweeny or Wernowsky?

  11. I'd have to go wtih Wernowsky. Eek, those glasses.

  12. Hey 11;47 your right thats what i meant in my original message (4;12 /09) its just that unbrideled stupidity like 6;33/09 showed, drove me to overrighteous anger.Now is not the time to make light of the times we are in.I will channel postive my friend ,but part of me still wants to forcefeed 6;33 head first into a woodchipper, positively though.

  13. A woodchipper? How about we just pull a Nick Berg?
    Of course, positively, though.

  14. Sweeney is a cutie.

  15. Sweeney and Wernowsky are both good guys. But Sweeney is definitely better looking.

  16. His skydiving article was terrible

  17. I didn't think it was bad. That feature is a good idea. We should do it, too, and send Ho La skydiving. We are not allowed to have fun at our job.

  18. Sweeny is hot.

  19. b7l53p6x52 b2m32c8w71 k6l48f1v36 b3j25u2x77 r3b51n5k79 b3i49q4u55
