Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Connor: Bush was right to commute Libby's sentence

The Times Leader publisher writes -- in his Fort Worth Business Press -- about how Scooter Libby was the victim of a liberal lynch mob. Oh, and there -was- WMD material in Iraq.


  1. Rich, has Rusty Flack turned you into an even more delusional right winger than you were when you came into town?

  2. Nice job Rich.

    Libby got screwed and George fixed it out of principle. Not like Willy who took money and screwed the guy's wives for clemency.

    Of course most of us have forgotten THAT debacle.

  3. People forget what this was about: Someone in the White House outed a spy to the world in a time of war for political reasons. Under Roosevelt or Truman, that person would hanged on the White House lawn.
    How can any sane person of any political stripe defend that?

  4. Okay first of all, I can't believe I still read this.

    And second.


    "There have been so many versions of this story that I’ve lost count of which are the most believable, but I am still inclined to believe that Saddam was indeed developing and stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. As despicable and vicious as he was in his treatment of Iraq’s citizens – he had reportedly used chemical weapons against his own people – it seemed perfectly logical to conclude that he had bigger targets in mind. "

    Well, he didn't, according pretty much everyone, including UN and US inspectors. In fact the US and Great Britain just disolved the team that was supposed to be looking for the WMD be cause they had NOTHING TO DO.

    But was he probably thinking about it right? Good reasoning Rich. That's a great reason to launch a disastrous foreign policy blunder that has put Iran in a great position, killed more than 3,000 americans and is costing $12 billion a month according to congressional analysts. The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, by the way. But Connor probably doesnt know all that much about research judging by the way he writes.

    His column should be called "drinking cool aid with Rich"

  5. A newspaperman saying he has lost count of the most believable WMD stories? This is a sad statement about the serious problem with U.S. media in the 21st century. Journalists have gotten lazy. They don't care about the truth: never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Hey Rich, how about finding out the truth and printing that in your paper. The fact was there were no WMDs. Just because a man thinks about something does not mean we should attack an entire country without provocation. And it sure does not mean 25,000 of our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters need to come home maimed and with litle support from the government that put them in a no-win situation. Shame on you Connor.

  6. I find him refreshing. You guys are the Kool-Aid drinkers.

  7. "refreshing"? That is a strange term for his column. What is so refreshing about it?

  8. How come Connor didn't write that shit in WB? We already know he's a right-wing asshole who sucks Rusty Flack's cock and wishes he sucked Don Sherwood's cock. We already know he's part of the 25 percent of the nation who thinks W is doing a fine job.

  9. Oh, sweet Jesus: the man believes Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

    Hey, Rich: maybe the reason no one ever found them was that they'd been shipped to the al-Qaeda sleeper cell headquartered in Forty Fort.

    Already courting the GOP campaign money for 2008, are we?

  10. Rich Connor should be elected as Delusional Asshole of the Wyoming Valley.... The weekender needs to add that catergory next year when they have the vote for all the favorite things of NEPA..
    Anyone that would agree with anything George Bush says or does is a complete and total moron.
    The only weapon of mass destruction is infact George W. Bush.

  11. It's very refreshing. We're surrounded, inundated, in fact, by news /media to the LEFT all the time! Not to mention the worthless "educators" who spew it...

  12. Indeed. Thank goodness for Rich Connor who gets to commit his lengthy and poorly researched opinions to print only because he's wealthy and connected enough to afford two whole newspapers. Shame on anyone who looks to a columnist to develop their political opinions, and shame on Rich Connor for this drivel. Please leave reading to the liberals, and go listen to talk radio you wanna-be big shot.
