Monday, June 18, 2007

Welcome new columnist Mike Burnside to the TL

We're a little late on this, but the Times Leader has added Wilkes University employee Mike Burnside as a columnist. Early verdict: Makes Casey Jones look like Jimmy Breslin. Behold:

  • In today's paper, something about poetry or opera or something

  • Have you ever noticed how mosquitoes fly?

  • Meanwhile, Chris Kelly leads with a top-40 song quote and writes about how he likes comic books

    1. AAAAH is this guy still alive,kinda corpselike...bring out your dead.

    2. This guy looks more dead than alive. Is this the best the TL could come up with? Bring back Corbett.

    3. Burnside vs. Kelly.
      Let the race to the bottom begin!

    4. Is he related to Scott Burnside, the chair of the TL's community advisory board?

    5. This guy is a fossil. His family was one of the ownes of the old Boston Store.

    6. If he's the guy I met in a west side restaurant, he's a good photographer. His stuff is on the wall there, for sale.

      btw: The photo reminds me of Fred Astaire with more hair.

    7. He writes that mosquitos are "little buggers"?

      Help me out: is that simile or metaphor?

    8. Burnside had a computer show on WVIA a few years back. Did the auction too. He was in the tophat and cane...always seemed a little creepy to me.

    9. BREAKING NEWS!!! The books are back on the shelves at the Hoyt Library. REPEAT: The books are back on the shelves at the Hoyt Library ... even though the TL didn't mention the word books until the sixth paragraph in its story:

    10. Theirs was the sixth graf; it took you until the ninth post. That's three late. Was Mike Burnside involved, or are you just off-topic?

      :) Slow day; figured I'd drop in here and say something.
