Monday, June 18, 2007

Please make it stop

Rain of terror? Flood of memories? I'm dying here.


  1. A tisket, a tasket;
    My cellar's got a casket.

  2. Saints be praised

  3. 10:01 & 3:24---Great use of the language; obviously masters at the art of the put-down. With the gifts you have you should write for, let me see, NOBODY!

  4. The river is more likely to rise with the new CV logo eventually getting stuck under the bridge trapping debris...

  5. BREAKING NEWS!!! The books are back on the shelves at the Hoyt Library. REPEAT: The books are back on the shelves at the Hoyt Library ... even though the TL didn't mention the word "books" until the sixth paragraph in its story:

  6. And your point is ...??

    The story is about the library being open again; the structure, which was partially destroyed, is ready to serve patrons. In preceding articles, that was always the Hoyt's main thrust: be available.

    The second segment was to be obtaining books from the insurance settlement, which will start happening.

    btw: As most of you know, I'm no fan of the TL, but at least give them their due for writing an accurate article.

  7. Ummmm, somebody (Carten), hasn't been following along.

  8. I've been following along. One of the newspapers (the TL, I think) publishes two stories about the Hoyt and there appear two posts how they didn't mention books until the xth graf.

    Neither story was about books. They were both about the structure. The Hoyt's emphasis was on getting the building together, passing inspection and getting part of it open to the public. Then they would see to the insurance on the books and rebuild the collection.

    Gotta have a building before you can think about books. The story accurately reflected that.

    If you think I'm missing something here, then say it in clear sentences.

  9. Wow! You're a weirdo, Carten.
