Thursday, May 24, 2007

Roundup: Linday's the hottest

  • God knows this site has had its share of misspellings, but for the last week the headline on Stacy Brown's Hollywood blog has been: "Linday's The Hottest."

  • A tipster reports that Steve Corbett is done with his morning show on The Mountain 102.3 FM and will be taking over the 3-7 p.m. slot on WILK.

  • Scranton native and former reporter Bob Patterson would like you to take a look at his blog at

  • We're a week late getting to this, but Chris Kelly of The Scranton Times has with his column a lengthy video... depicting him in an underground toilet. Judge for yourself.

  • Times-Shamrock statehouse reporter Michael Race has resigned to take a PR job with the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Meet his replacement, Robert Swift, a Harrisburg vet and former statehouse reporter for The Pocono Record.

    1. Regarding Corbett: The tipster is right. So long Hannity.

    2. So long Hannity? I could take him or leave him. But Corbett?!? Better, dead air. What is Rising thinking?

      Corbett lived in California, terrific. So what? He had Mexican friends. Wow. He knew Michael Jackson, I wouldn't brag about that. He's been on with Sue Henry ruining the second half of her show everyday and if you've listened you know he sounds exactly like anyone from a Minooka pool hall circa 1970 save for the quasi new-age lefty Demo Barbra Streisand crap he espouses...which I could tolerate if it weren't coupled with Corbett's inability to let callers finish their own sentences!

      Corbett on afternoons is good for every other station in the market's afternoon drive show.

    3. Chris Kelly? Jagov humor at its worst.

      Is there no one at the T-T to tell this sad schmuck that he's not funny?

    4. Corbett was a lot more likeable when he used to slurp down beer and buffalo wings at Sennunas's.

    5. How does one slurp buffalo wings? Poor writing; you must live in NEPA.

    6. Nah...Jerry Kellar "slurped" a buffalo wing or two in his time

    7. NEPA Media -- Either you are slipping, or people with the name Richard Connor are a dime a dozen around here... property transfer to Richard Connor and spouse for $1.2 million. Check it out.

    8. Oh God, that means he's not leaving town, doesn't it?

    9. Not leaving TOWN, you say? It's in Lehman Township. Not exactly Wilkes-Barre central. It will be a lovely vacation property for the Connor clan, after he sells the paper.

    10. what's with Kelly and that asshat mustache?

    11. I can't believe you people. No updates on the books at the Hoyt??? It's almost four months!!! Are they all back on the shleves???

    12. Is Jerry Keller still dead?

    13. Wow. Jenene is hot.

    14. Is that Osama??? Maybe Kellar is hiding with Bin Laden eating wings and crying about Penn State.

    15. Anybody notice over the weekend they gave Employee of the Month Awards for March, April and May in the TL. It was funny because if you read between the lines, all the little write ups basically said "We salute these people because they put in extra hours that we don't have to pay or compensate them for." Working on a big story or not, I think you'd have to be an absolute idiot to work anything beyond your 37.5 hrs and not get overtime for it, let alone straight time. But it would seem from the tone of the wording that that's what these people do. Does anybody know the breakdown of both papers' OT policies and if one paper compensates more fairly than the other (CV or TL) when it comes to its employees working beyond a full-time week? I get the feeling lots of people at both papers put in way more than full-time hours and don't get a single extra cent for it, not even straight-time pay. Certainly not OT.

    16. Was there a story in the TL? Can you post the link?

    17. 3:05, it was one of those Let's Pat Ourselves on the Back ads, not a story

    18. Could be worse. Could be one of those Let's Not Tell the Truth Ads that run in the CV.
