Saturday, May 26, 2007

David Burger: New entertainment writer in Bakersfield

David Burger, who left The Times-Tribune in 2005 to work at his hometown Bakersfield Californian, has been named the paper's chief entertainment writer. This means he has to blog. Read and enjoy.


  1. Who cares? This guy is from California, and was here for about 10 minutes.

  2. I just farted and accidentally crapped a little in my pants. Do you think Chris Kelly might write a column about me?

  3. If you come to the office...or meet me outside next to the dumb guy reading the newspaper. I take my smokes with him.

  4. Heh-heh, you guys are funny. Do you wonder if Chris Kelly could kick your ass too? If you do you should sign your name to your comments.

    I don't think Kelly would seriously give two shits what you say about him on this blog or anywhere really, but if that were to change at least he'd know who he's looking for so go ahead. Sign 'em.

  5. You jackasses are out of touch. Chris Kelly doesn't smoke anymore. He's not lazy either. I've seen him get up and walk across the room to get the staff car keys at least 26 times in the past month. signed,

  6. Hey Ed Christine,

    I don't think anybody's got a problem with what you think. Matter of fact my guess is that there isn't anyone who cares what you think.

  7. "Do you wonder if Chris Kelly could kick your ass too?"

    Um, no, I don't. Kelly is a pile of fleshy fat cells, held together with a tasty donut glaze. The only thing he could whoop ass on is a box of Krispy Kremes.

  8. """"" He's not the kind of guy who slithers around places like this.""""""

    Yes, he is.

  9. Be very afraid.
    I once saw Kelly hand out a serious beat-down to Kris Fedexsky over her tit note --- I mean, beat notes.
