Saturday, April 07, 2007

Towtruck Bob calls CV 50 times a day, shows up in newsroom

Voice columnist Mike McGlynn writes of Wilkes-Barre tow-truck operator Bob Kadluboski, who captured a fugitive at gunpoint this week: "This guy not only is a friend to law enforcement officials, he's a gigantic boon to the local media." McGlynn also gets the words "hell" and "bitching" into print. Impressive.


  1. Everyone wants to be a hero!

  2. somebody needs to stop the madness. can't they get him for imitating a cop or something?

  3. Well when you have a dolt like Bob Kalinowski at the c.v. who worships the ground Mr. TowTruck walks and does everything he can to pump..yes i said pump up his ego in the press whatta expect....
