Monday, April 09, 2007

Matt Golas lands on his feet

The TL editor who led the post-Walzer era only to be deposed at the beginning of the Rich Connor regime is the managing editor at, "a new city planning and urban design web site for Philadelphia" that is an ofshoot of the design college at Penn. To get in touch with him, e-mail Kudos.


  1. Good for him.

    Now whatever happened to Fatty McHuge.

    He must be pushing 350 now that he doesn't leave the recliner.

  2. Isn't interesting that everyone who has left has landed on their feet and seems to be doing well.
    The TL lost a lot of talent

  3. how's that job search for iseman going?

  4. Iseman has a job. Just stay tuned assholes. You'll find out.

  5. Good for Matt. He was too nice a guy to be stuck in the trappings of this underhanded business. Glad he's risen above it.

  6. Now the ultimate kick in the pants would be if they made Connor chancellor of Penn and if he fired Golas AGAIN.

  7. Wonder if he'll enjoy his waterfront view much as he enjoyed his loft-style apartment high above the streets of beautiful Wilkes-Barre

  8. Golas sent a brief item in to Romenesko about his new gig:

  9. Still waiting on Iseman's big job announcement

  10. Think west young pup.

  11. West? What did he become a Vegas lounge singer?

  12. Think west? You the "talented" Iseman couldn't find a job locally?

  13. Wait, isn't Grit published in Williamsport? That is west. Isn't it?

    Maybe Iseman is charge of the cleaning the executive washroom.

  14. I just checked, Grit is now published in Kansas. That really is west.

  15. You're under the impression that people want to keep working "locally." Sometimes escape from the dreary hole in the earth isn't the worst thing that can happen to a person.

  16. Isn't interesting that everyone who has left has landed on their feet and seems to be doing well.
    The TL lost a lot of talent

    8:42 PM, April 09, 2007

    This is true of most, except Fatty McHuge who is still unemployed but probably calling it retirement.

  17. TL lost talent but lost a lot of overpaid losers, too.

  18. West? Maybe Iseman's going back to Bloomsburg.
    I would be shocked to see a hack like him land at a larger paper.

  19. we're still waiting. As usual a bunch of hot air from an Iseman groupie. Bring back Turfa.

  20. I've been hearing for months how about how someone as talented as Iseman will have no problem finding a job. How the offers would be pouring in and how he was going to be so much better off.

    Guess it was just a bunch of hot air.

  21. I know Iseman. I know where Iseman's going and I don't even work in this biz. What's the big secret? And why do you haters care? Good luck to him. Those of us who have fled wish him well. He's gonna do great.

  22. Not all of us who fled wish him well

  23. 3:58, I was speaking of myself and my family. Everyone seems so bitter since the sale of the TL. I hope you all find happiness. Conner is running that paper into the ground and it's sad to watch. We had a lot of good friends there and they lost a lot of good people. In hindsight, leaving was better. Too bad, though.

  24. Christ I left 7 years ago and am much better off than I ever was there.

  25. If you left 7 years ago that was under the Walzer Iseman Reign of Terror. Come back. Many of the good people they crapped on came back and are happy.
