Sunday, April 08, 2007

Connor of the TL: I had good Jewish friends growing up in Maine

  • In Fort Worth, Connor writes about natural gas extraction in Tarrant County

    1. Please provide the updated link for Corbett's WILK blog/online column. Sorry for stepping into discussion of Connor.

    2. I don't think Corbett has updated in a few days.

    3. Hey, check this out: A face from the past resurfaces.

    4. corbett writes an online column every day. it's there if you go to the wilk site. please provide the updated link.

    5. To 4:45, if you know there's a daily link to a fresh Corbett column, why don't you just go to it yourself? Are you that half-assed that you need to visit this site to get to another?

    6. WILK switched to a new page and I kept going to the old page. Or they have two pages? Too complicated for me. My bad. Anyway, the link in the rail has been updated.

    7. To 8:06, the request for the link was made on behalf of others, people who might not go to the WILK link. Sometimes it's courteous to help others, don't you think?

    8. wonder if this connor column written to offset walzer suit

    9. get bent connor

    10. Chris I really enjoy your column on Sunday Wonder if you have the stones to write about Judge Barresse and the circus called treatment court. In treatment court he has all power and is all knowing. This kind of power seems to have caused a break from reality and has placed Mikey on an unapproachable ego trip. This man is out of control they allow defendents a whopping 30 seconds with a public defender of his and the DA!s office approval. The probation dept. his minions,are advised to recommend sip or 666 appropriately. It is common for this program to send decent young girls to state prison for violations not involving treatment issues. If a PO like Nicole Lynady has an affair say with officer Steve Kelly no relation I hope your loved one may be punished for it. The hypocrits running this program are out of control. Like the counselor who was trading good recommendations for sexual favors or the lawyer related to the judge who can help for a mere 15000 fee. There is more much much more.
