Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Cop who leaked to Scranton Times-Tribune sent to prison

The state AG's investigator who gave information to the newspaper -- information that got the newspaper into an ongoing defamation suit -- will do two weeks at the Dauphin County Prison. Only The Times-Tribune's Mike Race was at James Kolojejchick's sentencing on Monday in Harrisburg.


  1. Mike Race is DA MAN. Or used to be. I wonder if Murphy and Christine would go all the way to Harrisburg to perp-walk him out of the Statehouse? That would be great.

  2. Jim Kolojejchick testifed repeatedly that he gave John Murphy the information because Kolojejchick thought he was saving Murphy from getting fired -- a decision which has now resulted in Kolojejchick being fired after almost 16 years of unblemished service to the people of the Commonwealth, and, to add injury to insult, 15 days in jail as of yesterday. What has happened to Jim Kolojejchick is a shame and a disgrace, and a travesty of justice.

  3. I agree this is a travesty of justice. Why send the guy to prison? It's not like he leaked information that jeopardized national security. He pretty much just gave an opinion about how two people testified. Yes, it was a violation of the law. But prison seems a bit much here. And it's certain to make law enforcement folks very reluctant to talk to reporters.

  4. And what seems to be forgotten is that it was Kolojejchick who led the investigation into the prison corruption case, and arrested the warden, dep. warden and two guard officers, who then all pleaded guilty to felonies, as I understand it. I think none of them did as much time as Kolojejchick is going to to. The whole thing is disgusting. Kolojejchick got fucked because he embarassed the AG's office.

  5. Jim Kolojejchick learned a hard lesson: Judge the journalist by his integrity and track record, not on the position he holds or the sob stories he tells. Murphy lied to get the source to talk, then gave him up without a fight. He broke the sacred trust.

  6. There are more than enough cowardly, self-righteous, smug, self-satisfied, shitful bastards in this story to go around. And if any of you shits are reading this, you know who you are.

  7. Murph will always survive in this business as long as there are new buses to throw people under.

  8. "Shitful"? The invented word is a dead giveaway. Gotta be Murph.

  9. How convenient that Jim Kolojejchick was made the sacrificial lamb. He did his job, brought down the bad guys and he got screwed! A excellent agent who put plenty of drug dealers behind bars. It just goes to show it's not what you know it's who you know! Boo hoo, so he made an ass out of Murphy and his gang! They deserved it and it should have happened long ago! He was the only one with the integrity and balls to do something about it. Mike Race is a jerk to impose a sentence like that. Must have been a friend of Murphy's gang somehow. It is a shame that Jim had to lose his job and pension over this. You will never meet a better agent than Jim Kolojejchick. I should know, I used to work with him a long time ago.
