Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New TL site to go live Thursday

Jerry Lynott reports that the new site will be awesome, and the old site was bad because of Knight Ridder.


  1. The new site is up and I'm not impressed. My intern did a better job coming up with a look for my company's site in just a week. Old is new again.

  2. This is a "new" website? Christ, it looks just like the old one, which was also a piece of crap. It looks awful and is still hard to use. I am woefully disappointed.

  3. There's actually less news on it than the old site. Genius move! Who would have ever thought that less could really be more. Suddenly the CV has a good web site.

  4. Nice shovelware. I like how the print refers made it to the web.

    On the Web
    Snowstorm Timeline

    To read the study of the state’s response to the storm, check out

  5. That's it? It's much worse than the old site.

  6. Big disappointment. Not so easy to navigate.
    How is it going to boost ad revenue when there is no easy way to get a classified ad in? They could not even bother to list the newsroom contacts either by alphabetical order or title.
    They called way too much attention to such a dismal upgrade.

  7. For the wizard who said there is less news, maybe you should try clicking on the News tab to read it. Sorry it doesn't come with instructions.

  8. It's about ease of navigation for the user. Having more stories on the front page makes it "easier" to read instead of clicking through a bunch of pages to find what you want.

  9. There are only so many ways to put a ribbon on crap. The TL seems to have the second way.

  10. Corky Rebels.

    No matter how "bad" Corky gets he just can't fight the power.

    So come on Corky, how about a little tap dance instead?

    Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da...

  11. I like how the clock on the home page has been wrong for two days.

    Did they actually pay for this redesign or did someone in the back room slap it together? What's with all of the white space?

  12. WTF? Fizzle...crickets chirping...thud.

    Is there one new feature on it other than the fact that it's a new (and poor) redesign?

  13. It saddens me that Jerry Lynott used to be one of their main hounds and now he's writing house pap.

  14. Looks like the readers are unimpressed as well. Copied from the reader comment of the "What do you think" column:

    Comment on Article
    Just checking out the new site. Not really much different from the old site, which I liked - so I guess this one is OK. I do have one complaint. The new high school sports pages you raved about in the "How do you like it" article are pretty lame. I counted 13 stories, but only the first four can be read. The rest tell you that their older than seven days and prompt you to purchase the story for $2.95 if you want to read it. Are you joking? The newspaper it cam in cost .25 cents, why would I pay twelve times that to read one article? Why even bother to promote something that readers can't read for free? I like the colors and the big photo on the hom page. Charlie

    Comment on Article
    I'd give the new design a "C." None of the features other than the sports pages you listed are really new; you've been selling photos and offering a newsletter for a while. Are you actually INCREASING local sporst coverage or just giving each school a page? There's a big difference. Why call it multimedia when it's really just a place where you keep audio slideshows? When I think multimedia I think video, animation, etc. Your news coverage is good though. Keep up the good work. -TN

  15. the site is worse than the KR site. The auto section only refers you to local dealers. Plus I plugged in to look for info on a VW and got info on a lexus. Ooops. was way better. also the local classifieds are not in alphatbetical order. So it seems as if the classified from the paper are just dumped onto the web. You just gave the CV an easy way to measure what you are doing

  16. Ho-damn hum.

    I clicked the "Obituaries" tab looking for word on the demise of newspapers as we know them, and found nothing. Either they're still (barely) alive or the NEW T-L web site hasn't gotten around to posting the death notice yet.

  17. Connor has egg on his face. He has written for months about how horrible the Knight Ridder site was and how they did not understand the Internet. It seems like he does not understand the Internet if he is so impressed with this new site.

  18. The site is empty. The big ad on the top right never loads, no multimedia or interactivity. Lots of words though. That site was not designed by a web designer. Not a good one anyway.

  19. Do ya think the Web site will have any impact on the books at the Hoyt? Last I knew, the books were being put back on the shelves. I hope this new Web site doesn't mean they'll be coming off the shelves now.
