Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The future of Times Leader journalism

Having the business editor's wife take creepy pictures at the bowling alley and then selling them on the newspaper's Web site for $5.25 (for a 4x6!) plus another three bucks for "shipping." Shutterfly, for a 4x6, charges... 19 cents. Yes sir, Mr. Connor, you've got this Internet thing all figured out.


  1. Be sure to check all the photos in the gallery. It's like The Onion, except better. Two words: Fucking priceless.

  2. This isn't a media board. This is simply an "I hate the TL" board. You will pick on anything and everything that the TL does. Get a life.

  3. You no longer work for the Times Leader, but you just can't seem to let things go.

    Try covering news and gossip for the papers where you actually live, since you left Northeastern PA.

    Mark it is time to grow a pair, pack up your pride and move on.

  4. Mike, Last time i checked shutterfly doesn't sell Times Leader photos.

  5. 7:47 AM

    I think you mean, Mike McNarney, but I could be wrong. Rumor has it he is NEPA Media.

  6. What's wrong with selling pixs on a website?? Most papers do.

    You really do have it in for the TL.

  7. Times Leader photos would be one thing. But these just look like candids, bad ones at that.

  8. I agree with 9:50. Many, many Web sites allow people to upload and share their galleries with other readers. Plus, some of these new features seem to make it easier to actually buy copies of photos from the TL photo department; something people could already do by calling the paper. Somebody sure does ride a high-horse.

  9. I worked with Charlotte for a few years when she and Ron owned The Post. She's a skilled photographer. Obviously, there's not much to work with covering the chicken-dinner circuit.

    Again, the point seems to be missed.. Like many media outlets in NEPA, The Leader doesn't understand the importance of the web. It's not just another box to chain to a telephone pole with the hope that someone will walk by and drop in some money.

    Shutterfly -- an established, well-known and consumer-friendly company -- offers two levels of pro service that handle printing and distribution. Their advantage over myCapture -- viewers can do more there than just order a photo; they can manage their personal photos, too. It's a nice site, used by lots of people. Familiarity doesn't breed contempt on the Internet, it breeds use.

    Be brave and make reprints digital, sending the pic by email for a smaller fee and almost-immediate gratification. Yeah, people will reprint them off their own equipment without the paper getting a cut. But at those prices, the paper shouldn’t expect the orders to come rolling in.

    The Leader deserves credit for making those pics available. Names and faces, folks, names and faces.

  10. NEPA Media, love the blog, but what's with the hate?

  11. Dear NEPA Media:
    What happen to Howard Beale, you have a link to his site, but nothing has been updated on there since March 7th?

  12. The TL out photographs the competition daily, compare the two.

  13. I'm sure she's nice, but did you look at that gallery? A fifth-grader could have made those pictures. Selling staff work -- news photos made by trained shooters -- for a premium price is one thing. Sending someone around with a point-and-shoot taking candids is another.

  14. Hey Corkey ...

    How's it going, eh?

  15. Read the paper will you. People love the Click page on Monday.

  16. I do hate the TL.

  17. if there are four words that dont go together its skilled photographer and charlotte bartusek ...all you have to do is look at that spread and see the total lack of creativity....she should take a clue from the work of kristen mullen who shoots a fair amount of those style assignments for the citizens voice and see how creative those assignments can be....and please dont use good old charlotte as a measureing stick for the leader thats an insult to pete,donny ,fred amy,and s.john...
