Sunday, February 04, 2007

Kelly: Barbaro was just a horse

So who is "a certain veteran journalist whose opinion I would respect even if he couldn’t fire me for insubordination," as Chris Kelly put it in the Sunday Scranton paper?


  1. Any way we can euthanize Kelly?

  2. Kelly? Kelly? Not sure I know him. Scranton Times, is it? Sorry, doesn't ring a bell

  3. "So who is "a certain veteran journalist whose opinion I would respect even if he couldn’t fire me for insubordination".....?

    That would be Beaupre, whose animal obsession is the stuff of legend and the subject of much newsroom humor.

  4. Once again, Kelly ruminates at great length on funny/silly/stupid things said around the office.

    Not to mention the fact that he sets up an absurd straw-man argument ("that horse is a saint") just to knock it down.

    That lazy bastard really should get outside the office now and then. If I wanted to know what Kelly's co-workers think, I'd apply for work there.

  5. I read the personal comments here and in other blog entries about Kelly and others and it gives me pause to wonder about the mental and psychological caliber of some of the people who are writing for a newspaper. What's even sadder than what some people write here is the fact that they're oblivious to their sorry state.

    8:24, you're the prizewinner so far. How old are you, twelve?

    Hey, but maybe I jumped the gun. You don't have to work at a paper to leave a comment here so maybe these are comments left by sophomoric malcontents of a different stripe.

    But since the amount of media people who frequent media blogs in NEPA can probably be counted on two hands, I'm guessing the odds of a non-media type even knowing about blogs like this are low.

    So in conclusion, if you work at a newspaper or in some other form of media and you are leaving comments like the one left by Anonymous at 8:24, 7:29, even 9:44 to a lesser degree, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you're a petty, backbiting idiot.

    Of course you won't believe that; you'll dismiss it out of hand. And then you'll attack me...but that's only because you ARE a petty, backbiting idiot.

    You have my permission to knock yourself out.

  6. "Kelly should get outside the office now and then."

    ...well Bosnia, Iraq and the border in Texas notwithstanding.

  7. ...well Bosnia, Iraq and the border in Texas notwithstanding.

    That was a long time ago. I used to think Kelly was a pretty talented guy, but he's spent the last couple years on the long slide to hackdom. It's 2007, and all he does now is write columns for his co-workers.

  8. Going to Bosnia and Iraq and Texas are fine, but Kelly spends week after week chewing on Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and George Bush etc. etc.

    I don't object to the politics -- I happen to agree with him on all that shit.

    But as a reader, I want a local columnist telling me what's going on in Scranton and Carbondale and Clark Summit. I can read lots of syndicated columnists who've actually talked to those people. I don't need Kelly's spin on the state of the world.

    Get off your butt, get out of the office and talk to NEPA people (like Corbett does).

  9. Not much difference between columnizing about your co-workers' witticisms and about the state of your rug. Neither one is news.

  10. 12:45 p.m.:
    Chris Kelly was at the Texas border less than two week ago. You can check out his story and his column on the TT Web site.

    As most journalists who works for the TT can tell you, it's best to get your facts straight before publishing something.

  11. Texas Roadhouse? Texas wieners? Taco Bell?

  12. 8:24, you're the prizewinner so far. How old are you, twelve?

    I'm not "12" I'm 25. And Chris Kelly is a goof ball.

  13. Don't you mean Chris Kelly is a poopyhead? And shouldn't you be in school at 9:22AM?

    Oh wait, you're 25. You did go to school at some point though, right? Did you learn anything while you were there or were you an athlete?

    Well I guess you'd better get back to work. Hey look, somebody has to compile the obits and the community calendar. Those are important too and don't let anyone tell you differently.

  14. "Chris Kelly was at the Texas border less than two week ago. "

    Great, when's he coming to Dunmore???????

  15. Don't you mean Chris Kelly is a poopyhead? And shouldn't you be in school at 9:22AM?

    Oh wait, you're 25. You did go to school at some point though, right? Did you learn anything while you were there or were you an athlete?

    Well I guess you'd better get back to work. Hey look, somebody has to compile the obits and the community calendar. Those are important too and don't let anyone tell you differently.

    11:03 AM

    Yes, I did go to school. Yes, I did learn how NOT to write like that "poopyhead" Kelly. Yes, I was an athlete. No, I'm not a dumb jock. Any other questions, jack ass.

  16. Most columnists "hit the wall" after a while, start recycling ideas, quoting their co-workers instead of getting out of the office, plagiarizing, writing cute columns about their kids, stuff they see on TV, etc. etc.

    Kelly seems a little young to be getting Burned-Out Columnist Syndrome. Not to mention the fact that he only writes once a week. Maybe he needs to have kids.

  17. Local columnists need to write about local issues. Local papers need to focus on local news and not waste newshole and A1 real estate on wire copy. It's the only thing they can offer that is unique and valuable in a world of instant access to global news.

    By the way, obits are one of the best read parts of the paper in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and they generate revenue. Why do you think they take up so much space so far foward?

  18. Say what you will about Corbett, he's never burned out, never stopped talking to people, never stopped working hard, never stopped wearing out shoe leather.

    That's why he's the best NEPA columnist since I've been around.

  19. Chris, you are a dumb ass. Plain and simple. The only reason you have your job is because you must have pictures of your boss with his "mistress" you took a while ago so he's letting you keep your job.

    I don't work in media. Yet I frequent here, Chumster, Beales, et al. Never worked in media. No one in media told me about these sites. You'd be shocked at how many people who don't work in the biz frequent these sites.

    So wait, you work in media, so this makes you the all high and mighty? Attack all you want, you know your articles suck. You try to pan your worthless drivel about horses, the color of your BM's at your daily 3 pm visit to the can and passing out free hugs during black Friday as "news". [laugh]

    Yeah, I don't belong here. Yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about. Sure, I probably dangled a particpile somewhere in my "uninformed rant" but you still suck. Put it this way, Philly, NY, DC, Boston, Cleveland, Baltimore, any big paper market on the eastern can never get there. That must suck. I'll never make CEO at my company. I've learned to live with it. You should too. Get over yourself.

    Anyway, I gotta go, I just knocked myself out...

  20. Kelly visits the can around 10:15, just before the morning meeting. With a copy of the CV.

  21. Hey 10:53, I'm the one who invited you to "knock yourself out" a little further up the string of comments and rest assured, I am not Chris Kelly.

    I can see though by your latest contribution that you have some serious issues with Kelly. Since you don't work in the media I'm guessing you don't know him? So you think he's a dumb ass because of something he wrote then, is that correct?

    So far so good. No one, in or out of the media, goes through life without someone that has a problem with him or her.

    I think though, that your problems go a lot further than just Kelly but I'm not going to armchair psychologize here. Just a helpful hint. Kelly writes a column. You're right, it's not news. It's a column.

    In reference to your latest screed, I wouldn't say you don't belong here but I would say you're right, you don't know what you're talking about.

  22. Hey, 10:53. Kelly's an approachable guy. Call him up and ask him about those alleged pictures. Maybe even offer to meet him at Northern Light for a coffee and level that accusation face to face.

  23. Barbaro: Kelly Was Just A Hack
